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Wildstar Discussion: Raid Times.


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
REVISION: Seems to be a consensus forming around 7:30 invite, 8:00PM EST pull time. I will be keeping the discussion open for, well, a long ass time since we can keep talking about it, so I still want to hear opinions.

I wanted to bring to light a discussion that myself and the other officers have been having lately. Recently I had stated that I would prefer two weekday raid events to be scheduled for progression raiding, roughly 3.5-4 hours long starting at 7PM EST.

It was brought to my attention that others may feel that this may be too early for West Coasters and make raiding unavailable to some that we have out west. It is also too late for our Euro counterparts. It is also incredibly early for our Aussie mates on the other side of the world. This is a problem we have been facing since our inception as a community guild. We allow for all time zones and regions, thus usually have to compromise as best we can to accommodate as many people as possible.

What I wanted to do today is bring to discussion about potential raiding times. I personally would prefer my original proposal of 7PM EST, two nights a week (preferably Mon/Thurs or Tues/Thurs). I'm personally not a large fan of weekend raiding due to personal reasons. I tend to use my weekends for social events with friends and family. This is why I originally do not like Friday nights, Saturdays or Sundays. I would even prefer 5PM EST, but that is incredibly selfish for myself and thought 7PM would be a better compromise (as after 4 hours is 11PM and raiding tends to lose focus beyond that time).

With that said, I wanted to hear from the community. I have stated my original proposal, but I can adjust accordingly. THE FINAL DECISION WILL BE LEFT TO THE OFFICERS, but I want to hear from anyone before we do make solid plans moving forward. For our recruitment purposes, I want to make sure we have a solid plan moving forward. As we recruit more people, it will be even harder to make everyone's schedules work. Please discuss within this forum times what you feel would be best for everyone as a whole. And be civil about it :)

Edit: Quick note. GW2 members, our weekly Wednesday events were also at 7PM EST :)

- Gyoin
I know I am not a member, so my input maybe null at this time. With that said, I am east coast myself and 7 PM or 8 PM sounds like the sweet spots for starting times. This maybe selfish but I wouldn't want to raid past midnight on weekdays. Even midnight is pushing it now that I am an old fart. I am open to anytime on the weekends but I understand Gyoin's stance on that as well.
I am EST as are my friends who will be applying and hopefully joining. 7 PM is a perfect start time for me, but I can be flexible a bit in either direction. I wouldn't want to start later than 8pm if possible, but I'd make it work.
My vote is 8pm EST or weekends :)
But he knows my vote haha

Also for those giving their opinions on this remember he is organizing for the ones who plan to be HC raiders. If you are more of a casual player do not worry about these times.
It works for me, but that's because I'm east coast as well. Judging from the conversations I've had with people we should have somewhere around at least half if not a little less of east coast raiders. I see the 7pm being a problem for others, especially people on the east coast with 9-5 jobs.

Here are a few ideas. Raid starts at 9pm EST and go till 11pm and spread the raid nights to maybe something like 3 nights instead of 2? Maybe throw a sunday raid in there to accomodate?
Or we could do a 8pm-10 or maybe 8-11? The sunday raid we could hold during the day possibly.

It seems like it'll be a challenge to agree on a schedule but hopefully more people can post in here. Maybe we could start a thread where everyone posts their availability? Then gather that info and see if we can't map something out.
Eastern. By the time i get home and eat its like 6-7pm. then spend some time with my wife so. I am good for 8 p.m. or after. Or weekends.
Anything before 8PM EST on weekdays counts me out, right away. That is the absolute earliest I can make it home and be logged into a game after work. But cutting it that close means on those nights I won't have time to eat before the raid. =/ 9PM EST would be ideal for me. Unless it's on weekends. But my Saturday evenings are about to be committed to something else, soon.
I work a general 9-5 job. 7PM is amazing for me :p And I wanted to do only 2 nights a week due to the availability. If we start stretching to 3/4 days, that's committing a lot of time to just that portion of the game (in the sense that you'll need to reserve those times and not be available for anything else). Anyone with experience raiding, even if you plan to start at a certain time, you never will. You need to leave wiggle room for people that are running late and last second preppers (you know who you are).

Ideally, I say start at 7, that means invites go out, get to the raid, go over some things from last time, make sure everyone has everything, and HOPEFULLY pull by 7:30.

