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First Impressions

you do lose crate stuff and when it drops its known for miles around and becomes a pvp area. I would say about 10% of the people who pay for the airdrop get any of the stuff from it, unless you run in a huge group and can control the area.

btw just save that station cash for eqnext. it looks like its gonna be fun enough to put a few months into when it comes out. Also landmark has pve now. It's beginning stages, but its ok.
Starting to see the appeal of a PvE server. I can't seem to pass that entry barrier of preparing for survival and getting weapons to protect without some asshat team of 3-5 just swarming in and killing me for... berries and sticks.
Starting to see the appeal of a PvE server. I can't seem to pass that entry barrier of preparing for survival and getting weapons to protect without some asshat team of 3-5 just swarming in and killing me for... berries and sticks.

Congrats you are playing Call of Duty: Survival Clone 8. The eighth game where devs have claimed they want to make zombies a threat and make you think before shooting everything but it never happens.

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Congrats you are playing Call of Duty: Survival Clone 8. The eighth game where devs have claimed they want to make zombies a threat and make you think before shooting everything but it never happens.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

So what if it's a clone if this is my first zombie apocalypse game?
Well then welcome to the survival genre...where surviving means playing a glorified deathmatch lol

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I'm pretty excited. I have had a few times where someone has killed me but i haven't really had much on me so i wasn't to very worried. I was pissed about shooting a guy 5 times in the face and he took one swing with a machete and killed me at full health.

The thing about this game.... find friendlies! Find guild mates. Don't go alone. Power in numbers. 3-4 people in a group will usually come after the single person rather than try their luck with another group. FACT. Unless they have a big e-pen and want to try something.

My first impressions are...

It is an awesome game so far. Needs improvement by far but the is Alpha game so i understand. I always feel backwards in this game. Pretty happy they put a map in towns and stuff but being able to build a map you can carry would help a lot. Instead of having to use external sources for a map.
-The damage needs to be adjusted. The PvP needs to be looked at damage out and damage taken.
I posted this on the group for my EoA community. It pretty much sums up what you are in store for and my thpughts:

Can't wait 6 months to a year down the road when good suggestions and promised changes suddenly stop coming, SOE's familiar road maps for patches go unfulfilled and then suddenly you hear half the devs got poached to work on some yet unannounced title. Itll be interesting to hear what people have to say.

Don't believe it?Go talk to more Planetside 2 vets like myself. I am a diehard fan of Planetside and Planetside 2 and recognize Sony when they do right. Those instances are unfortunately outweighed by the shitty choices and practices that are employed.

I was interested in this game because it was billed as a ZOMBIE SURVIVAL mmo where people had to worry about SURVIVING and ZOMBIES were promised to be a real threat. The lack of this coupled with the past track record of SOE and the lies/misinformation concerning airdrops killed any interest.

What you are playing now with the mechanics involved can be summed up in this title; Call of Rust: Care Package Online. The apocalypse has been around for months but instead of hordes of zombies there is a magical pristine airbase with plenty of resources to fuel and maintain a cargo plane AND drop endless supplies in the middle of nowhere.

I get that it's alpha and that airdrops are a fun game mechanic but for once I'd like to play a "zombie survival game" where you actually worry about running into zombies. A game where you stop and consider your options instead of instantly blowing away other players.

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Yeah, takes too long for me to get my positioning and trying to gear up before I find people. End up dying on that cusp of "ok, I'm here, heading towards you" moment.

Plus, Caroline keeps talking about wedding stuff and makes mumble more difficult when she demands attention lol
I am getting super frustrated with the game.

first, the pvp aspect. I can't for the life of me kill anyone even if I have better gear. I get killed every time unless I can just outrun them across the whole map, or I manage to loose them running through houses and changing directions.

Also the targeting and shooting of bows is horrendous for me. I have such a hard time getting head shots on zombies and forget about things that don't move in a straight line right towards you. I can barely shoot them in the body mass with 25 arrows. Oh and reload times are horrible.

