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Wildstar Raiding Roster

so it's going to be Tuesday wednesday and thursdays? or Tuesdays and thursdays?... not sure there...
I can make it work for 2 days a week... which are my days off, and weekends during the day are ok too.
Now the ball is on your court, you tell me.
Hey guys, so as you know most of us are up to Vet Dungeons now and im super keen to get some runs over the next week. So basically I was just thinking if we could get people's average playing times over the next couple of days we could sync up a group or two and get some consistent dungeon runs going. Im on summer vacation for the next 2 weeks, so im good whenever!
I am consistently online from 5PM-10PM EST on weekdays (barring physical therapy appointments and quick breaks for dinner). Weekends are dependent on plans Caroline has, but no plans = playing all day.
The days I play depend on my work schedule, but on my days off I can get on after 9pm EST and I can play up to 9AM. GF aggro sometimes prevents me from being on that early, but if something is planned I can bypass that.
Wasn't the plan to use the raid times to start running through dungeons? I thought I remember reading that from the original attunement thread.

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Wasn't the plan to use the raid times to start running through dungeons? I thought I remember reading that from the original attunement thread.
And by God'd grace Milleuda you have the free will to only come on those days if you want! However there is no reason that has to be the ONLY time people get together to attune. As you guys who have run the Vets have noticed, practice is really needed ( Yes im talking about EVERYONE) . And a couple hours a day, two days a week just isnt going to be enough for anyone to be master Vet. So i think its vital to start getting these practice runs in, short a tank? Pug it, short a Healer PUG IT! Yes im well aware of how pugging goes in dungeons, but it isnt about passing the dungeon, its about learning ur specific role and role within the group. Get timings of stuns together, learn ALL bosses phases, and know it well enough that you can explain to you guildy next time! etc etc. Practice makes perfect guys, so lets start practicing!
Question, how do you guys get your gear score? I tried /gearscore in game and it doesn't seem to be valid for me.
Group finder then choose practice battleground and it's at the bottom not sure how accurate it is tho
Hey all, I plan on raiding. Here's my deets:

IGN: Exittus
Class: Stalker
Role: DPS
Attunement: 0% dungeons
Don't know what my gear score is, not in game. Not sure how to find out.
You can edit that spreadsheet to add your info via the link at the bottom! I'll give you a hand this time.

Edit: I see it's already there, touche.
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