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Nostalrius Begins: Vanilla WoW Server


New member


Has anyone else checked out this server? Seems to be a pretty legit and well maintained vanilla WoW server with many players on (Over 9000... seriously, not a DBZ reference). The Buttzz have started messing around with some characters and it's been ok so far. The game has really come a long way, so it hits that nostalgia button when you go back and see how difficult things were. It's easy to set up, doesn't require you to have ever owned a WoW account, and is totally free.

Anyone else interested, hit me up. We're playing Horde, and my name is Dawkinzz (Undead Warrior Tank).
Yeah. Right now the current raids are Onyxia and MC, but they'll be releasing BWL, AQ, and Naxx over time.
:eek:mg: Druid before druid was cool!

or, try something I always wanted to go full on with way back when like lock?
The trek to 60 is no joke so gotta think about this one.
Best part, my crappy laptop can handle this while I'm on the road.
:eek:mg: Druid before druid was cool!

or, try something I always wanted to go full on with way back when like lock?
The trek to 60 is no joke so gotta think about this one.
Best part, my crappy laptop can handle this while I'm on the road.

My first character took 17 hours... But I was also a Stone Guard at level 49, so I spent a lot of time PvP'ing.
I changed factions from a level 49 pally to horde the old school way. Gnomes rolling intelligence plate made me very angry.
Put a big block on hitting 60, but still made it there before they changed the skins from MC and the few who could get loot looked like bad modern art.
Had to of been 25 hours or so on that first Shaman too, I took my sweet time. The Druid was much faster.
Tempting! Thanks for the share.

I'd be game to try some early WoW. I started up a bit before BC - before Water Elemental and Ice Barrier were introduced, I think. Would be nice to play some epic AV again.
How are all my character names unavailable. >.< Shenanigans. I'm callin' it.

//edit. UD Rogue - Topic.

Made a few other placeholder names and classes, but I had to remind myself how much I enjoy stealth on a pvp server.
Vanilla Ony, so troll with the flame breaths. Such a great fight of aggro maintenance, control, and positioning. The lvl 70 version never did it justice. I'd love to play this but I fear the grind. The 1-60 level experience was one of the things that actually improved with time.
I'd love to play this but I fear the grind. The 1-60 level experience was one of the things that actually improved with time.

I was thinking that, too. Unless I'm wrong and I get a surprise email later, it's currently F2P, and it isn't like there's a time limit to level since there won't be xpacs. I'm really looking forward to trying a 40 man. And cmon, a f2p AAA(-ish) title? Win.

In the little bit I did play, people were looking for groups at stones ready to summon. Ha. And seeing all the pre-cata environments again is going to be great. The nostalgia is strong.
I wish I had more time to try this. I entered WoW in Burning Crusade so I never experienced the "vanilla" version everyone talks about.
I started WoW at the end of vanilla. I was 60 for just a few weeks. I think I killed Onyxia twice and ventured into MC (just first 3 bosses) only a couple times as well. My first real raiding was in BC. My group was able to clear all of Black Temple, which was amazing. I think the best raiding was in Lich King. Specifically, Ulduar. The triggered hardmodes were fantastic. I was never able to get a kill on the final boss, though.
Yeah. Right now the current raids are Onyxia and MC, but they'll be releasing BWL, AQ, and Naxx over time.

AQ was so freakin hard. Just OPENING the raid was a huge thing. I wonder if they will do the whole thing with having the whole server gathering thousands of bandages and chunks of meat.
AQ was so freakin hard. Just OPENING the raid was a huge thing. I wonder if they will do the whole thing with having the whole server gathering thousands of bandages and chunks of meat.

With only one person allowed to claim the scepter.
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