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Wildstar Patch Notes for CBT3


Staff member


By Loic "Atreid" Claveau - June 26, 2013

Another week, another milestone. Team WildStar has been itching for the chance to get some faction on faction action going since we started beta, so we're excited about this round of beta. It's going to be our first opportunity to test out what PvP on Nexus looks like outside of Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Warplots. We're expecting to see some big fights in and around Whitevale and Farside. While our more curious testers are likely going to find bugs/exploits/issues with the PvP ruleset, we're pretty confident in the beta community's professionalism so far and expect to see a great play experience on both sides of the fence. Play nicely!

Here are the latest internal patch notes (in English) for our Closed Beta 3 test. As usual, these are being provided without context, and plenty of spoilers of unannounced content follow, so read at your own risk.

  • The beta level cap has been raised to 36.
  • Existing characters have been wiped to allow both factions the chance to level equally.
  • Both Exile and Dominion factions are now available for play! Flag yourself for PvP and go nuts in the open world!
    • PLEASE NOTE: This is our first time testing out dual-faction gameplay. Expect many testers to discover effective griefing methods during this beta phase. Please ensure that you get the data you need, report the issue, and then move on. Let's make sure both factions have an equally enjoyable time in CBT3!
  • New Zone: Farside. Travel off-planet to a newly established base on one of the moons of Nexus!
  • New Battleground: Halls of the Bloodsworn.
  • Rated Battlegrounds and Arenas have been opened for testing. Who will come out on top? Time to find out!
  • Fixed an issue where achievement points were displaying as zero after logout.
  • Challenges now all have a cooldown of 30 minutes.
  • Challenges now award XP, coin, and reputation as each tier threshold is achieved. As you might expect, Gold awards more than silver, which awards more than bronze.
  • Holo-Crypts in Forbidden Zones are no longer valid places at which to resurrect.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to be transferred to another continent when waking at the nearest Holo-Crypt.
  • The launcher now prevents PCs from going to sleep while in the middle of patching.
  • Players can now file support tickets in-game by using /ticket. For now, we still encourage you to email [email protected] for faster response times.
  • Fixed an issue where mounting along a shoreline would create an unusable mount next to the player.
  • We've added some extra support and fixes to the Adaptive Creature system:
    • Group Creature Participant Levels - Creatures that are 5-man, 20-man, and 40-man will behave normally up to 5/20/40 players respectively, and then begin scaling.
    • NPC Participant Count - NPCs on adaptive creature hate lists will only affect other NPC's damage. This is most present on defend holdouts, where friendly NPCs help out.
    • Interrupt Armor Scaling - As more and more players fight an adaptive creature, the creature will begin to gain more and more interrupt armor.
  • Settler:
    • Fixed an issue where Settler Resources were not dropping off of kills.
    • Fixed an issue where Settler infrastructures would decay faster than they should.
    • Settler build windows no longer remain open when leaving the depot.
    • Settler Campfires no longer always spawn directly in front of the player.
    • Settler Resources that drop off creatures now have their own piñata icons.
  • Scientist:
    • Fixed an issue where a Scanbot's name would not persist through logout.
    • Scientist Scanbots are now immune to all CC.
  • Votekicking has been added to group functionality.
    • Players can type /votekick <name> to initiate a vote. You can also target the player and just type /votekick, too!
    • Other party members will be able to vote to kick the member from their instance.
    • If the votekick succeeds, the player will be removed from the instance and the party will be placed into the replacement queue.
  • Group Finder groups now have a designated group leader. The group leader can invite players into the group if there are empty spots due to players leaving, however they have no ability to kick or set other types of permissions (loot, instance).
  • Group Finder will now be initiated when players drop from a dungeon/adventure group.
  • Adding support for players leaving instance. Providing UI for player to teleport back into instance.
  • If a player leaves a group due to being offline, they are no longer stuck in an invisible party.
  • Parties formed outside of instances are now remembered and stored if a player solo queues through the Group Finder.
  • A solo player in a Battleground can still communicate with his open-world party via /party (/p), and can talk to his Battleground party via /instance (or /i).
  • After leaving the instance, the player will rejoin his party in the open world.