I have never once found a gun and ammo at the same time. everyone else seems to have guns too.

I fixed my brightness issue so I can see everything now, but even sometimes when you see an object in the world, the proximity sensor loot screen won't show it. you have to precisely hover over the object then loot it, god forbid you don't have enough room when all you want to do is eat that can of beans. You have to drop all your shit and hope no person or zombie comes at you.

Not only that, the loot you need is nowhere to be found. I spent 4 hours last night running around trying to find a backpack or any pieces of metal, or a crowbar. Not one was found, and the pitiful amount of loot I did find was crap. I have never once found a scrap of metal that I could use to unlock recipes.

As for zombies, they need to be more dangerous. I just ignore them now. I run past them and if one of the 30 I passed chases me then I go in a building and shut the doors. They mill around and bring friends, but busting through a window or quickly exiting or kiting will get me past them.
Congrats you are playing Call of Duty: Survival Clone 8. The eighth game where devs have claimed they want to make zombies a threat and make you think before shooting everything but it never happens.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Hey doofus, this is the "first impressions" post for those PLAYING the game. You never actually logged in before you refunded. I get it though you have a bad taste in your mouth from Smedley, so my suggestion to you would be to make a rant post on the rant section so we can all talk about bad bosses or the opposite and talk about how maybe he doesn't have as much control as you think and this game might flourish such as Mike Morhaime doesn't OK every WoW patch.

Anyway, seriously, rant forums.

Also the targeting and shooting of bows is horrendous for me. I have such a hard time getting head shots on zombies and forget about things that don't move in a straight line right towards you. I can barely shoot them in the body mass with 25 arrows. Oh and reload times are horrible.

This is user error. You have to get better simple as that. I can catniss those zombies with ease, however look at Exittus :p

I fixed my brightness issue so I can see everything now, but even sometimes when you see an object in the world, the proximity sensor loot screen won't show it.

This is a monitor issue btw. Dark for me is wayyyy better than Dayz or other games I can actually see. What does the gamma 1 dor your daytime? blow out all the highlights? When it is dark in the game you need to stay in the house for a moment and your eyes adjust to the darkness. Neat feature but might not know it if you don;t stay still for a second.

Not only that, the loot you need is nowhere to be found. I spent 4 hours last night running around trying to find a backpack or any pieces of metal, or a crowbar. Not one was found, and the pitiful amount of loot I did find was crap. I have never once found a scrap of metal that I could use to unlock recipes.

They added a ton of loot. And crafting is so important. Rip up your shirt and make a bow with some sticks when you first start if you want. Shit rip up your pants and make a satchel.

Go to pleansantville residential amazing loot there backpacks, food, weapons. I do agree though some places just seem massive empty buildings but so far most areas have at least something.

As for zombies, they need to be more dangerous.



Personally I am extremely happy with what they have done so far. They have patched things fast, they have fixed bugs, they have already made zombies harder, I ended up working with a group of people because a horde of zombies was so bad, mind you after we killed each other lol but it means we need hordes and hordes of zombs.

The weapons feel balanced in terms of not too many in the world. Crafting is fun, but man spools of thread... fuck my life. *hint: garbage cans in residential).

Driving is fun. http://www.twitch.tv/tr1age/c/5916673

Zombie survival is addicting I will say that. I just don't know what to do when I max out my stuff. I guess the logical thing is to build a base, but man.... I have trouble balancing eating and foraging with base building. I think I wlll have to be a sentry and scavenger while others are the builders. Even though I have a ton of recipes :p[DOUBLEPOST=1421693831,1421693798][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, takes too long for me to get my positioning and trying to gear up before I find people. End up dying on that cusp of "ok, I'm here, heading towards you" moment.

Plus, Caroline keeps talking about wedding stuff and makes mumble more difficult when she demands attention lol

The new website http://www.h1z1db.co.uk/-3110.140/-196.480/ You are welcome.
The sandbox experience has been more fun than I expected.

