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First Impressions


Fairy Princess
I was fortunate enough to be able to get into a server fairly early on in my night so I had just over three straight hours to play. Yeah it's not a whole lot, but I was able to get a solid understanding of a lot of the basics.

First off - it is scary as shit starting alone, in the middle of nowhere, lost in buttfuck Egypt. Seeing that first person, who then waves and says hi, is like cloud 9. As such, pretty much the entire time I ended up playing with people.

Now...because it is alpha, the first day, a brand new experience for everyone, what have you...there was ALOT more friendlies than I anticipate. And more than I think will eventually become the norm. I ran into people often. A couple had already gotten a car going. Two other people were looking for friends and wanted to know if we saw them. One guy traded with me. Not to mention the slew of just-spawned-in newbies. Out of the 10+ people I came across - I teamed up with two of them, 1 tried to kill us, and all the rest were just trying to figure out the game.

So in that regard, it was a pretty nice, fairly stress free first impression. I know that won't last long.

Okay, so gameplay. I am actually really really impressed. I tried to do some crazy shit to fuck with the game and the only time I felt weirdness and lag was when I ran through large thickets of bushes trying to loot them all. If I just ran it was fine, but running and looting wigged me out. Also, running and trying to look behind you makes your avatar bend and run in a super weird way. Other than that, it was very very smoothe on my end.

The graphics were really spot on too...at least for where I thought it would be. Of course I think the houses could be more..grungy looking, but overall, it was pleasing to see trash piled up on the streets, cars crashed into store fronts, down power lines. Though I will say, the most bugs I found were with these graphic placements - entire house contents seemed to be shifted from the house itself, so half of the furniture was sticking out of walls or ended up in the backyard. Entire neighborhoods would be like this. But then I wouldn't come across it again for like 45 minutes. So, yknow, not detrimental to my gameplay.

There were some other glitches I ran across - one cage in some guys backyard I could walk right through the bars. I was being chased by a bear and closed myself in a house only for it to walk right through the wall and kill me. But not very often did this happen so I'm okay with it.

Now, for the fighting. This is the most meh for me. It doesn't feel very impactful at all. The hits/blood/grunts aren't synced up correctly so it would be like I started bleeding too long after a hit to feel like they were related. Also, the mo cap for fighting was just awkward...limbs flying everywhere, glitches of tripped zombies skating along the ground on their back, and zombies that just stood there while I took increasing amounts of damage. it didn't feel powerful or full of force, it was very one dimensional. Not a lot of correct movements and actions for it to feel real. Still, knowing it's just a place holder is good enough for me.

So overall, I really like it. I am impressed and hopeful with what is to come. I will continue to be playing alpha and marking the things I see and experience, and hope to see a lot of you on next time I get to play! My next goal - hardcore crafting!
I had a pretty major bug where none of my UI was showing up in my inventory/options so I could not use anything I gathered.. not sure if restarting the client will fix it since Im now in a queue, but this is a huge issue if it doesn't resolve on its own.
Most of the bitching I'm seeing is that of P2W with drop crates. SOE stated cosmetic only, people are however obtaining high powered weapons and ammo.
the thing is though you can loot other peoples drops. drops become battlegrounds and the guy who paid for it almost never gets the loot
I feel like they are being semi serious but trolling all the same. I like one comment saying that it is Early Access into Beta and that the airdrops will probably be overhauled many many many times.

I understand the psw controversy and how he said it would only be cosmetics in the player called airdrops. He might make a statement and admit his mistake and promise the community he will fix it or you never know.
I feel like they are being semi serious but trolling all the same. I like one comment saying that it is Early Access into Beta and that the airdrops will probably be overhauled many many many times.

I understand the psw controversy and how he said it would only be cosmetics in the player called airdrops. He might make a statement and admit his mistake and promise the community he will fix it or you never know.

This is Smedley we are talking about here. You speak of the man who ruined SWG and refuses to use pages upon pages upon pages of feedback for PS2 to fix things and offer more cosmetic stuff to spend money on. Instead they ignore potential additions/fixes/ monetization opportunities to slowly push P2W aspects into the game.

