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Wildstar Discussion: Raid Times.

7PM till 11 PM is 1 AM till 5 AM for me :p

Not great hehehe.
I hope I get to raid at all, being on an American server. Maybe the aussies and other Europeans in international guilds will organise some stuff. The time thing is always a bummer, but in the weekends I might be able to casually join some times
Yeah, this is the only reason I'd even contemplate a weekend raid day. But on the same hand, if you can only make it for the weekends and not for the weekdays, that also makes it a little harder. I'm only trying to make it the same uniform time for each day of raiding for that factor of constant availability.

I'm really not trying to screw you Wald. You know I <3 you.
And I want to remind people something. We're trying to get a consensual compromise across the board. My ideal time would be 5PM EST. But that's terrible for pretty much everyone else across the board (except maybe Euro's actually... >_>). So I'm trying to compromise to 7PM, potentially 8PM EST to help the west coasters. I don't want to see "Doesn't fit my schedule, /gquit" stuff. We're trying to find something that people can agree on.

I mean I could just say 7PM EST and end discussion, but I'd be a real asshole if I did that :p

I'm not saying I'd leave TAB or that I'm even upset at the raid times. Whatever works best for the group is what's most important.

My point was that I want to raid in Wildstar and since I don't even get off of work until 7PM EST, the times we have listed are cutting it very close for me. Only having one hour to get out of work, get home, eat dinner, login and be prepared to raid, is cutting it VERY close. As someone who intends to be a hardcore raider, I foresee myself being relegated to casual status because of how often I'd be late at those times. In that position, I would quickly become miserable in a video game, because I wouldn't be able to fully participate in the main reason I plan on playing. ;)

I enjoy the community here very much and intend on sticking around as long as you'll have me here. But as far as Wildstar raiding goes, for me, it may have to be with a different group that lines up with my times a bit better. I don't expect anyone to sacrifice sleep or personal time, just because my times don't line up with everyone else's. :) I joined TAB on speculation that your schedule would line up with mine and there would be no hard feelings if that didn't happen. :p
Fish - <3 My post wasn't really portrayed correctly to not target you. I was trying to keep that as an FYI for the discussion further. This can become a drama post very fast and wanted to get my disclaimer in there before it did. Your post just reminded me to add it in :p
Depending on how many people we have we should have an extra day of raiding on the weekends I think. Anyway in terms of the HC raiding 7pm or 8pm EST is fantastic for me since I have to be at work for briefing at 11:15pm. 9pm est sucks for me currently since I have to leave my house at 1030 or so to account for Drunkin Donuts Coffee pickup, changing into uniform and then getting to briefing. Ill go so far though to say that 9pm wouldnt be bad for me when I move because I am moving next door to work and can get a two solid hours of raid time in.
The mathematical average would be best, which is 9AM EST but everyone has something to do.
7PM 'till 11PM EST is pretty late for us Europeans (me too, I can during vacations since I like to be up at night to think and stuff).
And because of this I think we should have continental raid groups, Americans and Aussies and Europeans and Aussies if possible.
We do need more Europeans though... preferably 17-18 year old good looking girls, because Raz.

Jk, but we should look for more Europeans (maybe post on the Wildstar forums that we're recruiting mainly Europeans?).
And when possible we could to mixed raids.
Also, if needed, we could make continental Officers too (Americans and Europeans). If needed I can be an officer but I prefer to be not (as one man once said: with great power comes great responsibility, that and I'm one of the youngest people around).
(general statement not directed at anyone in this thread)
Be VERY realistic with yourselves when replying here. ALSO read the Casual vs Hardcore and Raiding Statement we released:
Gyoin is running the HC raiders. That means if you cannot dedicate your time, efforts, learning skills, and the like to a schedule, then you are, as of right this moment, not a HC raider. Maybe down the line you decide to do it... but right now you don't need to worry about this.
This does NOT effect your guild events, guild interactions, guild fun, guild deungeon runs, guild pvp, guild open world pvp, crafting, economy, housing..... It ONLY effects those who wish to PUSH AS HARD AS THEY CAN and CAN DEDICATE the time to do it, toward RAIDING Progression. As Wildstar themselves says, the
Please keep that in mind before posting you are "not available at said time", when in reality you aren't actually going to be HC raiding anyway. It gets confusing for everyone trying to make schedules.
The mathematical average would be best, which is 9AM EST but everyone has something to do.
7PM 'till 11PM EST is pretty late for us Europeans (me too, I can during vacations since I like to be up at night to think and stuff).
And because of this I think we should have continental raid groups, Americans and Aussies and Europeans and Aussies if possible.
We do need more Europeans though... preferably 17-18 year old good looking girls, because Raz.

