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Cross Promotion of AltTabMe


New member
I had a thought this morning, after subliminally promoting AltTabMe over the Twitch broadcast last night :), is it possible to obtain a scaleable version of our community logo and possibly some graphics for use to create an iron-on for a T-Shirt, or maybe even stickers?

Perhaps we can come up with a catchy slogan, or more, to tag with it?

I am going to Mega-Con in March and I'd love to wear it there, where a lot of potential gamers might see it. Also I know we have some people going to Pax-East, and it would be fun to have for meet ups or such.

In addition, I would be happy to volunteer some time to develop PR strategies to help promote our site. I'm sure some targeted press releases would definitely drive traffic and maybe we could get picked up on some bloggers pages for cross promotion?

Just a thought... what do you guys think?
Yup, I've brought up the ideas of hats / shirts a number of times now, specifically for my activities during PAX East. But financially it's not there at the moment (afaik).

The other things I have little to no experience with, so wouldn't comment on.
I like it all. Now getting around to doing it all... Kis would love to hear more in depth thoughts about your ideas. We run cross promotions etc through sites like reddit, guru, twitter, facebook, and youtube etc... but would love to see how we could expand this, specially with someone dedicating more time to it. As for shirts etc. We could do cafe press for the time being even though the quality is not SUPER awesome it is at least better than nothing. And after some research can see they are not as bad as they used to be so that is good and it gets us T-Shirts/hats/mugs/etc right away instead of waiting to raise money for a batch order.
I was thinking Cafe Press too. I actually did some of that with an old guild from another game and this way individuals could purchase what they wanted, when they wanted.

When I was in Second Life (don't hate!) I actually worked with a very professional team within a steam punk community and we did a monthly virtual magazine and webcast that was hugely popular. I was responsible for advertisements and promotion, plus I have done that in RL with several jobs, so I will try to draft up some ideas to bounce around with you guys.

I am excited about MegaCon... and I also thought about approaching some of the gaming/comic book shops in the area to let me post something for alttabme there. Most are more than happy to let you share information.
IF WE DO CAFE PRESS, GET SOMETHING GOING ASAP. I will buy a hat and a shirt for PAX East (March 23rd). I really really really REALLY want a fucking hat at least. I need a new hat. Badly.

Edit : WHY DO I NEED A NEW HAT? ALL MY HATS SMELL LIKE FISH. And for not being here much longer, I need to update my clothing apparel.
I'm all for promotion, and I think it's hilarious that Kismet's idea of "subliminal" advertising is putting the logo right in people's faces.

Honestly, I think some of the best promotion we may be able to do is to be active with good posts on other boards, with alttabme.com referenced in the signature/profile page. Having a strong reddit and official GW2 forum presence will get people interested in the community here.
My 'subliminal advertising' was in reference to the Twitch stream the other night Kel. ;)
/subliminal facepalm

But I agree with Gyoin... we need to get the AltTabMe merch rollin'! Tristan, I know you sit around with your thumb up your bum all day... but can you get the CafePress thing set up? JK!!!!
Or do you want to send me the logos/images and I can try to do that tonight? LMK.

Personally I think it best if you set it up, so the revenue stream goes directly to AltTabMe, no middleman, but didn't mean to create more work for you.
IF WE DO CAFE PRESS, GET SOMETHING GOING ASAP. I will buy a hat and a shirt for PAX East (March 23rd). I really really really REALLY want a fucking hat at least. I need a new hat. Badly.

Edit : WHY DO I NEED A NEW HAT? ALL MY HATS SMELL LIKE FISH. And for not being here much longer, I need to update my clothing apparel.

Whats ur timeline for that? I am working on it already I already setup a store and am working on graphics that don't SUCK :) I can always open it up to you privately to get you a first draft shirt or hat :)
official GW2 forum presence will get people interested in the community here.

