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Wildstar Raiding Roster

You can edit that spreadsheet to add your info via the link at the bottom! I'll give you a hand this time.

Edit: I see it's already there, touche.

Hey, thank you for letting me know. I had no idea how to add it in there, though I thought I tried everything!
Also, I was not the one to put my info there. There must be a ninja around o.o

This is stickied in it's respective forum, so bumping shouldn't be needed....

But bumping for new members to see it in the recently updated area.... >_>

Ah, sorry, when i checked it didnt seem to be stickied so my bad. And also like you said, bumped for new people :).
Oh, lookit me... number 20, but I made it. I'll have enough elder gems for an attunement key easily by thursday, but I'm suspecting more like wednesday. At nearly 20k rep. Gettin it fast though.
Oh, lookit me... number 20, but I made it. I'll have enough elder gems for an attunement key easily by thursday, but I'm suspecting more like wednesday. At nearly 20k rep. Gettin it fast though.

I believe we have a chunk of people still not signed up on the roster. :)
I just hit 50 so I'll be adding my name to the list but is there a link round here to the atunement process?
I just hit 50 so I'll be adding my name to the list but is there a link round here to the atunement process?
I wiped myself from the roster as I don't think I'll be playing again anytime soon.. (three months at least, probably) I'll cheer you on from the sidelines!
Don't seem to have update access, can someone add me?

Typhor / Spellslinger/ DPS / 75% Dungeons / No PvP for me
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