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I completely understand people's frustration, but it's not affecting my wanting to play. So if anyone is going to have another go at getting intone servers tonight, I started on Antidote. I don't mind switching if yall want a diff server though, mine was just PPP. None of the headshot only, perma death ones.
I’m going to go back to the original topic and write my first impressions, with the tasty airdrop thing last. Sorry if it's a mess.

The following is things that bothered me, yes its early access and everything is bound to change. But this is what went through my mind when I played the game.
  • Having to wait x amount of seconds to loot stuff is incredibly annoying.
  • I can’t move while I’m looking in my inventory.
  • Graphics settings change the brightness, lower graphics = darker surroundings, and higher graphics is brighter. With the biggest difference between Medium and High setting for me.
  • I made a character on an EU server called “JiggyYo”, now I can’t have that name anywhere else. Which is weird.
  • Actions begin when releasing the ‘E’ key, not when you press it.
  • Settings are all kinds of messed up.
  • Some key bindings doesn’t work for me, no idea why. Have read that you can change them in a config file though.
  • Met some Germans who told me to stay away, I ran around without clothes and a stick. (No, not that stick. It’s not Rust... Sadly)
  • I couldn’t see a guy who was talking to me and he started to punch me, which I found rather entertaining.

My first impression is not very great, even if I have tried to like the game. Yes, it performs a lot better than DayZ which is a great thing. The graphics quality is decently "lagom", looks slightly better when you play it for yourself than when you watch streams. It’s absolutely not extremely good graphics, but they’re not that bad.

I know some people don’t like comparing games, but sometimes it’s good to do so to enlighten other people about games. There’s only 2 ‘major’ games within the genre, those two are DayZ and WarZ/Infestation, with Rust leaving the zombie theme and only go for survival against players.
As I said earlier, H1Z1 performs way better than DayZ, but DayZ has more features. Rust takes the 2nd place for “most-genitals-in-a-videogame” though, with Outlast being #1.
I can’t say shit for WarZ honestly, so… I’m just going to kind of, brush that title under the carpet and pretend it never existed.

Anyway, I’m going to end there. I think I summed it up decently well, below will be some crap about the airdrop scandal. This was once a dot, which was friends with all the other dots above. But then I decided to move it down here, because it didn’t fit in with the other dots.

The whole airdrop thing, which already has been mentioned. Let’s try to stay civil about it on this forum for now. Might be something they accidently left in, might be a way to get people to try the airdrop to see if/how it works. Or it might be working as intended, we don’t really know for sure yet.

Yes it’s a topic that should be discussed because many feel cheated and/or lied to, and this is a fully acceptable reaction. They told us one thing, but didn’t follow up. The best would be if they just listened to the players and changed it to how most people want it, but they seem to have decided on another route which can and probably will backfire on them.

My personal opinion right now: They changed their minds in the last second, which obviously upsets a lot of people. Also the way some SOE employees supposedly handled the situation wasn’t the best either. Many already has a grudge against SOE because of Star Wars Galaxies, and they also seem to treat Planetside 2 players badly, trying to find new ways to subtly push paid only content or otherwise get people to pay more. And this proved to be the last straw for many customers.
Hey jiggy. Great feedback thanks for including your impressions in this thread. A few things you might not know though:

You can go in your inventory and even eat while you run as long as you are autorunning (the the = sign is autorun)

Also, all my actions started the second I pressed e. I held it down every single time I looted and the actions still completed with my finger on the button. So maybe that's just a weird unique thing going on??

I definitely had a similar experience with key bindings. Some didn't work for me (can't remember which) but I am lucky that they weren't crucial actions.

Anyways, let's keep the impressions and first looks comin' !
The fact that they lied about the airdrops has officially killed all my want to play this game. Im not going through SWG again. I refuse.
Yea apparently the whole dev lying thing is getting a lot of attention. I took this from reddit.

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