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Dragon Age: Inquisition[SPOILERS]

That dragon wrecked me when I found him

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I stumbled upon him when I was level 7 or so and noped the fuck out of there before I got burnt to a crisp. Came back yesterday at 13 and killed him. It was a good fight. I wiped the first time because he went insane and chain spammed fireballs. Second time I spread out more and whittled him down from range as my party kept him busy. It seems like if you target his head exclusively he breathes fire a lot less. Idk.
Oh man. The end of Act 1/beginning of Act 2 is just a Goddamn roller coaster. I don't know that I've ever enjoyed an hour of gameplay that much before.[DOUBLEPOST=1416933953,1416933892][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, that dragon did kick the shit out of me. I was just exploring around, minding my own business, when a bunch of drakes fell from the skies. I killed a handful, and then I ran through the tunnel thinking I could loop back around to Redcliffe. Just kidding, DRAGON TIME.
Not gonna lie, I did the same thing Zakis did around level eight or so. I was like: "Oh cool, new area-OH GOD THERE'S A DRAGON ITS STRAFING ME RUN IT BURNS IT BURNS."

Also, in another zone, I found another dragon. FIGHTING A GIANT. That was pretty wicked.
I saw that! I thought about interjecting myself into their battle, but then I had a Skyrim flashback and decided to just let them have it out. I watched for a bit, but it seemed to be more a set piece than an actual fight, so I wandered off in search of Wardens.
Damn! Missed out on some easy XP.

Also, last night my character's voice got switched to the other option midway through a cutscene and hadn't gotten switched back by the time I turned it off. Is this something anyone else has encountered? I really hope it goes back to normal next time I boot it up, I picked the deep, commanding option and the other one sounds kind of reedy and whiny in comparison.
Damn! Missed out on some easy XP.

Also, last night my character's voice got switched to the other option midway through a cutscene and hadn't gotten switched back by the time I turned it off. Is this something anyone else has encountered? I really hope it goes back to normal next time I boot it up, I picked the deep, commanding option and the other one sounds kind of reedy and whiny in comparison.

I know there was a bug identified early around launch that had everyone treating you as if you were female regardless of your gender and you ended up with a female voice, so it might be tied into that. I know people remade characters to fix it, obviously you are too far in for that.

On another note the question of DA: I being redemption for Bioware in the eyes of some fans after the ME debacle was posed a lot leading up to DA:I release. I have to say I think they definitely redeemed themselves and regardless of the fact that I never played any previous Dragon Age games, I am completely hooked. Bioware is doing what it does best which is story and lore. The art direction is fantastic too. Each zone is unique(so far) and I find myself really stopping to admire the environment, which is something I haven't done in a game in a long time. The Exalted Plains were especially emotional. So much death and despair there, so depressing. Especially since I am Dalish so it was a painful place with a splash of happiness(Dalish camp). Storm Coast was beautiful with its stormy skies, crashing waves, and dwarven ruins. I just ventured into the Emerald Graves which is another tough place for an elf but oh so serene. Man I am totally lovin it.
Honestly, I don't think they need to redeem themselves for anything. People didn't like one part of one game they made and it just spiraled so far out of control. This is something the Internet does. One person posted that they felt slighted by the end of Mass Effect 3, and all of a sudden nobody can remember any of the 30+ hours of good to great game that came before it.

It's the same with Dragon Age 2. It had a couple of very visible, irritating flaws, but its essence was a good game with a good story. The dungeons were repeated and the way they ratcheted up the difficulty was just to have a second or third wave of muggers drop in from the skies during every fight. While this did result in literally every petty crime in the city of Kirkwall resulting in a body count in the dozens, by no means did it kill the core of the game for me. It's a BioWare game, as long as the party is interesting and there's enough story hook to keep you going, the fact that a cave is the same shouldn't make it "unplayable." It had lore for days, a bunch of rewarding companion quests, and a killer core plotline. I could give a shit about the cave.
Oh I agree I was just suggesting that this is a hell of a Bioware title.

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It may be the most BioWare game they've ever made. So far, this is one of those games that really expresses the advantage they get from being under a banner as big as EA because this time EA believed them when they said "This is what it takes to make a Dragon Age game."
It may be the most BioWare game they've ever made. So far, this is one of those games that really expresses the advantage they get from being under a banner as big as EA because this time EA believed them when they said "This is what it takes to make a Dragon Age game."

Which would be nice if it was the norm. EA has a horrible track record.
Yeah, I'm really hoping the fact that they let BioWare delay Inquisition a couple times and backed off on the ALL ACTION ALL THE TIME front means they learned their lesson. Between Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3, they basically put on a clinic on how to best waste BioWare's skills.
Yeah, I'm really hoping the fact that they let BioWare delay Inquisition a couple times and backed off on the ALL ACTION ALL THE TIME front means they learned their lesson. Between Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3, they basically put on a clinic on how to best waste BioWare's skills.

It seems they let up in one area and completely cluster fuck another stellar studio under their umbrella(DICE). I don't know if they will ever learn.
How else are they gonna get that sweet CoD money? I mean at least with DICE it makes sense that you would try to turn them into that. Trying to make BioWare games into annual ARPG titles was just the dumbest decision ever made.
Dudes, I had so much fun with this title. I am still having fun. I beat the game because i got impatient after 2 weeks of playing haha. Now i am going back through on Nightmare difficulty. I will need to stream this so everyone can laugh at me.

But yeah. Screw that first dragon.

So glad i got the deluxe edition. If i had the money i would throw in for the collectors edition it is so good.

Also..... Fox you need to move over to the US so we can play MP together without one of us just sitting there
Yeah definitely need to get some MP going. I am enjoying it. I actually got distracted by all the pretty zones and was running through them and not focusing on the main goals of the Inquisition. Started bringing that up to speed now. Next char will definitely be a melee, either 2h or sword n board. Stealth Archer is fun as all hell but I want to be up in the thick of it.
I always go Mage whenever i make it because it has the cool ability aesthetically. But i currently have going is female human mage, male human mage (for different romances and talking options), female elf mage, qunari male 2 handed warrior (love it but chasing wildlife sucks), male dwarf archer (haven't played to far yet), female elf dual wield. I have a few options here. I always do this so i can see all the different ways people react to me.

I haven't gotten to far in MP yet. Still so much going on in SP that i haven't had to dive into MP for new stuff yet. Still only have the three starter characters.

Someone should throw up an event for MP here and see who comes up. Then we can all stream it and see where it goes from there
Good idea. I only have my one char right now til I finish it at least once.

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