New member
A P P L I C A T I O N:
What is your Name?
Lisa Dudek
What is your Discord Name (name#1111) ?
What is your Age?
(as long as you are kind, handle yourself with maturity, you are welcome! Just know many of us are old farts.)
40ish...i dont keep track any more my next decade flip will be 2023
Where are you from? (location/timezone)
Salem, OR PST
Have you read the rules? Do you agree to them? And which rule resonates best with you?
YES!I absolutely agree with them...I especially love the one about language...the power of the spoken word gives life or death...~
Do you understand(written above) you must be active in order to maintain your membership status to the community?
Im really thankful for this one...lets people know who is actually available!
Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
No I do not....but I am sure I will have a ton of friends immediatly!
How did you hear about the Crafting Worlds?
I heard about crafing Worlds from Tristan Pope's YT channel! I have a ton of questions about the INT Tank build and wanted to tap into his brain....
Why do you want to be a part of Crafting Worlds? (this is probably the most important one)
NGL, but little did i realize this place has followed many games that are Craft Worthy and would love to be a part of this community, i am a MAJOR hoarder and love to Craft anything/everything!
What was your first/favorite creative outlet? (optional)
My first creative outlet was painting at 7 years old...Acrylics mainly rivers/water enviroments...
What were your first gaming experiences? (Console, PC, pen & paper, board games etc.)
First gaming experience: Atari 2600, then Commodore 64 then PC
What games are you currently playing/looking to play with the Crafting Worlds community?
NEW World!!!
What role do you find yourself falling into in games? (For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social, etc.)
Were you ever a part of a community? What was your experience?
Never part of a community....
What will you bring to the Crafting Worlds community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping? Cookies!?)
I am totally Chatty...and skilled ...also funny and SUPER Helpful!
Tell us about yourself or anything else you'd like to share. The more we know about your the better!
I am a stay at home homeschool mom with two young men ages 11 and 13....We are a total gaming family, play games together. Currently we are all playing NEW WORLD on Theleme Server! I am on discord all the time! and love to help anyone with anything! Thank you for considering me!
What is your Name?
Lisa Dudek
What is your Discord Name (name#1111) ?
What is your Age?
(as long as you are kind, handle yourself with maturity, you are welcome! Just know many of us are old farts.)
40ish...i dont keep track any more my next decade flip will be 2023
Where are you from? (location/timezone)
Salem, OR PST
Have you read the rules? Do you agree to them? And which rule resonates best with you?
YES!I absolutely agree with them...I especially love the one about language...the power of the spoken word gives life or death...~
Do you understand(written above) you must be active in order to maintain your membership status to the community?
Im really thankful for this one...lets people know who is actually available!
Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
No I do not....but I am sure I will have a ton of friends immediatly!
How did you hear about the Crafting Worlds?
I heard about crafing Worlds from Tristan Pope's YT channel! I have a ton of questions about the INT Tank build and wanted to tap into his brain....
Why do you want to be a part of Crafting Worlds? (this is probably the most important one)
NGL, but little did i realize this place has followed many games that are Craft Worthy and would love to be a part of this community, i am a MAJOR hoarder and love to Craft anything/everything!
What was your first/favorite creative outlet? (optional)
My first creative outlet was painting at 7 years old...Acrylics mainly rivers/water enviroments...
What were your first gaming experiences? (Console, PC, pen & paper, board games etc.)
First gaming experience: Atari 2600, then Commodore 64 then PC
What games are you currently playing/looking to play with the Crafting Worlds community?
NEW World!!!
What role do you find yourself falling into in games? (For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social, etc.)
Were you ever a part of a community? What was your experience?
Never part of a community....
What will you bring to the Crafting Worlds community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping? Cookies!?)
I am totally Chatty...and skilled ...also funny and SUPER Helpful!
Tell us about yourself or anything else you'd like to share. The more we know about your the better!
I am a stay at home homeschool mom with two young men ages 11 and 13....We are a total gaming family, play games together. Currently we are all playing NEW WORLD on Theleme Server! I am on discord all the time! and love to help anyone with anything! Thank you for considering me!