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New Guy From Mass AMA


New member
So i met some guys from here at Pax East and played some DnD with them and had a blast, and after the game they gave me a card with this place on it so here i am.

Not to sure on what to say about me, So ask me anything and ill answer, also avatar = me.
Heard alot of great things about that DnD game! Glad you could join us.

Question - what games are you currently playing? (if any) What games are you looking forward to?
Right now i "play" EvE online, Resident Evil HD, Various PS2-Ps3 games, Civ 5, and any tabletop game i get my hands on just about.
@ Baldoraxx Defently not a numbers guy, but yes i love FFX probly my third fav FF game after FFIX and FF tactics

@Exttus Battlestar Galatica is my top board game.
Cant say that i teared up at the ending but.....

The airship battle with the dragons brought a tear to my eye, something about people uniting to fight a common foe does that for me.
Welcome! I was also at a different table but I remember you as well! Really cool that you came to check us out here!

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I think we do, I feel like I've seen them before..

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