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Nostalrius Begins: Vanilla WoW Server

I farmed AQ for the beetle mounts when I wanted to have all the things. I got red, yellow, and green.

Nice, I have all 4 of the AQ ones and the scepter from archeology. I forget exactly how many mounts I had when I left last, but pretty sure it was 175+.
Nice, I have all 4 of the AQ ones and the scepter from archeology. I forget exactly how many mounts I had when I left last, but pretty sure it was 175+.

My friend was close to having all the available mounts at the end of Lich King. He had even farmed the Wintersrping Frostsaber mount which requires a few months of tedious grinding. I told him he should try to get thr "the Insane" title, but even he wasn't that crazy.
This does make me want to make an undead and run them over to the human start area. If you do it right, you are still level 2 when you get there. I'd run around killing all the wolves they needed for the first quest.
I started playing WoW...oh wow.....Mists of Pandaria :) Never really got into it before then, plus my mindset back then was "I have to pay monthly for this game, fuck that" I was a pay once and done type gamer....still am mostly
Vanilla WoW was all about time sync and organization on a large scale. I don't have time for Looking For Raid there's no way I'll find time for this. Though the nostalgia is real, I wish I had the time.
Vanilla WoW was all about time sync and organization on a large scale. I don't have time for Looking For Raid there's no way I'll find time for this. Though the nostalgia is real, I wish I had the time.

Yeah, those 40 man raids were no joke. You had to have a strong guild to have any hope of clearing anything. There was usually 3-5 people afk at any given moment though.
The server is apparently located in France, but I haven't had any ping or lag issues at all.

My warrior is level 31 on Horde side. Name = Dawkinzz
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