Jk, but we should look for more Europeans (maybe post on the Wildstar forums that we're recruiting mainly Europeans?).
And when possible we could to mixed raids.
Also, if needed, we could make continental Officers too (Americans and Europeans). If needed I can be an officer but I prefer to be not (as one man once said: with great power comes great responsibility, that and I'm one of the youngest people around).

This is a whole other topic. We are working with Diremongoose who is supposed to be heading this up, but he went missing for a little... feel free to bug the shit out of him because this is his realm ;)

Right now we are working with Gyoin's Schedule as he will be running the HC raiders. We are not looking for a time that will work with everyone but that will work with those who wish to REALISTICALLY HC raid.

My vote still goes to 8pm EST since a lot of jobs get out at 7pm EST and it gives those people and west coast a chance to make it. As well as giving the Aussies a better chance too. Also just curious why 4 hours?

But Gyoin knows this as we are discussing it in the officer chat as well, and have been. We just wanted to open this up to you guys/girls to get a feel for things.
This is a whole other topic. We are working with Diremongoose who is supposed to be heading this up, but he went missing for a little... feel free to bug the shit out of him because this is his realm ;)

Right now we are working with Gyoin's Schedule as he will be running the HC raiders. We are not looking for a time that will work with everyone but that will work with those who wish to REALISTICALLY HC raid.

My vote still goes to 8pm EST since a lot of jobs get out at 7pm EST and it gives those people and west coast a chance to make it. As well as giving the Aussies a better chance too. Also just curious why 4 hours?
4 hours for the whole spectrum. Like I said before, anyone who's ever raided, shit happens. I want First Pull to be at XX Time. I want to have a stop time at 4 hours later. I don't expect every raid to last 4 hours, but I do expect them to go for between that 3-4 hour span, and assume we'll usually be on that 3.5+ side of things. If I say "I only want us to raid for 3 hours", people will schedule for only those three hours and won't leave any wiggle room to go beyond that. Two hours isn't enough. Three hours is good, but you should plan for that extra oomph of 3.5-4 hours. That gets in a few more SOLID attempts.
4 hours for the whole spectrum. Like I said before, anyone who's ever raided, shit happens. I want First Pull to be at XX Time. I want to have a stop time at 4 hours later. I don't expect every raid to last 4 hours, but I do expect them to go for between that 3-4 hour span, and assume we'll usually be on that 3.5+ side of things. If I say "I only want us to raid for 3 hours", people will schedule for only those three hours and won't leave any wiggle room to go beyond that. Two hours isn't enough. Three hours is good, but you should plan for that extra oomph of 3.5-4 hours. That gets in a few more SOLID attempts.

Well said.
(general statement not directed at anyone in this thread)
Be VERY realistic with yourselves when replying here. ALSO read the Casual vs Hardcore and Raiding Statement we released:
Gyoin is running the HC raiders. That means if you cannot dedicate your time, efforts, learning skills, and the like to a schedule, then you are, as of right this moment, not a HC raider. Maybe down the line you decide to do it... but right now you don't need to worry about this.
This does NOT effect your guild events, guild interactions, guild fun, guild deungeon runs, guild pvp, guild open world pvp, crafting, economy, housing..... It ONLY effects those who wish to PUSH AS HARD AS THEY CAN and CAN DEDICATE the time to do it, toward RAIDING Progression. As Wildstar themselves says, the
Please keep that in mind before posting you are "not available at said time", when in reality you aren't actually going to be HC raiding anyway. It gets confusing for everyone trying to make schedules.

