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Wildstar Patch Notes for CBT3

I don't want people to feel "entitled". That's all.

I'm just giving you shit. I totally understand and have yelled at people for it as well. It's less anger-inducing than the people who come back 5 or 10 minutes late from a break, though. That makes me want to punch kittens.
Dammit missed it again, master chef came back on.

Master chef?

I'm just giving you shit. I totally understand and have yelled at people for it as well. It's less anger-inducing than the people who come back 5 or 10 minutes late from a break, though. That makes me want to punch kittens.

I don't want to enforce any form of "dkp penalties", but I do want repeat offenders of holding up the raid to have some form of... punishment. Used to have a MT that would AFK on a whim. Literally go down the street and get a sandwich while we all waited.

Cool guy, but jesus was he inconsiderate. Sadly he was a great MT and he knew his shit.

I don't want to enforce any form of "dkp penalties", but I do want repeat offenders of holding up the raid to have some form of... punishment. Used to have a MT that would AFK on a whim. Literally go down the street and get a sandwich while we all waited.

Cool guy, but jesus was he inconsiderate. Sadly he was a great MT and he knew his shit.

LOL we had a guy that would /afk during our achievement runs in Ulduar, just so he could run down the street to the taco truck... like, mid-pull.. Luckily he was just a shitty dps.
I don't want people to feel "entitled". That's all.
But it's Tr1age we're talking about here.. *ducks and runs*
We had a guy who would go on follow to someone for the run back then go afk, we would run him to stuff to die. He had also started to put autorun on when he did it and ran right into the room and pulled the boss wiping us all again.

Or he would have his buddy play his character at times while he went to smoke or something and since he was a key dps with jobs to do it would blow up in his face cause we were all in vent and calling to him. He got kicked quite a few times. He was also a rez leach.
We had a guy who would go on follow to someone for the run back then go afk, we would run him to stuff to die. He had also started to put autorun on when he did it and ran right into the room and pulled the boss wiping us all again.

Or he would have his buddy play his character at times while he went to smoke or something and since he was a key dps with jobs to do it would blow up in his face cause we were all in vent and calling to him. He got kicked quite a few times. He was also a rez leach.

See, there's always THAT GUY.
good news for me was he was the other DK and because of his antics I got the Shadowmourne Legendary before he did. He also quit the guild and sold his account 2 days after he got his. I was in fact the only person who got it and stayed in the guild.
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