  • Friends List
    • Add favorite people from your faction to the list to spy on them and keep an eye on there whereabouts.
    • Friend requests must be approved by the person you're attempting to add. Click the lock button in the upper left of the Friends UI in order to enable/disable friend requests.
  • Rivals List
    • Rivals may be added from either faction.
    • Anyone on your Rivals List can be marked in the open world with a unique visual representation. Use this to track down nemeses of the opposite faction, or duel with one of your favorite friends!
  • Ignore List
    • Add naughty Nexians to your Ignore list in order to make sure you never hear from them.
  • Suggested Friends
    • This list is automatically generated as you interact with other players in the open world. Accidentally left the dungeon run before friending the tank? Pop-up this list to find them again!
  • Mail now costs 50c per letter, with an additional 50c per item attached to the message.
  • Players can now choose between sending messages that will arrive instantly, in an hour, or the next day. The faster you want a message to arrive, the more expensive that message becomes!
  • Clicking another player's name in chat to whisper them now properly ignores "From" and "To".
  • Players are no longer automatically kicked from a group when camping.
  • Fixed an issue where mailed items would still be visible in the message even after they had been placed into inventory.
  • Characters can once again be rotated in the Character Panel window.
  • Removed some chat spam when /commands caused errors.
  • Receiving invites to multiple Circles at once will no longer cause the first invite window to break.
  • NPC Voiceovers will now keep track of which lines you've heard most recently and rotate through their options more thoroughly.
  • All Social windows now properly report which players are online.
  • Chat passwords now have a 25-character limit. As opposed to the 5,000 character limit it had previously.
  • Neighbors are now available!
    • Add players as neighbors to allow them to visit your house whenever they'd like.
    • Upgrade your neighbor to a Roommate to allow them to have permission to decorate your house interior.
    • Visit random players' housing plots if they have marked their plot as Public (All plots are currently Public by default). This feature can be found in the bottom-right of the Neighbors UI (in the Social Panel).
    • Mark your plot as Private (Lock in the upper-left of the Neighbors UI) if you do not wish to receive visits from random players.
  • A new 1x2 plot has been added to your Housing plot. The other plots have been moved a little to accommodate the new plot.
  • All races' housing models are now available (with remodel options). Housing model availability is faction-restricted.
  • Over 60 new housing plugs have been added!
  • Décor can now be deleted from within the Housing Crate, or within the Advanced Controls for an item.
  • We’ve made minor ease of use adjustments to the décor gizmo, including adding the ability to hold down right-click to rotate the camera without deselecting the prop you’re attempting to adjust.
  • Fixed an issue where rezzing while in Housing would place you on another players' Housing plot.
  • Fixed an issue where the Housing Escape button doesn't work when you first receive your house.
  • Fixed lag that was occurring after placing more than 100 décor items.
  • Fixed an issue where camping on your housing plot would put your house into an unusable state.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the interior wallpaper of your house and then buying a new house would break things.
  • "Landscaping the Sky": Bombs now knock players backwards based on the bomb's relative location to the player, rather than the player's facing.
  • Exile players can now backtrack to Northern Wilds by taking the same ship that brought them to Tremor Ridge in Algoroc.
  • Only participants of the public event will now complete the Ultrabot Destroyer Achievement in Northern Wilds.
  • Eldan Identification - Fixed an issue that could get the quest stuck in a bad state if players exited during the first objective.
  • Challenge "Dominion Datachrons" - Added Groundswell Demolitionist and Groundswell Sapper to the target group. Also fixed the directional arrow for this challenge, and converted items collected to "virtual items".
  • Stickpaw will no longer break when stunned.
  • Fixed an issue where certain factions would resurrect further away than intended in parts of Whitevale.
  • Elemental Origins - Added directional arrows once inside the location.
  • Achievement: Eldan Defense Protocol - No longer has placeholder text.
  • Bug Sweep: Dialog window on turn-in no longer calls players "##={player.name} not found! =##". Unless that happens to be your name, we suppose.
  • Bug Sweep: Corrected player response during turn-in to make sense.
  • Last Man Standing: "More info” dialog has been changed to make sense.
  • Striking at the Snake: Fixed an issue where the quest was not updating on activation of the Bunker Door.
  • Breaking and Entering: Can now be properly restarted if it was failed the first time.
  • The Emissary: Fixed an issue with Agent Boyd being un-activatable if the player logs out during his vignette.
  • Krazog's Gutpunch Brew: Creatures that drop Krazog's Gutpunch Brew are now properly marked as quest targets.
  • Spying on the Spies: ICI Scout Reports are now virtual items.
  • Peculiar Flora: Whitespring Pincers have had their levels reduced so they're not 4-5 levels higher than players.
  • The identity of Gnash the Colossus has been stolen, and has thus been renamed to Hagus the Colossus.
  • Unsafe Working Conditions: The extraneous cast bar has been removed for Flow Control Panels.
  • Escape from Junction Snowshadow: Players can now reenter Avra's Lair if they happen to have logged out before completing the quest.
  • Fixed the Frostbite Sunfish so it no longer wanders out of the lake.
  • Demolitions Disposal: Sunderstone Proximity Mines are now properly marked as quest targets.
  • Challenge: Augmented Tissue Samples - Added silver and gold reward tiers.
  • Painting a Picture: Added quest direction arrows and indicator locations.
  • Eldan Neurotoxin is properly removed from players if they die and resurrect at a Holo-Crypt.
  • Finding Frozen Fuzzies: Warriors no longer hold their swords while using the Thawing Laser.
  • Finding Frozen Fuzzies: Unacclimated animals are now marked as quest objectives.
  • Bot's Eye View: Truthbound Sentinels should no longer show up as quest objectives.
  • The Ascendant Champion: Players will now teleport to the correct location when using the Teleporter (rather than being spawned inside a prop).
  • Where Have All the Groomsmen Gone - Players can no longer deal damage to flavor NPCs.
  • The Squirg threat bar is now removed when leaving the Squirg Outbreak area.
  • Cave of the Dead: Tightened up the graphics of the Squirg explosion.
  • Finish Him: Quest now properly advances after using the escape pod.
  • Miner Yeti Report: Minimap indicators no longer appear in the wrong location.
  • Challenge: Grimstone Butcher: Diggers and Manglers now count towards the challenge.
  • Players can once again enter and exit Exo-Lab 14 freely.
  • Fixed an issue where Algoroc's exploration would get stuck at 99%.
  • Greystone Earthragers in Greystone Cavern will no longer spawn on top of each other.
  • Merchant Koko in Auroria now actually has things to sell.
  • Redsnout the Ravenous will now cast telegraphs spells in combat.
  • Poxbrew Enclave: Players who fail to enter the correct code now properly blocks players from entering.
  • Challenge: Blackheart Annihilator: Text now properly refers to groups rather than members.
  • Challenge: Longear Thrashing: The time allotted for has been increased to ten minutes. The gold tier has been set to 15 kills.
  • Extreme Prejudice: Matria Segrey now has a proper quest objective icon on her.
  • Datacube: Dark Ruminations has been moved out of a rock.
  • Cragroach Dredgers in Cragroach Caver will now spawn faster to avoid quest bottlenecks.
  • The Ground Beneath Your Feet: Fixed an issue that made the Terminite Eggs unable to be killed.
  • Researcher Hekkel’s voice is now consistent for all of his quests.
  • XT-9 Element Augment Complex is no longer a Forbidden Zone.
  • Collegium Under Attack: This breadcrumb quest has been removed as a requirement for the Episode achievement.
  • Post Palerock: Quest arrows now point to the proper location.
  • Exanite Examination: Quest arrows now point to the proper locations.
  • Colonel Trillos now has a consistent voice when you accept and turn-in quests.
  • Fixed a large number of item name and flavor text typos/issues.
  • Fixed many item icon and display bugs.
  • Fixed a few rare items which spawned with no stats attached to them.
