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Wildstar Some interesting info on dungeons

Have they mentioned that there will be two different modes? From what I gathered, the default is essentially heroic.
God I hope so, I hate heroic/hard modes. Just make it tough so it takes us a good long while to kill it so we can celebrate together and actually have an epic moment for a change. Don't make us learn the same fight twice only slightly harder for barely better gear that looks identical and without half our original raid because they got bored and quit.
Yes but you miss my point. The casual players won't have the time to devote to it that the hardcore players will. That was really my only point. Casuals want to be where hardcore players are with the least amount of work.. IE: less bosses to worry about.

Put that way, you make casual players sound lazy. Or that they want something for nothing. I don't think that's true at all, nor do all casual raiders want to be where the hardcore ones are. I was never in a "hardcore" raiding guild, I read about all the server first kills and heard about the guilds farming the mounts on hardmodes before I killed the first boss in the dungeon. I didn't feel jealous of them or feel I was missing something. I enjoyed where I was at in my progression and the time I had to play. Of course, some don't want to raid at all. I don't think it makes their experience any less valuable.
Put that way, you make casual players sound lazy. Or that they want something for nothing. I don't think that's true at all, nor do all casual raiders want to be where the hardcore ones are. I was never in a "hardcore" raiding guild, I read about all the server first kills and heard about the guilds farming the mounts on hardmodes before I killed the first boss in the dungeon. I didn't feel jealous of them or feel I was missing something. I enjoyed where I was at in my progression and the time I had to play. Of course, some don't want to raid at all. I don't think it makes their experience any less valuable.

Wtf dude. That's not my point at all. CASUAL PLAYERS HAVE LESS TIME IN RAIDS THAN HARDCORE PLAYERS DO. That said, they of course don't want LONGER raids that they won't have time to do.
Wtf dude. That's not my point at all. CASUAL PLAYERS HAVE LESS TIME IN RAIDS THAN HARDCORE PLAYERS DO. That said, they of course don't want LONGER raids that they won't have time to do.

I see.

I never had problems finishing raids in WoW. It just took me longer to get to the point where I could clear it all. Maybe our definitions are different, but I consider my raiding twice a week to be casual, and hardcore closer to almost every night. For WoW, at least, you could clear a farm raid and work on progression in 2 raid nights.
General MMO community definition of hardcore : Lives and breathes for being top contender and leading the way to be the first or best in a category.

[TAB]'s definition of hardcore : Willing to put in the extra effort beyond being a general player and willing to contribute towards progression on a DEDICATED basis.

Relax on the arguments between being casual and hardcore. The definitions were provided for you, all you have to do is decide what you want to do, without either side grieving the other. If you need to, refer to our previous post on the subject. In fact, I'll even link it. <3


Raid bosses will be consistent in the set number of bosses per raid per reset. Each boss MAY have randomized versions of themselves (tweaked mechanics) but the difficulty should not stray too far from 5% of one to another.

Raids will only have one set difficulty. They will be difficult. One that note, 20 man raids will not be as difficult as 40 man raids, and will also result in lower stat gear. They are "intro raiding" in the sense that one should complete the 20 man and get gear before getting too focused on 40 man raiding.

And Loot. We don't know the specific numbers, but it will not be like GW2 and there will be X number of drops total, not individual loot. We do know that gear will also be randomized in some form, so even if two of the same items drop, they may not have the same exact stat values (or even same style of stats).

We do not have a set way to distribute this loot yet in raids. We have discussed, are discussing, and will EVENTUALLY open discussion to the rest of the guild. We want to get our ducks in a row before you all throw a wrench in it :p
Same here. But throwing wrenches at raid bosses.... well now... that sounds just right.
Anyone ever see the movie 'Six String Samurai'? I'm just reminded of the ratchet.

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I think I would try engineer if they put it in. Other than warlock (which is hunter with demons) I haven't ever given engi a chance.
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