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GW2 [Podcast #6] Guild Wars 2 "Why you WON'T like Guild Wars 2"


Staff member

The members of http://alttabme.com came together during this weekly podcast to talk about the Final Beta Weekend Wrap Up.

Summary: After a few weeks of gathering questions and information from people in our guild as well as those on the alttabme.com forums who had played Guild Wars 2, we decided it was time to dive into the not so popular and turns out, not so easy to do topic of: "Why you won't like Guild Wars 2". We tried to approach this very objectively and give you points as to why we think you may not like it and why we think that is OK and may or may not make the game "better" or "worse". Enjoy!

Some topics:
  • Cash Shop
  • High Adjustment Curve
  • No Raids
  • No World PvP
  • No Faction Tension
  • No Gear Dependency
  • It isn't WoW
  • Too much Hype
The questions answered here are some of the top questions we get during our live streams athttp://alttabme.com/live and these forums!

We are live Mondays @ 5:15 EST : http://alttabme.com/live

If you wish to submit questions for next weeks podcast for please feel free to post on our forums at alttabme.com/forum

If you are looking for a good guild to join once the game has released feel free to apply as we are accepting applications.

Link to MP3 Download can be found in the description on the Youtube page.

0:00 - Epic intro
1:00 - Topic announcement
2:10 - Not a learning curve, it's an adjustment curve
3:15 - Dodge Mechanic and hectic combat
8:11 - Binding Dodge vs. double-tap
9:29 - Ranged vs. melee
12:50 - Kitty Power
13:35 - Targeting, mob dodging
16:15 - No 1st-person camera
18:05 - GW2 has made other games seem sucky
18:50 - Hype-train
21:20 - GW1 vs. GW2, Lore shifts
24:50 - More kitty
25:44 - Hype, The Rapture
27:00 - Mounts
31:00 - Allied with everybody, no open world PvP
38:10 - Queuing System
41:00 - Eternal Battlegrounds vs. borderlands
42:00 - Skill-based vs. equipment/class-based
45:55 - No "specs" like healer or tank
50:24 - No addons
54:15 - Smooth Jazz with Tristian
58:23 - No Fishing
1:00:50 - Different learning curves for professions
1:03:04 - Endgame
1:05:40 - Orr
1:07:49 - Player housing
1:10:05 - Leveling speed
1:12:50 - "Like WoW" ... "Like GW2" .. Attack of the Clones
1:14:45 - WvW loot, bag space
1:17:37 - Armor repair
1:19:01 - No player-player trading
1:22:29 - Amount of skills
1:25:15 - PvP matches
1:27:33 - Matchmaking based on rank
1:28:34 - Character slots
1:30:40 - Guild interface
1:31:50 - Cash shop

1:36:00 - Pre-show
You guys should tell me to back up a little too. What shows up on my phone is not what I'm seeing here. ZOMG FACE CLOSEUP
Tristan, 23:50... THANK you for that... I was just listening to it and then you started up into the voice and I cracked up.

"Shoulda done his research... shiiiit... I played guild wars 1, guild wars 2, guild wars infinity... mmhmmm!"
Haha. I just came from the MMORPG.com forums and this podcast got some panties in a bunch over there. Try to take a different view of something you enjoy and people just don't seem to get it. I say well done.
Haha. I just came from the MMORPG.com forums and this podcast got some panties in a bunch over there. Try to take a different view of something you enjoy and people just don't seem to get it. I say well done.

I love it, it shows how many people didn't watch or didn't pay attention. I don't think you can be a true fan unless you can recognize the negatives as well as the pluses. Also it was sooo hard to do that podcast to begin with, the complaints are minor compared to everything else.
This comment Belial found from that website Phoenix is PERFECT:

Not just sure what the op's intention were naming this thread ...perhaps a little troll but the actual content of the pod-cast supplied some of the best PR I've seen for this game since I read the ArenaNet Manifesto

In one swoop these four people look every troll topic I've seen posted about GW2 and shot it in the foot ...then corrected the false hoods made by many detractors and then applied a kill shot to the head of the topic

I am darn sure the TSW and Tera fanbois will find this pod-cast very much to their disliking but as far as a GW2 fan this was about as good as it gets.
It was a good podcast. The title might be a tad extreme in retrospect, but anyone that listens should understand the concept. I was a little bummed nobody talked about Everquest 2's guildhall, housing, and overall crafting system though (I guess none of you played it in-depth). I think that's the bar that all MMOs should at least strive for since its been out for 8 years and is universally considered the best system pretty much ever. It blows my mind that no other games simply copy it, as it's flawless, especially the guildhall and housing. But then, maybe Tr1age's comment concerning it requiring it's own development team (which Sony does) was the explanation. Regardless, you hit a lot of good topics and did a fine job overall.
I don't think it was a member of the guild that posted it. I saw it earlier and wondered which member of the guild the OP was lol.

Gyoin I've been a member of that site since 06 I think and it has been going downhill for years. I go back out of habit, but for the most part it is nothing but a bunch of negative posts about something for whatever reason. Don't let em get ya down. I posted something just to try to bring attention to the fact that the video isn't what the title may make you think it is and got slammed for it. It's all they do. They followed the link for a reason which makes them just as big of a "nerd" as the rest of us.
I don't think it was a member of the guild that posted it. I saw it earlier and wondered which member of the guild the OP was lol.

Gyoin I've been a member of that site since 05 I think and it has been going downhill for years. I go back out of habit, but for the most part it is nothing but a bunch of negative posts about something for whatever reason. Don't let em get ya down. I posted something just to try to bring attention to the fact that the video isn't what the title may make you think it is and got slammed for it. It's all they do. They followed the link for a reason which makes them just as big of a "nerd" as the rest of us.

I love it all :)
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