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Wildstar Discussion: Raid Times.

We could compromise a little bit with a 7:30 invite and 8pm pull?
That's what I'm starting to lean towards. I mean, I could stay up till midnight if I had to. But man, Caroline is going to kill me if I do. XD Hopefully we'll be in a new apartment by then and we'll have more than just one room for an apartment.
It was intended mostly for those who we know are casual, but still want to post on everything... We need the times from those who WILL be raiding in his group(or absolutely if the times workout will be), not the times from those who will be in game 1-3 days a week. Make better sense?

Understood. From my standpoint, I intend on being in-game pretty much every night. The only night I can't dedicated specific time to raid is Saturday night. But I'll probably still be online that night, even.
I think the nights will have to be decided based on how the game gets maintained and how raids get reset. In WoW I never wanted Monday to be a big progression night because what if you were really freaking close to downing a new boss? Tough shit, start over tomorrow. Even if you can extend lockouts, you still lose loot. I like to raid the first night of a content patch just because of the "must get there first" mentality but that can be a massive clusterfuck if the servers struggle and you lose raid time. Raiding twice a week means we have to be able to maximize pretty much every minute of our scheduled time - which is great by me. I hate a bunch of standing around doing nothing and 5 to 10 minute lulls between pulls for no reason.

Also, all of you in a non-EST time zone can simply move in with Bruce. That will make Caroline much happier I'll bet. And he lives near the beach!
I want to be a HC raider, I will easily have the time available for 2-3 days/week. Unfortunately sitting on the west coast, for me an 8est start would be ideal best could probably make a 730 start as well.

Putting myself in the others shoes though I realize that I wouldn't want to raid until midnight..

As far as weekends go I don't think I could be consistent enough, if it was a mandatory raid, I would probably miss a quarter of them regardless of Fri/sat/sun... maybe if they were earlier in the day.. noon est. I have to say I agree with rajax weekend raids more relaxed.
Also, all of you in a non-EST time zone can simply move in with Bruce. That will make Caroline much happier I'll bet. And he lives near the beach!
I loved your post until then. I have kept raid resets in the back of my mind, that's why I had the Monday or Tuesday and then Thursday option, since I have a strong feeling that's when the raid resets would be (Mon AM or Tues AM).
After reading through the Hardcore vs Casual raiding post I have to just suck it up and realize I'm at a point in my life where hardcore raiding is not a possibility. I will enjoy Wildstar with [TAB] but I won't be able to make most HC raiding nights.

That being said, I will play the game like a HC raider and know my class and make myself available when I can. With 20 and 40 man raids I'd assume there may be a spot or two open at times where I may be available and called upon to provide my expertise. As an east coaster, I still prefer to raid later because it's easier to get the time away from family/wife. 9PM would be my preferred, but I could probably pull off 8. The big thing would be to make sure all people are logged in, ready to go and pull by that time. I've been in a few guilds where 9pm raid time turned into 1030 first pull because people were repairing, buying mats, goofing off, etc. If you plan to be a hardcore raider you need to be committed to it.

As for the days, Tues/Thur have always worked well. Two nights of back to back progression could sometimes take its toll. What about a Sun night raid? It's technically the weekend but its towards the end of the weekend where people might be looking for something to wind down.
Raiding hard until 1am sounds fairly rough lol. I also realize if a Non-NA person wanted to join at these times it would be starting probably around that time for them, def feel for those wanting to join in on these times!
We could compromise a little bit with a 7:30 invite and 8pm pull? I know that doesn't help our international contingent at all but maybe we'll get enough to have a 3rd shift raiding group or something..

I'd be down for either a 7 EST start or an 8 EST start. Both times would work, but I think the 8 EST time would be more preferable since it gives the folks out on the west coast a little more time to login and stuff. A 7:30 Invite time sounds perfect as well.
I'm starting to see a pretty heavy trend for this 8PM start time haha.

I'll revise my proposal for 7:30 invite, 8PM pull time. And by pull time, I mean people are inside and ready to go. Or at my house for buffs and raid portal, since y'know... I'll totally have one :)
I'm starting to see a pretty heavy trend for this 8PM start time haha.

I'll revise my proposal for 7:30 invite, 8PM pull time. And by pull time, I mean people are inside and ready to go. Or at my house for buffs and raid portal, since y'know... I'll totally have one :)

Sounds good!
I'm starting to see a pretty heavy trend for this 8PM start time haha.

I'll revise my proposal for 7:30 invite, 8PM pull time. And by pull time, I mean people are inside and ready to go. Or at my house for buffs and raid portal, since y'know... I'll totally have one :)

House party at Gyoin's starting at 7, then killing all the things at 8. Sounds like a plan! :D
Tribune and myself will be on our farm by then.. which means our schedules are whatever we work them to be, getting up early so we're done before too late. With that said, we are going to be hardcore raiders and the 7 or 8pm looks good.
I still don't know if I'll have time to raid or not, or if I do if I'll be casual or hardcore (probably casual), but the current 7:30/8:00 is fine enough. Any later and I'd be up too late, and any earlier would just be bleh.

Edit: Oh and this is probably harder to figure out, but they actual days of the week we're raiding would help too. I don't need to worry about it until I go back to school in late August, but it would be nice to know. Probably not something we can get a definitive answer on until we know more about the game itself (like when is there a reset? etc)
I still don't know if I'll have time to raid or not, or if I do if I'll be casual or hardcore (probably casual), but the current 7:30/8:00 is fine enough. Any later and I'd be up too late, and any earlier would just be bleh.

Edit: Oh and this is probably harder to figure out, but they actual days of the week we're raiding would help too. I don't need to worry about it until I go back to school in late August, but it would be nice to know. Probably not something we can get a definitive answer on until we know more about the game itself (like when is there a reset? etc)

It's been mentioned in the thread that we're looking at Mon/Thurs or Tues/Thurs depending on lockout timers and how they work.
Well, I would be a hardcore raider if the schedule could fit my schedule. But I knew beforehand that the schedule most likely would not work out for me since I work until midnight EST M-F.

What I'm getting out of this thread is that I have 4 to 5 months to find a new job. :)
Being a west coaster, 8pm would be much better than 7pm EST. There is a good chance I couldn't make 7pm at all, and I'd have to move my work day around a little for 8pm, but definitely do-able. I wouldn't be able to make invite time of 7:30, but I could probably be there 5-10 min before 8pm as I don't live far from work. Weekends are also generally pretty open for me.

I've worked with raiding and time zones in the past, and I know it's a challenge all around. Thanks for working with it though and trying to find a compromise!
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