  • The Tradeskill Talent UI has been added to the game. Please note this is just a UI currently and not a fully functioning system. A basic outline of the system is explained below so you can play around with it, but please do not report bugs with the system until the full system is added in the future.
    • Players earn talent points by completing elements of their Tradeskill Tech tree (marked with stars in the UI).
    • Talent points can be spent to unlock bonuses for tradeskills, and will also be able to be respec'd.
    • Some talents have tooltips attached to them, but these talents may not function as described. We'll make an announcement once the system is fully implemented!
  • Cloth Drop Rates have been addressed!
    • Tailors have received a new schematic at each tier level that allows them to convert uncommon drops for common Cloth.
    • Apparel Salvaging gives more cloth now.
    • Cloth drops are now more consistent from salvaging light armor.
  • Salvaging Updates:
    • Armor and weapons will always give at least one crafting material when salvaged.
    • Trash loot is no longer salvageable.
    • Salvage Criticals can drop new Power Amps and Dual Stat Chips.
  • Tradeskill Dropping has been replaced with Tradeskill Swapping. Players who visit the Tradeskill Trainer and select a new Tradeskill will be given the option to swap a current Tradeskill out for a new one. This will cost various amounts of money, depending on the Tradeskill you are switching from as well as the tier reached.
  • Tradeskill Hubs have been spawned and populated in Illium and Farside.
  • Work Order Updates:
    • Work Orders have been added for all tradeskills in Illium and Farside.
    • Fixed a bunch of work order text bugs.
    • Work Orders are now repeatable on a daily basis.
    • Added directional arrows for work order turn-ins.
    • Trainer Tullio should now accept quest turn-ins for Whitevale Dominion work orders.
  • Coordinate Crafting updates:
    • Coordinate crafting sessions will now persist after a disconnect or server crash.
    • Coordinate Crafting Additives have been removed from the world and are solely purchased and used through the coordinate crafting UI.
  • Tradeskill NPCs are now unkillable by players of the opposite faction.
  • Achievements in the Tech Tree that previously read "Complete the Above..." or "Complete the following..." are now updated to accurately say "Complete the preceding..."
  • Novice Armorer Tech Tree has been shuffled around a bit.
  • "Crafting Your First Light Armor" quest now has a quest arrow.
  • High Density Layering Tech in the Apprentice Tailor Tech Tree has been moved over one box.
  • Fixed an issue in Galeras where Assistant Wandersprout suffered from random bouts of narcolepsy
  • Tooltips on Tradeskill Resources have been fixed and now reference the U-Craft Vendbots.
  • All Medishots and Boosts that referred to old stat names have been updated to the new stat names.
  • Outfitter Power Management at the Journeyman, Artisan, and Expert levels now explicitly state that Power Amps must be extracted from medium armor.
  • Trauma Dispersion Tech now tracks items salvaged instead of items crafted.
  • Removed duplicate items from the Drink-O-Matic in the housing area.
  • Changed the lower level BBQ pit ore requirement from Titanium to Platinum.
  • New cooking recipes have been secretly added to Algoroc and Whitevale as rewards, drops, and more. Good luck finding them all!
  • The Commodities Exchange is open for business! The commodities exchange is a part of the auction house that is used to buy and sell commodities such as crafting materials, hobby materials, consumables, and microchips.
    • The Commodities Exchange (half of the future Auction House) has been added to Illium and Thayd.
    • Some locations can have a Commodities Exchange built as a Settler upgrade.
    • Many items have been recategorized so that they show up in the proper place in the Commodities Exchange.
  • Changed the way money drops to be a flatter distribution with a rare bonus drop of extra cash.
  • Coins in the loot piñata will now pop out in multiple single coins, rather than stacks.
  • Coins in the loot piñata can now be picked up by running over them.
  • Made crafting additives for the Technologist much cheaper.
  • Crafting additives are no longer dropped or sold in stores.
  • Fixed a bug where vendors could become unresponsive after walking away from them without closing the UI.
  • Added support for right-clicking to move items in or out of the bank.
  • Items marked as Unique now work as intended.
  • Advanced Video Options are now available to tweak your game's performance and quality.
  • Raid Frame Updates
    • Raid members can now be added to a "tear-off frame" for tracking specific raid members (and target-of-target functionality).
    • New Buff and Debuff display added.
    • Basic group options integrated into the display.
    • Columns can now be resized by width/length.
  • A new target menu (right click an enemy's nameplate) adds an option for “Assist” to friendly targets, Alternate Target, and Target-of-Target.
  • Expanded the registration panel and error fields in Circles to account for longer names, and added name check validation so invalid names can't be sent.
  • New color picker added to Houston that references our color constants and virtual colors, new set of virtual colors added for UI use to start unifying our interfaces.
  • The Datachron is now open by default when entering the Housing plot.
  • Awesome target marker icons have been added. Marking targets can currently be done while in a party either by typing /setmarker [1-9] or by keybinding the functions. Marking through the UI coming soon!
  • Death UI: The resurrect timer now shows tenths of a second.
  • Fixed a bug preventing text floaters from showing when in first-person.
  • The Limited Action Set (LAS) has been expanded to 8 abilities (up from 7).
    • 2 slots now unlock at level 1, and another slot unlocks every level up to level 7.
  • All classes are now able to resurrect allies when out of combat by right-clicking on the player's body.
    • Related to this, resurrect abilities no longer need to be slotted in the LAS to be used.
  • Creature AI has been re-evaluated and a number of backend changes have been made. Most of these changes will not be immediately visible, however this will allow us to better balance game difficulty across the board in the future.
    • For more details about this change, see this thread.
  • All item specials have received a balance pass and are now either gated by a random percent chance to proc, an internal proc cooldown, or a combination of both. This is to prevent situations where certain milestones (or ability chips) were procing too frequently.
    • Additionally many items specials will now only proc off of direct damage/healing rather than DoT’s and HoT’s.
  • Enemies no longer turn towards you when stunned. (This was most obvious when a Stalker opened combat with a stun from stealth.)
  • Creatures will now aggro less often if you are of a much higher level than the creature.
  • Healing in combat no longer causes the healer to be stuck in combat.
  • Added a check for LAS slots to ensure players may never cast abilities that are not in their LAS bar.
  • Breaking out of an NPC crowd control abilities early will no longer interrupt the NPC's cast.
  • Dying due to falling damage will no longer put you in a bad location.
  • When accepting a Caster Resurrect, players now resurrect at the caster's location when they cast the spell. (This allows a caster to logout and not get the dead player stuck.)
  • Blade Dance
    • The area in which the damage is dealt is now more accurate to the telegraph shape.
    • Fixed a bug that was allowing Blade Dance to hit more than 5 enemies.
    • Blade Dance is now interrupted by other spell casting.
    • Reduced the duration to 3 seconds down from 5 seconds.
    • No longer a Focus Consumer, this now immediately grants 1 Focus Point at the start of the cast and another once it completes.
  • Bolster
    • Now Generates a Focus Point at the start of the cast.
    • Now ignores the Global Cooldown.
    • Now has 2 Ability Charges.
    • Can now stack up to two times.
    • Increased the Mana cost to 40 (up from 25).
    • Increased the heal to 32% Support Power each tick, up from 25%.
  • Concentrated Blade
    • Now ignores the global cooldown and does not trigger it.
  • Collective Will
    • This has been swapped for Mental Boon.
    • Instantly heals the caster and 4 party members within 25 meters. The amount of healing done is increased per Focus Point spent. Consumes all Focus Points.
  • Crush
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
  • Dislodge Essence
    • New Ability: Level 34 - Hits the closest enemy within a line ahead of the caster, dealing [100% Support Power] damage every 3 seconds for 6 seconds. Each time the enemy takes damage from this spell, 3 of the caster's allies within 8m of the enemy have [100% Support Power] health restored. Generates a Focus Point if used in combat.
