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Eyes to Brain... FUCK! My OKCupid Date.

LOL. Yeah I didn't put it in. I am actually really good at different profiles to attract different people =P I have done a lot of tests with different pictures, different profiles, and the like. The LESS you write, the more people message you back, the simpler your message to them the better their chances of saying hi back, and the less you write before you meet the better chance of meeting

All very stupid rules lol.

I was more frustrated when writing that and felt like ranting about idiocy of the american dating culture.

But the School Idea, that is quite brilliant actually. I am going to use that much more often!

Interesting. Good stuff to know as so far my experience on OKCupid has been horribad.
Wow dude, that is one hell of a story. Sorry that just face rolled for your "Casual Date" experience I'm sure you was looking for. On the upside, you didnt get mugged and got to tell your friends and interesting story. Hope your future dating experiences are way better than that one.
LOL. Yeah I didn't put it in. I am actually really good at different profiles to attract different people =P I have done a lot of tests with different pictures, different profiles, and the like. The LESS you write, the more people message you back, the simpler your message to them the better their chances of saying hi back, and the less you write before you meet the better chance of meeting

All very stupid rules lol.

I was more frustrated when writing that and felt like ranting about idiocy of the american dating culture.

But the School Idea, that is quite brilliant actually. I am going to use that much more often!

IMO Be yourself though.... If you want someone that will like you for who you are, putting on different faces might steer the right person away.
I actually got back from an online dating site date last night that went EXTREMELY WELL! The whole thing kind of blew me away because of how different the experience was compared to most Iv had in the past. We actually have a 2nd date tonight as well.
IMO Be yourself though.... If you want someone that will like you for who you are, putting on different faces might steer the right person away.

NO! Just kidding. Remember I am not just one side of a sentence I type here. I am always myself, but I like to play with social constructs to see what the limits are. Tristan = A VERY PINK shade of grey dammit, not black and white =)
So yesterday I met someone that did the whole "Eyes to Brain" when talking to me, and I must say I feel for you haha.
You didn't lie about your age, but you lied about your looks. You're not average, you're sexy! :D It feels like so long since I went on a date with a random person..... No more crazy's for me, for a while at least anyway.

Edited grammar.
but you lied about your looks. Your not average, your sexy!
Only 1 of the 3 uses of that word was correct. I want to stab you.

Your = possessive pronoun.
Use it when you want to show that the person you are talking about owns something. "That is your car, that you start with your keys."

You're = Contraction of the 2 words you + are.
Use it any time you don't want to type out both words. "You're not average, You're sexy!" Could also be said "You are not average, You are sexy!"

Really not trying to be a dick here, but seeing you use it correctly in the first sentence and then wrongly in the second made my brain hurt. I understand you probably did it because its the way you know. Now you know the right way to use those 2 words.
We have been through this, I am bad with this kind of thing. Wanting to stab me? :S Your and You're are something that I have a harder time adjusting to. At times I can get it right others I mess up. Rewriting my sentence would have sufficed.
I know, I'm sorry. (that is not sarcastic, I am sorry for being a dick about it.)

Normally I just ignore it when I see it. It was just that the correct usage happening to land next to the incorrect one made my brain stop working for a second.
This is how I imagine T1G when he sees improper grammar.

I've had this convo with someone. Needs more goatee. Edit: found it, post 7 and beyond.

There is a small fluffy part of me inside that wants to scratch the eyes out of people who don't use the words your/you're correctly. Otherwise its cute and purrs.
Many females profiles I have come across on dating sites flat out tell everyone they are grammar nazis and if they get an email with improper spelling, txtspeak or Ebonics it will be deleted immediately.

On the flip side I have also seen some females profiles DaT TaLk Lyk Dis, OR USE ALL CAPS, or one giant paragraph with zero punctuation. I cant help but assume they are semi retarded.

I think a study should be done as far as use of grammar/punctuation and skills in bed.
I've had this convo with someone. Needs more goatee. Edit: found it, post 7 and beyond.

There is a small fluffy part of me inside that wants to scratch the eyes out of people who don't use the words your/you're correctly. Otherwise its cute and purrs.

Man I go away for a week and people are still "trying" to correct this poor person. Yet, all of you still make mistakes yourself. Leave him alone, geez.

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We have been through this, I am bad with this kind of thing. Wanting to stab me? :S Your and You're are something that I have a harder time adjusting to. At times I can get it right others I mess up. Rewriting my sentence would have sufficed.

Don't worry Otakebi.... ^
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