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Wildstar [POLL] What Role Do You Want to Play in Wildstar?

What Archetype will YOU play at Release?

  • DPS

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • Tank

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Healer

    Votes: 22 38.6%

  • Total voters
Well the good thing about wildstar is that each class can do dps plus another thing (tank or heals) so you can switch out and customize as needed.

I wonder if you will need players to spec a pure healing build and others have healing spells mixed with CC??

-Ben, "DIRGE!"-
one thing i have to wonder about is how different the gear will be for the classes that want to dps to switch to heals for a raid or dungeon. it seems like everyone thinks you will be able to suddenly become a healer or tank on demand but from my experience that never works unless you have a healing set of gear in addition to your dps one which most people (casuals at least) don't have time to get so you end up with inflexible roles again or dos people healing with terrible gear, which also does not work out well. any ideas on how they will make roles able to swap on the fly? or do you all think they will just expect people to have multiple sets of gear?
I always have multiple sets of gear for all different scenarios. At the moment, I'm pretty sure that's the plan that your gear will differentiate your playstyle. But, that was during the "milestone" progression that is now being re-worked (as per last weeks WSW).
You still need to swap out for stats that would increase your support power vs your assault power (I think those were the names).

Say you are a tank class and your stats are chipped for your tank stat (tech or whatever it is), you would have high support power. You could switch your LAS to DPS abilities but they would scale terribly due to your low assault power. You would still need to change up your gear with stats directed towards that goal to be efficient.

This is outside of the milestone system, as Gyoin mentioned.
How would a range tank work? lets like saying a range melee dps surely?


I would consider a pet class that was able to hold aggro with the pet while supporting from range to be a "range tank." There were a couple bosses in WoW that worked best if you could use a warlock/voidwalker combo on them, but those were very specialized circumstances. The problem with pet tanking is you usually have less precise control. In a game like WS that emphasizes positioning (through telegraphs), I don't think the controls would make it viable.
I'm surprised by the amount of people that chose healer. If I've learned anything from PvEing as a healer, it's far from exciting.

I leveled as shadow in WoW until I hit about 50 in vanilla and could heal effectively, and then never went back to shadow until I did some raid dps in Lich King. I didn't find it tough at all. Maybe I was a little slower, but I'm addicted to self-healing. I can't stand playing a class that has to bandage or eat all the time.
I leveled as shadow in WoW until I hit about 50 in vanilla and could heal effectively, and then never went back to shadow until I did some raid dps in Lich King. I didn't find it tough at all. Maybe I was a little slower, but I'm addicted to self-healing. I can't stand playing a class that has to bandage or eat all the time.

It's also nice to be a class others rely on and get bonus points playing (gear, guaranteed raid spots etc).

Oh not knocking you just saying these are also reasons to go healer :p

-Ben, "Knowledge Is Power"-
I thought of another, being blame cus tank died due to him standing in fire :p

Did you ever have healers going nuts over "healing metre"? the dps in my guild did this so.......... much!!


We had friendly competitions over healing meters. Even more so the over-healing meters. I remember one point between hotfixes in WoW, there was a combination of buffs on me and a warlock friend of mine that would result in heal crits that were ludicrously high. I spammed him with my strongest healing spells every available second until they fixed it.
I plan to play Spellslinger so far with the very little that we know of the classes and I'm generally the person that will do whatever is needed of me to fill voids in a roster. I love support roles but supporting as a DPS is a lot of fun too(thinking more PvP), I don't necessarily have to play a full blown healer to have fun. I know in PvE and especially raiding it's usually more efficient to have a very specific role and maximize your effectiveness at filling it.
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