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Our OFFICIAL Recruitment Video!

not gonna lie, I always get nervous trying to apply to a new guild. Always have that, what if they don't like me mentality lol... any who, the video helped to pump me up to actually apply. Can't wait to maybe one day go baby Quaggan ganking with you guys!!!
not gonna lie, I always get nervous trying to apply to a new guild. Always have that, what if they don't like me mentality lol... any who, the video helped to pump me up to actually apply. Can't wait to maybe one day go baby Quaggan ganking with you guys!!!

Aww but we totally bite! Dammit this video is making us look soft... back to the drawing board PINKY!
baby quaggans should be look upon as a serious threat... you thought regular size quaggans are scary when they are angry... think again about how scary the little ones are, especially in large numbers
baby quaggans should be look upon as a serious threat... you thought regular size quaggans are scary when they are angry... think again about how scary the little ones are, especially in large numbers
Like a school of land piranhas!
And now its added to my GW2 playlist on Spotfy
Very cool. I like a lot of their music (although their first album was very "meh" to me). I highly recommend anything on the Church of Rock and Roll album though. Very good stuff :3
Awesome video! I work in production and was a freelance mograph guy and editor for a few years--it's nice work! Also has me pumped to apply.
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