  • Fade Out
    • No longer drops threat.
  • Haunt
    • Reduced the cast time to 1.25 seconds (down from 1.5 seconds).
  • Incapacitate
    • New ability - Deals [85% Assault Power] damage to the 3 closest enemies in a line ahead of the caster and Subdues them for 10 seconds.
  • Mirage
    • New icon!
    • Increased the cast time to 1.25 seconds (up from 1 second).
    • Reduced the Mana cost to 80, down from 100.
  • Phantasmal Armor
    • When the Absorption effect has ended the interrupt armor is now removed.
  • Phantom Swarm
    • Increased the hit points on the Phantoms by 250%.
    • Increased the cooldown to 12 seconds (up from 10 seconds).
    • Increased the damage dealt to 55% Assault Power (up from 50%).
  • Projected Spirit
    • No longer builds a Focus Point.
  • Shockwave
    • Reduced Shockwaves Snare to 40% (down from 50%).
    • Increased the duration to 8 seconds (up from 6 seconds).
  • Soothe
    • Now generates a Focus Point instantly.
  • Spectral Frenzy
    • Increased the cast time to 1.25 seconds (up from 1 second).
    • Increased the damage by 15%.
  • Telekinetic Strike
    • Now Snares movement speed by 40% (down from 60%).
    • Added an 8 second Cooldown.
    • Increased the cast time to 2 seconds (up from 1.5 seconds).
    • Increased the damage to 180% Assault Power (up from 90% Assault Power).
  • Telekinetic Storm
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • This has been made in to a Freeform Targeted spell that will explode at the first target it hits or at the end of the telegraph length if no target is hit.
  • General
    • Suit Power should no longer be listed as Adrenaline in tooltips.
  • Stealth
    • The Algoroc Loftite Buff no longer breaks the Stalker out of Stealth.
    • Housing buffs should no longer break the Stalker out of Stealth.
    • If you enter Stealth while Partial Stealth is active, Partial Stealth is consumed and its cooldown is reset.
  • Milestones
    • The Stalker’s Tech Tier 5 Milestone “Last Stand” is now fully implemented. If the Stalker were to take damage that would kill him he becomes invulnerable for 4 seconds and regenerates 250% Technology per second for 4 seconds.
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Blood Rush to target invalid nearby enemies and tag them.
    • The Stalker’s Tech Tier 2 Milestone “Don’t Call it a Comeback” is now summoned when the Stalker takes damage that would put him below 35% health.
    • The damage done from "Don't Call it a Comeback" is now based off of Technology.
  • Analyze Weakness
    • Any Support ability that would deal damage now properly procs the damage from Analyze Weakness.
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • Reduced the Suit Power Regen duration to 4 seconds (down from 8).
    • Increased the regeneration rate to 75% (up from 50%) for the Stealth Bonus.
  • Clone
    • Vortex Sweep now properly interrupts enemy creature’s telegraphs.
    • The damage done on the Clone abilities now matches the amount listed in the tooltip.
    • The Clone’s pounce no longer ignores Line of Sight.
  • Collapse
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
  • Emergency Stealth
    • New Ability – The Stalker dashes backward and Stealths, removing all current threat. This Stealth can’t be broken by damage but has a limited duration.
  • False Retreat
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • Now deals 88% Support and 88% Assault power in damage instead of 175% Support Power.
  • Frenzy
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Frenzy to drain twice the intended amount of Suit Power.
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • The Deflect Chance is now a flat 20% increase and no longer scales off the Stalker’s Support Power.
    • Increased the Range to 8 meters (up from 6 meters).
  • Maelstrom
    • New Ability – Spin wildly throwing disks at the 5 closest enemies within 10 meters, dealing 50% Support Power in damage and taunting for 9 seconds.
  • Nano Field
    • Reduced the range to 8m (down from 10m).
    • New Stealth Bonus: Restores shields when used.
    • Will now properly trigger the Global Cooldown on the second press.
  • Neutralize
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • The Disarm has been changed to a Subdue.
    • Increased the range to 6 meters (up from 5 meters).
    • Increased the cooldown to 20 seconds (up from 8).
  • Overload
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • Now has a From Behind effect that makes each tick of the DoT critically hit.
    • Phlebotomizing Missile
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • Now has a From Behind effect that applies a debuff which increases the damage your target takes by 5%.
    • Increased the healing reduction to 50% (up from 40%).
    • Decreased the range to 15 meters (down from 25 meters).
  • Pounce
    • When in Stealth, Pounce properly highlights the ability (to show the available Stealth Bonus).
    • This has been switched to a Freeform Targeted ability. The Stalker will Pounce to the 1st enemy struck, and if no enemy is hit the Stalker will travel the full distance.
    • Reduced the width to 3 meters (down from 4 meters).
  • Quick Slash
    • No longer generates Suit Power when the Stalker doesn’t hit an enemy.
  • Razor Disk
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • Now applies a 15% armor debuff to targets that are hit.
    • Now has a Stealth Bonus that increases the duration of the debuff to 10 seconds.
  • Reaver
    • Reduced the Taunt duration to 4 seconds (down from 8 seconds).
    • Added a 25 Suit Power cost.
    • Now has a Stealth bonus that gives a Support Power buff and increases the Taunt duration to 8 seconds.
  • Staggering Strike
    • This ability no longer ignores Line of Sight.
    • The Stealth Bonus has been switched to a From Behind positional bonus.
  • Tether Mine
    • Now scales with both Support and Assault Power. The explosion deals 20% Assault and 20% Support Power each tick, down from 50% Assault power.
    • Increased the mine duration to 45 seconds.
    • Increased the recharge time to 45 seconds.
  • Whiplash
    • Reduced the Suit Power generation to 10 (down from 12).
    • Now reduces enemies' Physical, Tech and Magic defenses by 5% per stack.
    • Reduced the range to 8 meters (down from 10 meters).
  • General
    • All Kinetic Cell consuming abilities now either consume 1-2 Kinetic Cells or 2-3 Kinetic Cells. This means that certain abilities can be used with a single cell but are more powerful when used with two cells. In general all 2-3 Cell consumers have higher burst damage than 1-2 cell consumers to account for the additional build time.
    • Fixed a bug that was causing the Unfair Advantage Milestone to not fire.
    • Reduced the height of Leap by half, to prevent issues where players could leap onto the pillars in the arena.
    • Fixed a bug with "To the Pain" that was causing players to be un-killable with 1 health.
  • Breaching Strikes
    • New Ability. This has replaced Charged Strike as the alternate spammer for the DPS spec. Using this ability will deal damage to enemies in a frontal cone twice and will debuff the Armor of enemies.
    • Augmented Blade (formerly Unrelenting Shout)
    • This will now auto fire when you reach the max charged time.
    • The duration of the heal debuff was reduced to 8 seconds (down from 10).
    • The cooldown now increases if the ability is charged: 6 second base CD, 12 seconds fully charged.
  • Charged Strike
    • This ability has been redesigned to be a high impact builder with a short cooldown. This is particularly useful to use when you want to generate a lot of Kinetic Energy or to initiate encounters.
    • The range was reduced to 6 meters, now hits enemies in a cone and auto fires at max charge time.
    • The damage done is now 70% when tapping the ability, 170% at the first charge, and 205% Assault Power fully charged.
    • This also now generates 50, 100, and 150 Kinetic Energy for the respective tiers.
  • Plasma Saw
    • This ability was redesigned to no longer be a Cell consumer but rather a medium impact builder with a short cooldown. The goal was to provide some abilities to break up the the Relentless Strikes spam and this ability can be used to finish building a half full Cell and apply decent burst damage.
    • This now deals 100% Assault Power damage plus 20% Assault power damage every second for 8 seconds and has an 8 second cooldown. This also builds 50 Kinetic Energy.
  • Wallop
    • This no longer disarms enemies, instead it applies a debuff that reduces the Strikethrough chance of enemies.
    • To compensate for this change the cooldown has been reduced to 10 seconds (down from 45 seconds).
  • Savage Strikes
