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Wildstar Some interesting info on dungeons

Yeah Gaffney mentioned that in one of the videos a while back. Regardless the idea is sweeeet!
apparently the mechanics will change weekly, didn't know that!

Yes, the reasoning is so that encounters will still feel fresh and new, even on "farm" status. Some weeks may be easier than others, and this will provide people still pay attention. In a Raid style encounter, it may be that the boss will always have two adds, but one week it's 2 melee attackers, next weeks it's a two healers, next week it's a ranged attacker and a healer, next week it's two mages, etc.
Sounds complicated. You tell me what to do :)

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Dungeons and raids are definitely what draw me into playing wildstar. But I have a feeling that 40 man raids are going to get a little crazy with all the dodging, double jumping and sprinting around telegraphs to stay alive while trying to keep heals, damage and threat going.
Dungeons and raids are definitely what draw me into playing wildstar. But I have a feeling that 40 man raids are going to get a little crazy with all the dodging, double jumping and sprinting around telegraphs to stay alive while trying to keep heals, damage and threat going.

Dodge, dip, dive, duck, dodge! If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a raid boss.
Dodge, dip, dive, duck, dodge! If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a raid boss.

Well that's a bold strategy Zakis. Let's see if it pays off.

I play mmos to raid mainly. The fact that they are doing this only excites that much more!

Same here and that giant fire zone they with the lava beams in the movement dev video, caught my interest as well.
Dodge, dip, dive, duck, dodge! If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a raid boss.

Should be awesome.. all the coordination + more action!

I did like what they had to say, especially about the gold/silver/bronze possibly being more than just based on timed runs (which I'm not against, but more is better!). Yay for having the chance to overachieve ;D
sounds a lot like the arena in WotLK. The encounter where there were tons of npc's and they switched up every week.

I also remember them saying there were going to be ladder boards or rewards or something for the fastest clear every week. So once you got the encounter down it pays to be able to execute. Another level of challenge for guilds who have it on farm.
sounds a lot like the arena in WotLK. The encounter where there were tons of npc's and they switched up every week.

I also remember them saying there were going to be ladder boards or rewards or something for the fastest clear every week. So once you got the encounter down it pays to be able to execute. Another level of challenge for guilds who have it on farm.
Anything to add some excitement to farmed content is awesome.
Yeah Gaffney mentioned that in one of the videos a while back. Regardless the idea is sweeeet!

Yeah, it was here I believe:

War Plots feel like guild PvP challenges. How about PvE stuff?

Gaffney: We wanted to make raiding something that more people can compete in. We love world firsts, but that is something that only 1% of the 1% can compete in. We decided a good fix was to make lots of the elements inside the raid dynamic. Make them random. Like one week there is a health-increasing spot that pops up here or extra AoE damage spread in different patterns.

We don't want raiding to be something that you go look up on Wowhead [WildStarhead?] for a solution the top guilds found four weeks ago. Guilds should have to put on their thinking caps and work together in the week before the configuration goes away. And maybe this week your guild finds a better solution and beats one of the top guilds. We want people to work together toward goals like fastest raid time. I say fastest by time in the raid, not first of the week. You shouldn't have to stay up till four in the morning to be competitive. We want to reward fun behavior and competition.

Is speed the only challenge?

Gaffney: Right now, it's the easy one to test, but we want to work on more like defeating bosses without armor or some of those other Fable-like challenges. We'll know more on it in the future.

source: http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/0...gaffney-on-progression-tradeskills-and-endga/
I actually like a good amount of stability in my hardcore raids. Bosses have to be on farm for a looooooonnnng time before it goes flawlessly every time and gets boring. There is always someone new, or bad, or tired, or forgetful that makes it just not happen. I have seen my old guilds get stuck on a farmed boss that is normally a 1 shot then after 10 tries barely kill it. Next we go on to a boss we never killed and 2 shot it.

I really hope they don't have a heavy presence of random stuff on bosses. A few would be ok, I would hope for less than 10% personally.
I really hope they don't have a heavy presence of random stuff on bosses. A few would be ok, I would hope for less than 10% personally.

But I totally get what you're saying. Especially for a guild like ours that isn't quite the 1%. We will have a lot of struggles on the constant change. But I also embrace the randomness. I don't think it'll be so drastic that one week it's 75% difficult and the next it's 200% difficulty. I think it's more of similar difficulties, but just a change in flair.
I also thought of the arena fight from WotLK. That fight could range from really easy to almost impossible on a weekly basis. I would have like to see less of a curve there, so hopefully Carbine doesn't go too crazy. It also remined me of Opera in Karazhan, which I recall with less fondness. The "randomness" was per instance, so it was not uncommon to randomly get the same encounter several weeks in a row. Since loot was specific to each encounter, it made it that much more difficult to get the drops you needed.

My favorite raid mechanic is the triggered hardmodes, like the ones in Ulduar. Having multiple ways to kill bosses that increased the difficulty and rewards without having to trip an external "hardmode" setting was really great.
Always enjoy listening to these interviews, especially when someone is playing the game while they're talking. So many little nuances can be gleaned from them. I was a little disappointed to hear the "when it's ready" release statement instead of the more definitive 2013 that they were saying earlier. That being said, I'm not surprised. It seems like they still have a LOT to do and would be hard-pressed to put out a quality by the end of this year.

But I totally get what you're saying. Especially for a guild like ours that isn't quite the 1%. We will have a lot of struggles on the constant change. But I also embrace the randomness. I don't think it'll be so drastic that one week it's 75% difficult and the next it's 200% difficulty. I think it's more of similar difficulties, but just a change in flair.

Yeah, that was gone over in some interview. They want to add randomness WITHOUT there being a factor of luck involved. They don't want you to get lucky one week and have horrible luck the next. From what I read/saw, they want to keep it the same difficulty just switch things up so it's still refreshing and not the same thing over and over and over again.
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