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First Impressions

I have to say my impressions minus my obvious pissed off feeling for the whole Airdrop thing is that this game has serious potential.
I got into the crafting system which even when you die discovered recipes stay with your character, neat.

I agree with the following annoyances:

  • Airdrops sound like high tension musical cues
  • The looting each thing and having to wait X amount of seconds to open is annoying
  • Water and energy rate is WAY to fast
  • The bow bug
  • lack of a way to get to friends quickly or at least more road signs that make sense, I mean come on this isn't a simulator.
  • The stutter when looting berries
  • cars blow up with a clip of ammo from a pistol...
Other than that I found myself stoppin a lot last night and just mouth open going WOW pretty or FUCK, ZOMBZ!

The sound effects for rain when you go inside a house versus outside is stunning. Made me stop and go WOW great sound design. Doesn't happen often.

The push to talk works great.

The banding of players when walking and trying to aim is a bit rough, but new weapons help.

The environments are a lot of fun, needs more zombies.

The rain effect is horrible lol. Sheets of rain.

Overall I was quite immersed in the game, used the terrain to hide from players(when was the last game where that was viable!?), and really enjoyed the times when zombies worked and I was freaking out. Oh I also loved my time in the cop car.

When you get with friends and you group I am guessing it is so much more fun, alone is also fun. The game has potential and if the devs don't fuck it up and do this bait and switch shit that left a bad taste in my mouth, the game could easily be zombie game go to.

I am going to voice my opinions loud on what they are doing with the airdrops including emailing SOE because that is crap but it doesn't ruin the game thankfully and it is really quite cool! Can't wait to start crafting. I did make a plot base for building but never got past that.
My email to SOE:
Hello Mr Wilcox,

I wanted to email just to address the airdrop issue. I played the game for over 10 hours yesterday and truly enjoyed my time in the game. What upsets me and I think a lot of other gamers is that it felt like a bait and switch tactic. Going from multiple news headlines and other interviews saying ABSOLUTELY no pay for weapons, ammo, etc methods to an immediate first day release of just that.

While I wish to continue playing I did want to email you and express my concern for the feeling of bait and switch here and hoping this is not the gauge for how the progress of this game will go forward with user suggestions, bug fixes, and implementation of new features as we move from Alpha, to beta, to live.

I would love for this game to be extremely successful so I hope the player response is taken seriously, that we do not enjoy being told one thing so strongly and then told the exact opposite after we invest money into the development of what could be the best zombie game in the genre.

Thank you for your time,
needs more zombies.
I did notice a lot of streams and there wasn't a lot of zombies. They would run for a while and not even run into a single zombie. Granted they were on the outskirts and i think they are congested towards cities.

I haven't seen the crafting system but what is it like? Is it mostly just cooking or do you craft weapons?
I did notice a lot of streams and there wasn't a lot of zombies. They would run for a while and not even run into a single zombie. Granted they were on the outskirts and i think they are congested towards cities.

I haven't seen the crafting system but what is it like? Is it mostly just cooking or do you craft weapons?

I've seen alot of streams like, that too. Yet my experience yesterday was so opposite. My first time in, I spawned already surrounded by 3 zombies. I booked it right into a camp ground with like 7 more zombies. Met my first friend and we booked it out of there together right into a house with 2 bears. Then I died.

Similar story for the next 2 and a half hours of gameplay. Lol

Edit: I will say I didn't spawn near some town. It was in the middle of the woods. The 1 campsite and 1 house I saw were like middle of nowhere, farm type stuff.
I did notice a lot of streams and there wasn't a lot of zombies. They would run for a while and not even run into a single zombie. Granted they were on the outskirts and i think they are congested towards cities.

I haven't seen the crafting system but what is it like? Is it mostly just cooking or do you craft weapons?

They were too busy making sure the store worked to add any more zombies.
The biggest issue with zombies right now is that they are mostly bugged and won't agro unless you are right on top of them. Once they fix that zombies will be much more of a part of the game.
Grabbed it since I had some cash on my steam account and to see what all the hubbub was about.

First half an hour, search everything until I realize I need water. Try to find water. Can't find water. Come across a group of people, disconnect. Log back in to the swarm of people attacking me immediately. Dead.
well, I broke down and bought it too. I'm gonna try and get coords for most landmarks so using /loc will be a lot easier. Once I get a better mic setup to use at work I'll get on mumble too.
I'm near the camp. This guy started attacking me. Apparently 5 pistol shots to the face can't kill him but one swing of his machete kills me.......
is there any way to make it not so dark at night? My screen is pitch black and I can barely see even with the flashlight.

In other news I saw a streamer named Coh that has a server with no night cycle. It was incredible. They even have some base stuff built up. This game looks promising.
is there any way to make it not so dark at night? My screen is pitch black and I can barely see even with the flashlight.

In other news I saw a streamer named Coh that has a server with no night cycle. It was incredible. They even have some base stuff built up. This game looks promising.

Yeah he got a private server with cheats and admin help its kinda teh lamez.
oh btw I figured out (researched) how to up my brightness. In the user options .ini you can change your gama from 0.0000 to 1.0000 and its like its day time all the time. Kinda hax, but if you go 0.500 it will probably be dark at night but not inky blackness.
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