    • This is now a 1-2 cell consumer and no longer has Rapid Tap functionality, no longer scales the player, and no longer applies a damage aura. Instead this ability has been repurposed as a more simplified burst damage ability that is specifically useful when there are 3 or less enemies or when you are facing low health and or vulnerable enemies.
    • Deals 80% Assault Power damage twice at 1 Cell.
    • Deals 160% Assault Power damage twice at 2 Cells.
  • Whirlwind
    • Now consumes 2-3 Kinetic Cells.
    • Deals 54% Assault Power damage every half second at 2 Cells.
    • Deals 75% Assault Power damage every half second at 3 Cells.
  • Kick
    • No longer generates Kinetic Energy.
  • Cannon Volley
    • New Ability! This ability is an alternate spammer for the Tank spec. It is a short cast time cannon shot that shoots enemies in a line. The ability can be pressed twice more instantly to fire off two additional shots.
    • Guarded Strikes (formerly Menacing Strikes)
    • This ability no longer generates Kinetic Energy at a faster pace than Relentless Strikes.
    • Additionally this ability now applies a stacking Armor buff to the Warrior.
    • The range was reduced to 8 meters (down from 10).
  • Plasma Blast
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing Kinetic Energy from being built if you only hit targets farther than melee range.
    • The cooldown for this ability has been reduced to 12 seconds (down from 20).
  • Bolstering Strike
    • This is a 1-2 Cell consumer.
    • The range has been increased the range to 8 meters (up from 6).
    • This no longer restores Shield Capacity per target hit.
    • The amount of Shields restored regardless of targets hit has been increased but will now only restore Shields if an enemy is hit by the ability.
    • Now hits 5 targets instead of 3.
    • Now does the following:
      • 1 Cell: 125% Support Power Damage and 100% Support Power Shield Restore.
      • 2 Cells: 200% Support Power Damage and 160% Support Power Shield Restore.
  • Defense Grid
    • This is a 2-3 Cell consumer.
    • The damage reduction values have been modified and allies of the Warrior will receive the same damage reduction buff that the Warrior receives.
    • Now reduces damage the following values:
      • 1 Cell: 30% Reduced Damage.
      • 2 Cells: 50% Reduced Damage.
  • Plasma Wall
    • New Ability! This is a 2-3 Cell consumer.
    • This ability functions similarly to Whirlwind in that it will deal damage to enemies every half second while the button is held down. Plasma Wall however only deals damage to enemies in a frontal arc in front of the Warrior.
    • Additionally the Warrior gains a damage reduction buff while Plasma Wall is active, however if the Warrior is attacked twice from behind the buff is lost.
  • Emergency Reserves
    • The tooltip now correctly displays how much Interrupt Armor is granted.
  • Plasma Shield
    • No longer generates Kinetic Energy.
    • Interrupt gained reduced to 3 (down from 5).
  • Plasma Pulse
    • No longer generates Kinetic Energy.
  • Flash Bang
    • This ability is no longer a targeted ability and will instead blind enemies in a circle offset 12 meters ahead of the Warrior.
    • The duration of the blind effect has been reduced to 5 seconds (down from 8).
    • No longer generates Kinetic Energy.
  • Plasma Whip
    • This ability is no longer a targeted ability and will instead pull the two closest enemies in a line.
    • This no longer shares a cooldown with Leap.
    • No longer generates Kinetic Energy.
    • Now deals Support Power damage rather than Assault Power.
  • Relentless Strikes
    • This now deals slightly more damage, 60% Assault Power per strike (up from 50%).
  • Leap
    • This ability is no longer a targeted ability and will instead leap the warrior forward 20 meters forward or to the nearest enemy, knocking them down.
    • With either method when the Warrior lands they will deal AE damage.
    • The cooldown of this ability has been reduced to 25 seconds (down from 30) and no longer shares a cooldown with Plasma Whip.
    • No longer generates Kinetic Energy.
  • Atomic Spear
    • This ability has been redesigned to be a medium impact builder with a short cooldown.
    • This now hits enemies in an 8 meter cone and snares all enemies hit with a cooldown of 10 seconds.
  • Bum Rush
    • No longer generates Kinetic Energy.
  • Unstoppable Force
    • New Ability! This ability breaks the Warrior free from all CC effects and grants immunity to CC effects for 5 seconds.
    • This ability ignores GCD and has a 60 second cooldown.
  • Milestones
    • Milestones have been updated so they work correctly on initial application and login.
    • Homeward Bound
      • This milestone is now fully implemented.
    • Sprinter
      • Proc time decreased to 4.0 seconds (down from 6.0 seconds).
    • Stolen Breath
      • Now only affects targets actively casting instead of applying at all times.
  • Affinity (formerly Focus Target)
    • Now available at level 34 (up from level 20).
  • Arcane Infusion
    • Now triggers the Global Cooldown.
  • Call the Void
    • Now triggers the Global Cooldown.
  • Cone of Frost
    • Root no longer has a chance to break on damage.
  • Gather Mana
    • New Ability!
    • Restores 150 mana after a 2.0 second cast, but causes all healing done by the caster to be reduced by 50% for 4.0 seconds.
    • Available at level 20.
  • Healing Torrent
    • Reduced the number of cast tiers from 5 to 2.
    • Mana cost increase per tier is now 20 (up from 6).
  • Mobile Fire (formerly Precision Fire)
    • Now fires 3 shots instead of a long charge up to a single shot.
    • Telegraph narrowed and double damage area removed.
    • Now increases player movement speed by 25% (up from 15%) but only during the ability’s 1.0 second channel time.
  • Rapid Fire
    • Damage increased slightly from .233 to .24 for each shot.
  • Spatial Shift
    • Now available at level 22 (up from level 14).
    • Cooldown increased from 30.0 seconds to 40.0 seconds.
  • True Shot
    • Now available at level 14 (down from level 22).
    • Icon now properly indicates the spell cannot be cast while moving.
  • Vitality Burst
    • Icon now properly indicates the spell cannot be cast while moving.
  • Void Slip
    • Absorption effect has been removed.
    • Cooldown reduced from 120.0 seconds to 60.0 seconds.
  • Players who enter Battlegrounds/Arenas while mounted will now be properly dismounted.
  • Added spell prereq and cooldowns to Wobbly Bastard Bitter Ale to address a PvP griefing mechanic.
  • Removed same faction vs. same faction matching for Battlegrounds, so we can get some faction rivalry going. GO EXILES AND/OR DOMINION!
  • PvP matches with team size 5 and under will now show the team in a group frame instead of a raid frame.
  • Increased the match notification message timeout from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • The default PvP player rating is now 1200.
  • Reduced the acceptable threshold for player/team matching. If there are no players/teams within an acceptable ratings range for the player/team to be matched against, the team will not be matched and remain in queue until an opponent, who is within the threshold, arrives in the queue.
  • Ratings for Arena teams are now visible in Group Finder, when clicking on your team under the My Arena Team and Info section in the Arenas dropdown.
  • The character’s personal Arena rating is now visible in Group Finder (in italics under the team name) under the My Arena Team and Info section in the Arenas dropdown.
  • The character’s personal Battleground rating is now visible in the Battlegrounds dropdown in Group Finder.
  • Prestige, WildStar’s PvP currency, is now in the game. You can see your Prestige total by clicking on the currency section of your Inventory. Currently, there is nothing to purchase using Prestige, so please be patient with us while we generate PvP rewards!
  • Prestige is capped at 5000. Players who hit the cap will not be able to earn any more Prestige.
  • Prestige is now gained when killing another player.
  • Players will now receive Prestige upon match completion.
  • Winning team members will now receive bonus Prestige upon match completion.
  • 2v2 and 3v3 Arenas are now available for testing at level 36!
  • 3v3 Arenas have been changed to level 36 to reflect the new beta level cap.
  • Added VO for defeat/win.
  • Arena team captains who decline invites will no longer lose the ability to queue the team.
  • Arena matches with 0 respawns remaining will no longer be open to exploits to stall the match.
  • Added scaling XP rewards for match participation and match win for all Battlegrounds.
  • Added scaling money rewards for all Battlegrounds.
  • Increased the amount of experience granted for Battleground objectives.
  • The unrated Battleground brackets have been adjusted. The new brackets for this round of beta are:
    • 3-14 (Walatiki Temple)
    • 15-24 (Walatiki Temple and Halls of the Bloodsworn)
    • 25-36 (Walatiki Temple and Halls of the Bloodsworn)

