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LIVE Pen and Paper Old School D&D... Any interest in playing?

Or Paranoia.

D&D, especially 3e and later, is usually pretty heavy on combat as opposed to role-playing.



Oh god what have I stumbled onto:

I prefer combat to outweigh the role playing in a campaign, but I'm never opposed to heavy role playing. I just don't want it thrown in for the sake of stalling. I want it to have purpose and direction. I want a reason for that lore to be there. Some fluff is needed yes, but it should all help paint the picture.

On that note, I fucking love haggling. But I have learned from my previous experiences to not invest much stock in haggling, as it generally wastes too much playtime.... So I've learned to make my shopping visits short/automated unless something really cool exists.
If this goes as well as it seems it will, can we add some LARP to the next AltTabMe meet up! That'd be so pro!!!
Man, sleep for 7 hours and see what I miss?

COMMAND DECISION: We will be using pathfinder. There is online support and Gyoin has books to DL for those who want it at hand.

I will try to get and set up xplit this weekend so I can get everything recorded. Also I want the first part of the first session to be us walking through the basics of character creation so everyone who hasn't already rolled their character can do so on the spot and we can work out the kinks. This will help to get us beginners going and not get bogged down in details as Red Omen can keep us on track. If you want to create your character before Sat the 6th feel free, but if you want to create it with us that will be the first part of the session. I want to have enough time that session to at least start the campaign and get a feel for what we are doing.

It would be a great idea for everyone who is going to play to at least take a good look at the must have parts of what Gyoin posted. A basic understanding of what is there will help us move along quickly.

I am guessing that 2hrs for character creation and getting ready and then 2hrs to get started. I hope. I would like to do session 2 the next weekend so we can spend more time on the campaign right away. After that I would like to see it run every other week or maybe every 3rd week till the campaign is over. If it is a success we will figure out a good schedule moving forward.

I found a good dice rolling site in case people don't have or want to go buy dice

Tristan, you are doing a pseudo pen and paper rpg right now with the zombie apoc thread. You are the gm and a player. Everyone else are players. Where D&D differs is there is more depth in character making where you roll stats and have abilities. The GM makes up the settings and narrates the world. He also is the one to throw mobs/loot/etc. in your path for you to encounter and deal with. This is the model that every fantasy role playing game is based on. You have stats and get inventory and gear through the campaign. You level up and we will be using Red Omen's house rules on being able to die if you flag yourself so you can make super risky moves.

Here is a vid on what table top rpg's like D&D are
Thanks t1g! I do prefer the one I am running currently. I like story over stats :) It is interesting to see what people come up with when faced with interaction vs combat haha. :) Specially nerds!!!! *flex nerd muscles*
I already have split and can record this as well. I'll download the Pathfinder stuff again and read it at work
Do not post to illegal sites. Do it in mumble!
It would be good to have both of us recording. I did just download xsplit and need to play with it to see how it works. Red Omen posted a link in his first post on the thread to an online pathfinder repository.
I found a good dice rolling site in case people don't have or want to go buy dice

Do look into a shared whiteboard/virtual gametable for role playing instead, as it'll offer everything you need in one place (maps, dice rolls, character stats, etc.). You'll be doing yourself a favor on the long run, trust me.

Regarding the pdf downloads: As RedOmen and Hyomicca already pointed out, you can get the Pathfinder rules for free online.
Just spoke with Red Omen and it looks like he will not be available for GM. We will still need a GM to make this work. Maybe Dire would be up for it?

Everything is still changeable, so if we need to do it at a different time or day, or even a different rule set we can.
Not necessarily! I might be able to, but only if no one else is a better fit.
I just don't want to put you out man :) We can also move it to another day if that makes it easier. Dire did say he likes to GM but I think he didn't like the D&D setup so much.
Oooo did t1g piss of Omen with his executive orders? :) I wanna know the gossip behind the scenes of D&D Prep!
For those that want a "program guide" to help them with character development, I used this.


I just used it and it kinda gives you checks and balances for what you're allowed to do. I used the advanced version, but the beginners version may be really good to use for those new to table tops (Edit: Don't use the beginner box, just use the pathfinder template at the bottom of the demo). Sometimes I get lost myself when trying to min/max and utilize everything I have, so these tools are helpful for "You've exceeded your limit" or "You have more to choose from" than I previously thought. It also calculates in bonuses based on stats and race/class, so you can make sure you're not "missing out" on things. Even if you build your character using this free demo program, I highly suggest you copy over to the character sheet IN PENCIL, as things will be adjusted every time you level and when you use things. Using online programs like these are great for building, but terrible for upkeep.

Think of a character you want to use, race/class/background. Use demo to build that level 1 character. Follow tab by tab. Copy final results onto character sheet. You're ready to play!

Edit: You can not save on the demo, so copy your results once finished!
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