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Wildstar Patch Notes for CBT3

Also they already stated previously they wanted groups to meet at the instance entrance. It sounds like a mechanism to get back into the instance if you get d/CED or something

If this is true, that is great! Definitely more convenient for those silly people who forget to repair etc
It was a good system in, say, 5 mans during a boss. But during dragon events? Fucking stupid.

Yeah, but they seemingly tuned their fights around being able to combat rez with any character, which is likely one of the main reasons a lot of the fights in that game were just fusterclucks.
Yeah, I'm fine with it if it's only out of combat and only certen classes get a b-rez. Takes some burden off the healers rezzers after a wipe and encourages a tiny bit more community out in the open world ("that person died? I'll run over there and get hem back up!"). It was a little ridiculous in GW2 with everyone having in-combat rez though.

Aww come on! You mean all the classes that couldn't normally rez don't get to sit around after a raid wipe for that person to run in and THEN take the time to rez everyone? Sad day. (Really though, fuck all those lazy people that think they're better than anyone else and don't have to run back to speed things up)

I will say really fast afk breaks are an exception to that but the people that do it ALL the time.. Fuck that noise lol
Aww come on! You mean all the classes that couldn't normally rez don't get to sit around after a raid wipe for that person to run in and THEN take the time to rez everyone? Sad day. (Really though, fuck all those lazy people that think they're better than anyone else and don't have to run back to speed things up)

I support that fuck you message to the lazies!
I like the fact that it isnt even a spell that I need to clog my action bar with. It's a simple right click and you cast a rez spell. I personally think it is a lot better than the GW2 down system.
Aww come on! You mean all the classes that couldn't normally rez don't get to sit around after a raid wipe for that person to run in and THEN take the time to rez everyone? Sad day. (Really though, fuck all those lazy people that think they're better than anyone else and don't have to run back to speed things up)

I will say really fast afk breaks are an exception to that but the people that do it ALL the time.. Fuck that noise lol
As someone that played primarily a healer during a lot of my raiding, don't get me started..
I don't understand why there isn't a mass rez button? What's the disadvantages of having one person alive that can resurrect everyone?

On that note, did Carbine ever mention a soul walk/self resurrection ability? What happens if an entire raid wipes?
I didn't raise lazy. I even made it a point as a healing lead to make sure no healers did as punishment. We'd raid without them and kick them if it took longer than 10 minutes and brought in a spare. No exceptions.

Back in vanilla, the rogues all went engineer to rez eachother with the engy combat swiss army knife tool or w/e, along with a couple shamans who would ankh and do the same. They found ways to get their own rezzing done without relying on healers. It was nice.
I didn't raise lazy. I even made it a point as a healing lead to make sure no healers did as punishment. We'd raid without them and kick them if it took longer than 10 minutes and brought in a spare. No exceptions.

Back in vanilla, the rogues all went engineer to rez eachother with the engy combat swiss army knife tool or w/e, along with a couple shamans who would ankh and do the same. They found ways to get their own rezzing done without relying on healers. It was nice.

It's processes like that which will keep the raid moving on progression nights. The less downtime there is the more attempts everyone will get at sweet loots.
It's processes like that which will keep the raid moving on progression nights. The less downtime there is the more attempts everyone will get at sweet loots.
Indeed. Especially back then when resting took fucking forever for healers. It's nice to have a system in place for OoC rezzing, and that's fine. Maybe it'll take longer than a non-healing class. But still, it just helps move the game along faster.
It's processes like that which will keep the raid moving on progression nights. The less downtime there is the more attempts everyone will get at sweet loots.

Indeed. Especially back then when resting took fucking forever for healers. It's nice to have a system in place for OoC rezzing, and that's fine. Maybe it'll take longer than a non-healing class. But still, it just helps move the game along faster.

Back in vanilla, the rogues all went engineer to rez eachother with the engy combat swiss army knife tool or w/e, along with a couple shamans who would ankh and do the same. They found ways to get their own rezzing done without relying on healers. It was nice.
I didn't raise lazy. I even made it a point as a healing lead to make sure no healers did as punishment. We'd raid without them and kick them if it took longer than 10 minutes and brought in a spare. No exceptions. Back in vanilla, the rogues all went engineer to rez eachother with the engy combat swiss army knife tool or w/e, along with a couple shamans who would ankh and do the same. They found ways to get their own rezzing done without relying on healers. It was nice.

I don't understand why there isn't a mass rez button? What's the disadvantages of having one person alive that can resurrect everyone?

On that note, did Carbine ever mention a soul walk/self resurrection ability? What happens if an entire raid wipes?

As someone that played primarily a healer during a lot of my raiding, don't get me started..

I like the fact that it isnt even a spell that I need to clog my action bar with. It's a simple right click and you cast a rez spell. I personally think it is a lot better than the GW2 down system.

As someone that played primarily a healer during a lot of my raiding, don't get me started..

I like the fact that it isnt even a spell that I need to clog my action bar with. It's a simple right click and you cast a rez spell. I personally think it is a lot better than the GW2 down system.

I support that fuck you message to the lazies!

Aww come on! You mean all the classes that couldn't normally rez don't get to sit around after a raid wipe for that person to run in and THEN take the time to rez everyone? Sad day. (Really though, fuck all those lazy people that think they're better than anyone else and don't have to run back to speed things up)

I will say really fast afk breaks are an exception to that but the people that do it ALL the time.. Fuck that noise lol

I didn't raise lazy. I even made it a point as a healing lead to make sure no healers did as punishment. We'd raid without them and kick them if it took longer than 10 minutes and brought in a spare. No exceptions.

Sorry what did you guys just say? I was afk.
I'm going to regret raiding with you aren't I.


Back in my damn day, you ran to your corpse because if you didn't you lost EVERYTHING. Not only that but you ressed on TOP of your corpse WHERE YOU DIED as a ghost, ran to a "wandering" healer SOMEWHERE, then RAN BACK through DENSE WOODS. MOBS, 10 feet of snow AND DRAGONS with no armor, let alone feet!

Then if you were lucky no one looted your shit and camped out to kill you again.

Or if you were really lucky you died in a safe zone but then you couldn't push through the mobs to get your corpse naked, so you used a recall rune charge to the bank, grabbed a premade set of armor reagents and weapons, hit a macro to equip, fought your way through EVERYTHING again including players, and you get to your corpse to find out it has despawned.

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