  • Rated Battlegrounds have been added! For testing purposes, no brackets are being used for Rated Battlegrounds in this round of beta. Players can queue at the following levels (and will be matched based on their individual rating):
    • Walatiki Temple: 3-36
    • Halls of the Bloodsworn: 15-36
  • To queue in a Rated Battleground, open Group Finder, choose “Rated Battlegrounds” from the dropdown, choose an available game, and click on the “Join the Fight” button.
  • NEW BATTLEGROUND: Halls of the Bloodsworn!
    • This is a "Hold the Line" attack/defend style Battleground, with two teams taking turns attempting to capture or defend points on the map.
    • Each of the three rooms in the Hall has a primary control point and two secondaries. Control of the secondary control points provides a capture bonus for the attacking team or removes the attackers capture bonus for the defending team.
    • When the game starts, the attacking team has 20 minutes to capture all three primary control points.
      • If the attackers fail to capture all three points in the allotted time, the second round begins and the teams switch roles. The new attacking team must capture more control points than the defenders, or have captured the same amount of control points faster than the defenders to win.
      • If the attackers capture all three points, the second round begins and the teams switch roles. The new attacking team must capture all three points faster than the defenders.
    • Halls of the Bloodsworn first unlocks at level 15, and is available up through the level cap.
  • Players capturing secondary control points will receive Prestige and XP when the point is captured.
  • All players on a team will receive a small XP and prestige reward when the primary control points are captured.
  • "Moodie Jungle" has been renamed to "Walatiki Temple".
  • Increased the powerup respawn timer from 30-45 seconds to 30-60 seconds.
  • Increased the neutral mask spawn timer from every 10-ish seconds to 15-ish seconds.
  • Fleshed out achievements for capturing and stealing masks. There are now additional achievements to encourage more capturing/stealing after the first achievement is completed.
  • Added a Meta Moodie achievement for players who capture a mask while wearing Tamolo’s mask.
  • Added teleporters in each spawn room to provide an additional exit in case of spawn camping. The teleporters have a 20 second cast time.
  • Removed collision on plants.
  • Mask carriers and players assisting the carrier (within 20m at time of capture) will receive Prestige when the mask is captured.
  • Kel Voreth and Stormtalon are now only visible in Group Finder once the player reaches level 20.
  • Parties formed outside of instances are now remembered and stored if a player solo queues through the Group Finder.
    • A solo player in a Battleground can still communicate with his open-world party via /party (/p), and can talk to his Battleground party via /instance (or /i).
    • After leaving the instance, the player will rejoin his party in the open world.
  • (Dungeons Only) Group Finder groups now have a designated group leader. The group leader can invite players into the group if there are empty spots due to players leaving, however they have no ability to kick or set other types of permissions (loot, instance).
  • (Dungeons Only) Players are now able to leave a dungeon instance while in a Group Finder group. To teleport back to the instance, open Group Finder and click the “Teleport to Instance” button.
  • Group Finder can now be initiated to find replacements by the group leader when players drop from a dungeon group.
  • Players have the ability to change their role before queuing for replacements.
  • Votekicking has been added to group functionality.
  • Players can type /votekick <name> to initiate a vote. (You can also target the player and just type /votekick, too!)
  • Other party members will be able to vote to kick the member from their instance.
  • If the votekick succeeds, the player will be removed from the instance and the party will be placed into the replacement queue.
  • The initial Pell pull no longer drops loot.
  • Creature base levels have been raised to 20.
  • Spore Coating should now properly proc on enemies after collecting Corrupted Stem Samples.
  • Stormtalon now correctly pauses until the cinematic is finished before starting the fight.
  • Aethros' Interrupt Armor has been reduced to 2 (down from 3) during his Tempest.
  • Thundercall Acolytes should no longer return to neutral after leaving the instance and returning.
  • Fixed an issue where the Skullcano map would not always properly display
  • Creature base levels have been raised to 35.
  • Stew-Shaman Tugga
    • Increased health.
    • Molten Rain - damage reduced.
    • Blast Force - damage increased.
    • Arcane Bolt - damage reduced.
    • Devour Flesh - healing reduced.
    • Instead of Disarming, Tugga will Subdue players.
    • Magma Totems no longer regenerate health in combat.
    • No longer receives a Damage and Scale buff from Devour Flesh.
    • Tugga's default size has been increased.
    • Moved a creature group farther away from Stew-Shaman Tugga.
  • Thunderfoot
    • Increased health.
    • Swipe - damage increased.
    • Swipe's auto-attack damage numbers should no longer display 1.4 seconds after the damage is taken.
    • Spore Cloud - damage increased by 100%.
    • Players can now avoid the Seismic Tremor by jumping at the proper time.
  • Bosun Octog
    • Increased health.
    • Swipe - damage reduced.
    • Monkey Drop Pod - damage increased.
    • Added encounter wall to the fight.
    • Reduced the number of ink shield phases from 3 to 2.
    • Reduced the number and spawn rate of squirgs during the Ink Shield phase by 50%.
    • Squirgs in the dance phase now apply blind instead of disorient.
    • Scab now correctly flies away when the encounter begins.
  • Mordechai Redmoon
    • Increased health.
    • Cross Shot - damage increased.
    • Combustion - damage increased.
    • Turrets properly despawn when Mordechai is defeated.
    • Raised the Terraformer beam to discourage players from trying to jump it.
    • Made the Molten Gold puddles jumpable.
  • Redmoon Gold Guardian
    • Cleave should now actually do damage.
  • Redmoon Quartermaster (renamed to Quartermaster Gruh)
    • Kneecap - damage reduced.
    • Now will always spawn.
    • This optional objective is always available (not randomly selected).
    • Doubled his health (in the 200k range now) so he feels more like a miniboss.
  • Molten Chasm Path
    • Laveka should no longer be floating above her platforms.
  • Skullcano has music now!
  • Improved spawn spacing, density, and patrol paths.
  • Mushroom hazards in act 1 are no longer susceptible to any forms of CC.
  • Redmoon Jailor
    • The “Enslave” Spell is now single-target (Telegraph has been removed).
  • Redmoon Prisoners now use a simple Telegraph attack.
  • Redmoon Gold Hoarder
    • The “Debilitating Barrage” debuffs will now be more obvious: added a slow effect, visual effects, and places you in combat.
  • Redmoon Medic has been renamed to Redmoon Necromancer.
  • Freed prisoners now run the correct way when released.
  • Redmoon Marauders can no longer damage prisoners.

