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New Guy From Mass AMA

So hard to pick a number one, but Beast is a big front runner.
Smart, strong, Frasier, I hear beast was even known to show up at Cheers in Boston from time to time.
I love Eve and CCP, I’ve never gotten into the game though. The whole concept of the game fascinates me; how (almost) everything can be seen as a form of pvp in it, and it’s really one of the only true sandbox MMO games out there. I think that’s the reason I haven’t gotten into it, there’s so much stuff to do in that game. And I don’t know where to start… Here’s a picture of stuff to do, which blew my mind when I saw it. The character customization in that damn game turns my pants into the Eiffel tower...

I was very excited for the World of Darkness game that CCP worked on, sadly they halted the development. I had to cry in the shower for days before that sadness went away, and now I’ve lost hope in MMOs.

Oh, and I don’t like superheroes. They’re silly. You seem like a good guy though.
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