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BOOBOT Commands:

~roll or ~roll 50 or ~roll 2d5 or ~roll 3d4+2
to roll a number between 1 and 100,write another number after the command ~roll 50 to limit the roll to 1-X,or write in ‘DnD’ style with or without final addition.
~8ball will i win the lottery?
your question will be answered, only works if you write something after the command like ~8ball will i win the lottery tomorrow? guaranteed fun for everyone!!
~statsdisplays debug statistics so people can follow its progress.
~slash @userslash someone (requested by Anbu) (has 5min server-timeout after use)
~slash @userspank someone (requested by Anbu) (has 10sec user-timeout after use)
~cointhrows a coin, might result in heads or tails ~say I’m a stupid little ghost that will repeat just any nonsense :3 should be obvious what this does...
~choice a; b; c
lets the bot decide between some things, you have to provide at least 2 items, separated with ;can be text, users, or both... (useful to find out who’ll go first in some game)
~rule34 naruto or ~rule34 naruto 20
provides p0rn! can take any number of tags (minimum one) and if the last tag is anumber it will be used as a scrore filter (how many upvotes the image has)[user must be in group named ‘Bot Commander’]

~duel @user1 @user2
simulates a duel between two users (requested by Anbu)[user must be in group named ‘Bot Commander’]
~prune @user 20 or without filter: ~prune 20
removes the last X messages or from the last 20, what user x wrote.that doesn’t mean it removes the 20 last messages of that user, but ‘from the last 20’ remove ‘all that are from user x’[user must be in group named ‘Bot Commander’]
~serverinfo and ~userinfo @user
tells you hidden information about the server or a user[user must be in group named ‘Bot Commander’]
~mute @user, ~unmute @user
Mutes or unmutes a user, it deletes their messages when muted. Obviously the bot needs to have the neccesarry permissions, so thats the first thing you should check when it doesnt work![user must be in group named ‘Bot Commander’]
~mutechannel, ~unmutechannel, ~muteserver, ~unmuteserver
Those commands don’t mute people, they let the bot ignore channels or the whole server. This is useful if you want to get the ranking-benefits BooBot brings to your server, without all its commands, or if you just want to limit your users to use the bot in one channel.[user must be in group named ‘Bot Commander’]
Commands requested or planned already:~bet, ~giveaway, ~vote, ~trivia, ~ask, ~slowmode, ~r9kmode, ~muteuser,~mutechannel, ~prune, ~yiff, ~google, ~yt, ~wiki, command limiting...

Euchale all boobots commands we have had this for awhile.
But who the hell uses ~, I don't even have that on my UK keyboard. Or rather, when I try to type it I get ¬
AutoMod Commands:
List of commands:
(Note: usernames are case sensitive)
!! Now supports username to easier find the user
  • !help
  • !user (username) - gives info about a user
  • !8ball (question) - gives a random response to a question. End with a question mark (?).
  • !roll (number) - rolls a number between 1 and (number)
  • !dice (number 1-5) - rolls x dices
  • !ban (username) - bans user from server
  • !unban (username) - unbans user from server
  • !mute (username) - mutes user. user can also not type
  • !unmute (username) - unmutes user
  • !kick (username) - kicks user
  • !prune (username) - deletes all messages from user
  • !topic (text) - sets channel topic
  • !channelname (text) - sets channel name
  • !filter (word/phrase) - add filter for word/phase so it will be deleted if message contains the word/phrase
  • !unfilter (word/phrase) - removes filter word/phrase
  • !removefilter - removes all filter words for channel
  • !listfilter - lists all filters for channel
You can also talk to the bot by tagging it like example:
@AutoModerator How was your day?
!ban and below are Mod/Admin only commands, with exception of !listfilter.

Euchale can also use this.
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