  • Mobs walking up ramps should no longer path through terrain.
  • All creature levels have been raised to 20.
  • Grond
    • Increased Grond's hit radius to match his character model.
    • Players should no longer be able to pull Grond before his wave.
  • Slavemaster Drokk
    • Added a boss encounter wall.
  • Blinded Kel Voreth Slavers now correctly use their telegraphs.
  • Enslaved Augmentors should now use their telegraphs.
  • Forgemaster Trogun
    • Players can now jump over the Seismic Stomp ground fields.
    • Moved the journal next to Trogun off the anvil (where it was nigh-unreachable).
    • Switched Trogun's 'clobber' to use the correct wound animation.
    • Trogun's Hammer of Wrath no longer causes NPCs (Pets, Scanbots, etc.) to be Disarmed.
    • Added a boss encounter wall.
  • Whitevale: Turned down the music volume in Redmoon's Dockyard.
  • Fixed the Character Creation music so it no longer skips when loading into the game world.
  • Northern Wilds' cinematics now have voiceover.
  • Voiceover for challenges, achievements, and mission discoveries no longer play on top of each other.
  • Voiceovers will no longer interrupt themselves when clicking through dialogue, so that you can listen to the whole line while moving forward with quest prompts.
select all after pasting it and hit the eraser button upper left of the format options. It removes any wonky formatting.
Some quick things I saw that I liked or had thoughts on.