This is the one thing I disagree with. The reason being; GW2 is HORRIBLE at getting peoples attention. I have a bunch of spreadsheets(shhhhh I hate excel) that breakdown the #'s from podcasts and posts for GW2 versus say other games and other avenues. It just doesn't have the #'s to sustain. The turnover rate is too high. (that doesn't mean I hate GW2 lol it just means it is a bad promotional tool) That being said though I agree with Kel 100%, we have always taken that approach with our site and our community in terms of activivity in games, presence in forums, presence in games, posts, new content, and news being the #1 driving force. What makes people come to a site? Content. What keeps em here? Our wonderful personalities of course and MORE content. What keeps US here? Each other and being able to play with each other and discuss said CONTENT. :p That is why you guys see changes like the front page and features that enhance your stay and how the site works functionality wise and aesthetically.

What we also could use though is a unified LOGO. That is something I cannot make and have been reaching out to people I know in the industry for a bit now to get something that really helps us represent ourselves as a brand much more.

The future of ALTTABME is super important to all of us and we are making giant strides to keep it going forward!

In case you missed the About Us on the front page:

"We play hard and have FUN harder!"

ALTTABME was founded on the idea of having a place where fun and our everyday lives could intermingle. It is important that the "stigma's" attached to gaming and anonymity are not taken advantage of, but used to make a strong and mature community, where the actions of those here reflect on the entire community and give the individual a voice without defamation.

Community, friends, family, games; this is what co-founders Tristan and Katie envisioned in the early development process of ALTTABME. Two years later, the community has taken on a life of it's own, growing into a family with an ever open door and welcoming words. Like a hostel in the middle of a big trail, you can choose to stay as long as you want or grab some information and be on your way.

Iteration plays a key role in this community, as it does in the industry and games we play. Coming from a strong background in product management and development work in the gaming industry, Katie and Tristan use their experiences to give ALTTABME community cutting edge tech while maintaining the "on the couch with a beer in the comfort of your own home" feel. The contributions from the community also keeps with this philosophy.

ALTTABME was built to stay. Katie and Tristan wanted a place where their left and right brained selves could co-exist no matter what the games they jumped around from, opinions they formed, or side of the bed they woke up on. A place to call home and that is what the ALTTABME community is.

ALTTABME has a wonderful group of admins, reporters, bloggers, and moderators that ensure our mission statement stays true. We are always looking for talented individuals that want to help with the ALTTABME community, so if you want to play a bigger role please feel free to contact us!

Pull up a chair, grab a beer, and enjoy your stay!

Anyway today is watch the superbowl with my dad day. We tivo'd it since I was in Mexico and I know nothing about it thanks to being cut off from the world and News Papers. It has been a tradition forever. So I will have my laptop and will be working on some graphics but we have some great ideas already and will be hopefully putting them on some shirts, stickers, hats etc soon.
I am so excited about AltTabMe and the future development of our community! It feels like we're on the verge of even-greater-greatness! Woo hoo!

Like Gyoin, if you open up the CafePress shop early, I'd love a link to it as well. MegaCon is March 15th and I was thinking of making a t-shirt and/or stickers for that. If it doesn't happen in time for that event, no worries... I can still get something for future cons & events whenever it is ready. Thanks Tristan!
My 'subliminal advertising' was in reference to the Twitch stream the other night Kel. ;)
/subliminal facepalm

My habit of only half reading posts has finally caught up with me /cry

@Trist- You guys are gonna love the game it was a good one. The winning team sure did win. (spoiler-free for your enjoyment)
More or less, the next big thing that we all get interested in (and has a big following) will be our next major boom of promoting the site. We had our biggest boom Pre-Launch of GW2 with the podcasts and charr diving board videos because we rode the hype all the way to launch. Sadly, it wasn't as powerful post-launch, but that's just the game's style. We got a good chunk of new people from our promotion video and DM's legendary guide, but in comparison to pre-launch? Not even close.

But yes, whatever proto-type you have Trist for a hat, I will take one. Just not a white hat. Black works great tho.
Honestly there has to be a decent price for clothes of better quality then cafepress. I am gonna ask around again.
Honestly there has to be a decent price for clothes of better quality then cafepress. I am gonna ask around again.

There is a decent price but you have to buy in bulk. American Apparel has the best quality BUT and this is a HUGE BUT, you have to buy in BULK. Then I have to ship them out to everyone.

So Cafe Press for the time being will be just fine. Plus they have upped their quality and added geeky shirts as well with blacks and softer cottons.

Anyway working on logos for Friday hope that works for you convention peoples.
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