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Cross Promotion of AltTabMe

I think you should find a way to incorporate the AltTabMe store on the front page or some prominent visible location. I know you have a lot going on already on the front page, and that you don't want to seem like you are soliciting or being pushy, but 'out of sight, out of mind'. Just a suggestion.
I think you should find a way to incorporate the AltTabMe store on the front page or some prominent visible location. I know you have a lot going on already on the front page, and that you don't want to seem like you are soliciting or being pushy, but 'out of sight, out of mind'. Just a suggestion.

We have considered putting it on the side bar to the bottom. But right now it really isn't a huge selling point for anything. So until it is a real OMG WE NEED MERCH we are gonna keep it hidden where people who ask will be directed to it.
That's cool, but how will people ask if they don't know about it? :p

Just as you did :)

We will find a place for it. Right now it would just be tacky.[DOUBLEPOST=1365992960,1365992876][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and an FAQ for it :)[DOUBLEPOST=1365993052][/DOUBLEPOST][faq=14][/faq]
Even though the bar at the top keeps getting more crowded, I suggest putting a Merch tag up there. Unobtrusive and easy to find if people want. Maybe next to Achievements and FAQ. That way random people can still find it and they wont feel like we are "selling" to them. Plus the guildies? website people? SITE-IES! can find it.
Even though the bar at the top keeps getting more crowded, I suggest putting a Merch tag up there. Unobtrusive and easy to find if people want. Maybe next to Achievements and FAQ. That way random people can still find it and they wont feel like we are "selling" to them. Plus the guildies? website people? SITE-IES! can find it.

that bar is exactly where I do not want it. It is what you first look at when you get here.
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