lots of housing stuff, like permissions on who can come to your house, and you can have a "room mate" who can places decorations on your house

Saw mention of 3 crafting professions, tailor, armorer, and technologist.

lots of pvp stuff, meh.

all characters can ooc rez and not have it take up an action slot.

All item specials have received a balance pass and are now either gated by a random percent chance to proc, an internal proc cooldown, or a combination of both. This is to prevent situations where certain milestones (or ability chips) were procing too frequently.
  • Additionally many items specials will now only proc off of direct damage/healing rather than DoT’s and HoT’s.
This will make some items be best in slot and worth tons more than a similar one. Theory crafters will have a heyday with this.

you can stay in your group in the world even if you queue and get in a battleground. talk to your world group with /p and your bg group with /i

npc voice overs remember what you have heard recently and cycle through so you get the same ones less frequently...CITIZENS!
The housing ones definitely excite me, WHO WANTS TO BE ROOMIES

Sent from Droid Razr Maxx HD via Tapatalk
I love that you can have a rivals list and mark the people you want to go after in the future.
I love that you can have a rivals list and mark the people you want to go after in the future.
my friends list in wow was only rivals that I did AH pvp with. If they were on I kept going back and undercutting them. If I saw they logged off I could post and forget it.
my friends list in wow was only rivals that I did AH pvp with. If they were on I kept going back and undercutting them. If I saw they logged off I could post and forget it.

I actually posted different stuff on different characters. It was a hassle, but it was what I did to control certain markets against people like you.
I had multiple posting mules for my inscription postings. I knew my competition and my competition knew me. I could tell from the way we interacted with the AH pvp. I also found out that one of my competitors was a healer in my guilds raiding group that I raided with 4 days a week lol. We white listed each other after that on the auctioneer addon. He actually beat me to 1 million gold, then won the robot head helicopter mount with a lucky roll that beat me.
I loved all of the details in here! So much where to even begin discussions at? Tradeskill UI is in but the actual system isn't. Housing neighbours. New BG! Skills! /sleep time lol
  • Chat passwords now have a 25-character limit. As opposed to the 5,000 character limit it had previously.
Damn, my dreams of using an Edgar Allen Poe short story for my password have been crushed..
Anyone not a fan of every person getting a rez?

Edit: not that it overly matters to me outside of the part where a Warrior/Stalker rezzing sounds weird. Just figured the healer classes would keep it logical.[DOUBLEPOST=1372328990,1372328411][/DOUBLEPOST]After reading the LFG Tool, it sounds to me like level cap might be city sitting style queing when guildies aren't available etc (like WoW) with the teleport to instance - what do you guys think?
Anyone not a fan of every person getting a rez?

Edit: not that it overly matters to me outside of the part where a Warrior/Stalker rezzing sounds weird. Just figured the healer classes would keep it logical.[DOUBLEPOST=1372328990,1372328411][/DOUBLEPOST]After reading the LFG Tool, it sounds to me like level cap might be city sitting style queing when guildies aren't available etc (like WoW) with the teleport to instance - what do you guys think?

Isn't it only out of combat unless you are a certain class. Also they already stated previously they wanted groups to meet at the instance entrance. It sounds like a mechanism to get back into the instance if you get d/CED or something

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Anyone not a fan of every person getting a rez?

Edit: not that it overly matters to me outside of the part where a Warrior/Stalker rezzing sounds weird. Just figured the healer classes would keep it logical.
Pretend they are all engineers with the rez tool.
Isn't it only out of combat unless you are a certain class. Also they already stated previously they wanted groups to meet at the instance entrance. It sounds like a mechanism to get back into the instance if you get d/CED or something

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Yeah, I'm fine with it if it's only out of combat and only certen classes get a b-rez. Takes some burden off the healers rezzers after a wipe and encourages a tiny bit more community out in the open world ("that person died? I'll run over there and get hem back up!"). It was a little ridiculous in GW2 with everyone having in-combat rez though.
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