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GW2 Legendary Weapon Guide!

ironic update....you know those tokens and dungeon gear?

Helm: Auto Get from personal story completion
Chest: 130 tokens
Pants: 120 tokens
Boots - 90 tokens
Gloves - 90 tokens
Shoulder - 80 tokens

total: 510 tokens for full

1 run = 41 tokens (7 tokens each for 3 underbosses; 20 for final boss)

510 tokens / 41 tokens per run = 13 runs for full armor

which is ironically how many runs to get all your items for a legendary
+1 Thank You Jordo, Thanks to your simple to understand guide. I chose to go Armorsmith & Weaponsmith for my Guardian!
Wait... why would they make the necessary reagents for crafting these items cost skill points when you need to use those to purchase different profession abilities? This does not make sense :/
Apparently you will earn skill points as you gain experience after level 80, was worried for a moment that I was wasting my skill points and that I would never get one of these items, phew.
Well guys, I'm already saving for the Legendary Staff. I have no idea if anyone's going for these? But I'm gonna make a valiant effort at being either guild first or at least one of the first few guildies that get their legendary. I'm already saving mats including a stack of unidentified dyes which are incredibly tempting to open!

I'm posting here because the reality of how many mats you need to farm is staggering so, broken down for each thing - if anyone has any spare going feel free to send them my way. If not, wish me luck :p

800 x Piles of Glittering Dust
400 x Piles of Shimmering Dust
200 x Piles of Radiant Dust
100 x Piles of Luminous Dust
250 x Piles of Incandescent Dust
500 x Piles of Crystalline Dust
800 x Tiger's Eye Pebbles
800 x Copper Doubloons
250 x Ascalonian Tears (Dungeon Item, Pretty sure can't be traded but if people want to start running it YES PLEASE)
250 x Unidentified Dyes
250 x Linen Scraps
250 x Gossamer Scraps
250 x Silk Scraps

Plus an Exotic Weapon, and 200 Skill Points... o_O /cry

I'm personally going to level Cooking to 400 and Artificing to 400 to create the two items (it's required for the staff) but to get some of the mats I need a 400 Jewelcrafter too! So, if anyone's getting that up, I'll be your friend <3
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