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Wildstar [POLL] What Role Do You Want to Play in Wildstar?

What Archetype will YOU play at Release?

  • DPS

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • Tank

    Votes: 16 28.1%
  • Healer

    Votes: 22 38.6%

  • Total voters
this is always an interesting decision when i start a new MMO as for me it is not really about role but more play style, however i tend to avoid tanks for reasons i will get into later. for me what is really important is how the class accomplishes it's role not what the role is. i like classes that are reactive and fast paced, for example in GW2 i found myself always coming back to the D/D elementalist as both there damage healing and survivability revolved movement and being in the right place at the right time. because of this i find i usually end up in DPS roles as traditionally healers and tanks mostly stand still, but with Wildstar and how healing looks like it will work i could see myself being really happy there as well. all in all i think i will find that i will pick a class and play style and fill any of the roles that class can fill that are most needed. on that note any speculations on which classes wile be highly reactive and mobile?
Love seeing all the folks wanting to play a healer in this community! I don't think I've seen this many in any guild/community I've been in. :eek:mg:
How would a range tank work? lets like saying a range melee dps surely?

In SWTOR, bounty hunter tanking was "ranged" but mostly you used your ranged abilities to pull where you wanted the boss and then after that you were basically right up on him. Heh.
Probably all. At least in dungeons.

i would agree that they will probably all be highly reactive and mobile compared to most other mmo's but i will still probably be more attracted to the class that not only has movement inherent to all classes but uses movement to do damage as well. maybe i have been watching the wrong footage but i have not seen many abilities that move your character. ideally i would like more mobility then has i have seen so far but i am not worried as i imagine there is a lot we haven't seen.
I've always leaned toward healers. I think I've only played DPS in games I didn't have much of a choice, like GW2 or Diablo III.

I recently found this test that categorizes what type of player you are. I'm pretty sure it has to do with which of the trinities you lean toward.
I recently found this test that categorizes what type of player you are. I'm pretty sure it has to do with which of the trinities you lean toward.

This aint that bad of a test, not too much choice with only two options for most but its much better then some ive seen around! I always hit killer, so i figured i'd go with my first choice of a dps stalker with a hint of survivability (to make sure no 1hit deaths). But with this choice of changing ur role I think ill be a bit more tankier in raids as I will in pvp/warplots with still the main focus on dps
Tank. Probably tank hybrid though...I really want to try out a slayer tank. I've tried something similar in an evasion tank, but overall it was WAY to unforgiving of mistakes and facerolling was a better description. We'll see how the mechanics in Wildstar are for this particular class and if I can pull it off! Evasion seems to be the name of the game for all classes though so I'm optimistic! So, if slayer tank doesn't work, I'll play a dps character named Sheeld!
I'm surprised by the amount of people that chose healer. If I've learned anything from PvEing as a healer, it's far from exciting.
I always found healing far from boring. Tanking was boring...Dps was boring, but having 5,10,25,40 lives in your hands...that is exciting.
I always found healing far from boring. Tanking was boring...Dps was boring, but having 5,10,25,40 lives in your hands...that is exciting.
Thats a sick way of thinking bout it, and especially as sweetloaf said with the change in mechanics, i think im finally leaning towards healing. Definitely my second character is gonna be support (which I may just turn to my main depending on how things go)
If by sick you mean thrilling and are in no way insinuating that I have deep and troubling issue, then you and my shrink would be correct.
I am usually mad deeps but I'm more interested in adapting to whatever role is under represented.
I have been in too many situations where endgame type stuff has been stopped in it's tracks for lack of heals/tanks and even dps.

Ginyu out.
Well the good thing about wildstar is that each class can do dps plus another thing (tank or heals) so you can switch out and customize as needed.
..... I have a strong feeling that people that have healed in previous games will indeed have to adapt, but not as much as they think,
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