You also want to make sure you have enough time in a night for solid progression. Leaving only a 2 hour window doesn't leave much room. If you plan for only 2, people will be less inclined to stay for 3/4 on a good run. At 4, attention starts to waver and it's usually best to call it.

I'll say this now. Starting at 9PM EST is no good. I know I can't hold my attention after 11PM after being up at 6/7AM that morning.

And ugh. I REALLY hate the idea of Sunday raids. I personally would miss almost everyone due to family functions.
We should do a thread dedicated to sharing each individuals availability.
What do you think this thread is :p It's to talk about it. I proposed the idea. This is a calculation I've done my best to figure out. I know where we have people in what timezones. I mentioned it in my first post. 7PM EST = 4PM for west coast = 12AM for Britain = 1AM for Eastern Europe = 9AM for Aussies. We will never find a perfect time for everyone. What we can do is try to please as many as possible.

And today's availability may not be the same 6 months from now. Hence why I wanted a general discussion, not "I can raid at 5pm - 11pm monday through friday and all day on weekends." on every post.

Discussion is the key here :)
MMm I am westcoast sooo I have no clue I just started my 2nd Job the shop closes at 5:30pm pst time it takes about an hour to get home then I need to grab a snack or at least an energy drink then I need to be asleep by 9 pm pst to wake up at 1 am pst.
I would like to raid with you all but if it starts to eat into Real life matters I am out. I would still do events when I can. Just don't expect me me to be there a lot.

The fact that I hav'nt had any hands on with wildstar trade skills doesn't let me say hey I could be a weapons smith or armor smith ect for the guild.
I do like that you are taking into account every ones daily planer... that reminds me I may need to look into getting a new cell phone. I used to have a planer set up...

any how I am getting off topic. I just wanted to thank you for your intrest in every ones times A lot of guilds don't :(
What do you think this thread is :p It's to talk about it. I proposed the idea. This is a calculation I've done my best to figure out. I know where we have people in what timezones. I mentioned it in my first post. 7PM EST = 4PM for west coast = 12AM for Britain = 1AM for Eastern Europe = 9AM for Aussies. We will never find a perfect time for everyone. What we can do is try to please as many as possible.

And today's availability may not be the same 6 months from now. Hence why I wanted a general discussion, not "I can raid at 5pm - 11pm monday through friday and all day on weekends." on every post.

Discussion is the key here :)
Welp I put in my 2 cents, that's all I got for now. A poll might be a good idea in the future :bananacow:
<3 We try our best. We know we can't make everyone happy. But we'll die trying.
haah love you guys. I just don't wana fall into my old habit of being in a guild but I all ways push every one away cause of my fear of commitment...ya that's it...
If 9PM is out the window to begin with, as much as I like it around here, I may have to consider looking for another Wildstar guild to raid with. I fully intend on raiding in Wildstar on a hardcore basis. I'll have to wait a month or so and see how my work schedule works out. I'm working on buying a local business and if I do, I can set my own schedule and take off early on raid nights. :p But I won't know the answer to that for about a month, maybe 2.
If 9PM is out the window to begin with, as much as I like it around here, I may have to consider looking for another Wildstar guild to raid with. I fully intend on raiding in Wildstar on a hardcore basis. I'll have to wait a month or so and see how my work schedule works out. I'm working on buying a local business and if I do, I can set my own schedule and take off early on raid nights. :p But I won't know the answer to that for about a month, maybe 2.
Well remember, it is about 4+ months from launch, and then probably another month after launch until we can really raid fully. But I am pretty solid on not starting at 9. Contemplating 8 now with the heavy desire for it., but that means ending around midnight EST. That screw up some EST's and needing to leave early.

Again, nothing is set in stone. That's why we're having this discussion :)
And I want to remind people something. We're trying to get a consensual compromise across the board. My ideal time would be 5PM EST. But that's terrible for pretty much everyone else across the board (except maybe Euro's actually... >_>). So I'm trying to compromise to 7PM, potentially 8PM EST to help the west coasters. I don't want to see "Doesn't fit my schedule, /gquit" stuff. We're trying to find something that people can agree on.

I mean I could just say 7PM EST and end discussion, but I'd be a real asshole if I did that :p
Talk to me Wald :)

7PM till 11 PM is 1 AM till 5 AM for me :p

Not great hehehe.
I hope I get to raid at all, being on an American server. Maybe the aussies and other Europeans in international guilds will organise some stuff. The time thing is always a bummer, but in the weekends I might be able to casually join some times
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