Well, lets face facts here. 2 nights per week for 3-3.5 hours per night isn't hardcore raiding to begin with. So technically nobody that raids here is going to truly be hardcore. The 1% are raiding 4-5 nights per week for 3-5 hours per night and the world-first guilds are raiding 30-40+ hours per week (until the content is cleared). It may be different in Wildstar, but that's pretty standard right now.
Well alright then, I'll leave it to Dire. But I won't go as far as sending him pictures of bugs, that's my way of bugging people.

PS: I seriously didn't notice the "HC" >.<
Oh well.
Well, lets face facts here. 2 nights per week for 3-3.5 hours per night isn't hardcore raiding to begin with. So technically nobody that raids here is going to truly be hardcore. The 1% are raiding 4-5 nights per week for 3-5 hours per night and the world-first guilds are raiding 30-40+ hours per week. It may be different in Wildstar, but that's pretty standard right now.
Our definition of Hardcore. Since, y'know, we're more of a social guild but have people that want to progress.
Well, lets face facts here. 2 nights per week for 3-3.5 hours per night isn't hardcore raiding to begin with. So technically nobody that raids here is going to truly be hardcore. The 1% are raiding 4-5 nights per week for 3-5 hours per night and the world-first guilds are raiding 30-40+ hours per week (until the content is cleared). It may be different in Wildstar, but that's pretty standard right now.

Well that will never happen here. Maybe when we were all in Highschool or college.. the older we get the more we change our ideals of hardcore :)

For this group our HC Raiders will be those who can dedicate the 2-3 times a week.

Not really sure why this was a necessary statement regardless? Are you looking for that kind of a HC group? If so I don't want you to be disappointed in what we offer. :(
Well that will never happen here. Maybe when we were all in Highschool or college.. the older we get the more we change our ideals of hardcore :)

For this group our HC Raiders will be those who can dedicate the 2-3 times a week.

Not really sure why this was a necessary statement regardless? Are you looking for that kind of a HC group? If so I don't want you to be disappointed in what we offer. :(

In the post I quoted, you seemed to be indicating that Gyoin's raid group was only for the "Hardcore 1%'ers." Hence my reply. If I misread, I apologize.
In the post I quoted, you seemed to be indicating that Gyoin's raid group was only for the "Hardcore 1%'ers." Hence my reply. If I misread, I apologize.

It was intended mostly for those who we know are casual, but still want to post on everything... We need the times from those who WILL be raiding in his group(or absolutely if the times workout will be), not the times from those who will be in game 1-3 days a week. Make better sense?
We could compromise a little bit with a 7:30 invite and 8pm pull? I know that doesn't help our international contingent at all but maybe we'll get enough to have a 3rd shift raiding group or something.

I'm with you though, Gyoin. In my experience progression raids go to shit after 11pm for east coasters. Also, 2 hours isn't long enough to really get our teeth into a tough fight. God please let there be really tough fights.
I am down for 7-8PM EST start time. I am not too sure what my college schedule will look like but realistically I will have 5 courses per semester...should be quite easy to do whatever the hell I want :) especially with only 2 nights a week I shall be good. I am with Gyoin with Mon/Thursday wouldn't be bad, which would allow us to also to some HC PvP on other nights ;) also farm up mats etc if need be and prepare for next attempts. I think the majority of people in the guild are EST are they not? I know we have a decent roster of European as well.

Also on the note of weekend raids, I have always felt like these are just randomly put together events and were more for alts and people who could not make it to the weeks raids. These will or would lock you out of other instances (from wow). What I mean by that is, more than likely if the HC people from 2 or so nights during the week are stuck on a boss, the "thrown together" group will not do well on it either.

I feel like this will be a good general guideline as to what to expect but I also feel like it can and will change as we approach and engage in WildStar. I am going on a whim but I feel like if we are pretty fucking close on a boss we will make a 3rd night attempt and that fun stuff too.
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