I played a bit this weekend and discovered how to craft a knife. I was near the dam, so I laid prone and started to craft it when I heard a zombie moan over my headphones. I finished the craft and stabbed the zombie to much satisfaction, despite it still needing to take almost as many knife hits as punches.

As I tried to loot the zombie, an arrow landed right in front of me. I looked towards the river to see a lone archer trying to snipe me from afar. The bowshots were easy to sidestep. I dodged 5 or so before I decided the guy wasn't going to give up, so I ran into the water and aggroed. He backpedaled when I got close and led me deeper into the river... and his buddies totally ambushed me. They were laying prone in the water so I couldn't see them until they arose. I fled into the densely zombie populated area of the dam to try and shake the pursuit. All backed off except for the archer, who followed me around a zombie-free corner. I tucked myself into that corner and crouched. By the time he noticed me I had stabbed him twice for the kill. Sweet vengeance.

He had a ton of loot on him. Jackpot, I thought, until I realized I couldn't carry any of it due to bag space. I tried to quickly drop stuff, but I was at 40% health, night was falling, and zombies were beginning to swarm. I fled the NPCs and hid in a trailer camper with the door closed until I eventually died from my wounds. Haha.

Fun stuff!
ThatOneGuy said: ↑

Also the targeting and shooting of bows is horrendous for me. I have such a hard time getting head shots on zombies and forget about things that don't move in a straight line right towards you. I can barely shoot them in the body mass with 25 arrows. Oh and reload times are horrible.

This is user error. You have to get better simple as that. I can catniss those zombies with ease, however look at Exittus :p
I agree. It's frustrating cause I kinda suck and don't want to spend the time to get better. I will though.

And crafting is so important.
I get that. I want to craft so bad. I can't find any metal or a crowbar so I am at a bottleneck that I can't get around. Also with no backpack I can't hold the amount of wood needed to discover the really big stuff like shelters.

What does the gamma 1 dor your daytime? blow out all the highlights?
Totally not at all. The difference between day and night is super slight. So much that I couldn't tell if it was day or night for the first 5 or 6 hours of playing. It feels a bit like cheating, but I have so much trouble seeing stuff that it was unplayable on the night cycle which is 2/3 of the time.

Personally I am extremely happy with what they have done so far. They have patched things fast, they have fixed bugs, they have already made zombies harder
I agree. They are doing great. more work and fixes on week 1 than most games get in months. I am excited to see where it goes. but frustrated at my abilities right now.
I think some of the best options is for everyone to meet up and run as a group. This way if someone needs time to craft or check something they won't have to worry about zombies or players coming and ganking them.

So what is everyone's play schedules like?

7:30 p.m. Est Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

9:15 p.m. est Tuesday and Thursday.

Weekends are play-it-by-ear for me.
They added a ton of loot. And crafting is so important. Rip up your shirt and make a bow with some sticks when you first start if you want. Shit rip up your pants and make a satchel.

Yeah, just read this today. This gets me way further ahead than before. I usually had to search for a town first to punch some zombies to get cloth, or search all the little settlements I could for something. Usually when I did finally reach a town or go down a road is when I'd get hijacked. Ripping the clothes will be a huge boost for me in my survivability.
I think some of the best options is for everyone to meet up and run as a group. This way if someone needs time to craft or check something they won't have to worry about zombies or players coming and ganking them.

Sometimes easier said than done. I was on mumble for a while and even though everyone else was "heading to X" or "coming from Y", I was all "I'm... near a tree."
Sometimes easier said than done. I was on mumble for a while and even though everyone else was "heading to X" or "coming from Y", I was all "I'm... near a tree."

Best thing for that is... just run in one direction until you either.... A: hit a city. B: Hit a road which you then follow to a city. C. Hit the edge of the map.

There are plenty of maps rolling around the internet. After an hour or 2 you get familiar with areas and cities and roads which makes it easier to find your way around.
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