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I liked the stuff with the Emporer's Hand. What was her name? Jaden, I think?

I found the romance between her and Luke to be pretty forced, but I liked her as a character.

Speaking of shadow characters, I really like Prince Xisor and his Black Hand organization. I think it adds a nice 3rd layer to the empire/rebel dichotomy.

Mara Jade. They end up married and have a kid.
Its actually Black Sun, but that's close enough, and I always wished I could play as a Black Sun character instead of empire/alliance in most Star Wars games.
Mara Jade. They end up married and have a kid.
Its actually Black Sun, but that's close enough, and I always wished I could play as a Black Sun character instead of empire/alliance in most Star Wars games.

Gah. I better stop before I have to turn in my nerd card. It's been too long since I've read them. Do I even lift?? *killme*
Gah. I better stop before I have to turn in my nerd card. It's been too long since I've read them. Do I even lift?? *killme*

its all good. At least you have a pretty decent grasp of the stuff you do know. Its hard to remember after you've been out of it a while.
I'm actually pretty excited about the 6 movies. I may change my mind once I see Episode VII, but for now I have quite a bit of hope.

Only books I ever really read were the X-Wing books (Rogue Squadron?) and the teen books about Jacen and Jaina.
I'm actually pretty excited about the 6 movies. I may change my mind once I see Episode VII, but for now I have quite a bit of hope.

I feel the same. And yes, the X-wing books were about Rogue Squadron and a few about Wraith Squadron. The books about Jacen and Jaina were the Young Jedi Knights series. There were also kids books about Anakin Solo and his girlfriend Tali called the Junior Jedi Knights series, haha.
I'm actually pretty excited about the 6 movies. I may change my mind once I see Episode VII, but for now I have quite a bit of hope.

Only books I ever really read were the X-Wing books (Rogue Squadron?) and the teen books about Jacen and Jaina.
It will be 9 right? All told?
Yes, however j.j. abrams said that if the first trilogy bombs, they will do character specific movies (like the wolverine as an example) for the last three.
Wait, they are making 6 more movies? That'd be a total of 12.

It's just like Disney to milk it for all it's worth though.
Wait, they are making 6 more movies? That'd be a total of 12.

It's just like Disney to milk it for all it's worth though.
Yup. I'm very worried, but j.j. abrams did a decent job with star trek so fingers crossed.
Yup. I'm very worried, but j.j. abrams did a decent job with star trek so fingers crossed.
The Star Trek universe is much larger though. Star Wars is a smaller, more personal story that centers around 1 family. Once you get too far afield of that it loses a lot of its impact.
The Star Trek universe is much larger though. Star Wars is a smaller, more personal story that centers around 1 family. Once you get too far afield of that it loses a lot of its impact.
Oh I know. But as Zakis said, even in the tv shows J.J. Abrams does a spectacular job (except for the very end of Lost, but that's not his fault) and I'm sure he'll do a good job for Star Wars... probably. I mean, I am one of those guys who made fun of Star Trek but the movies he did made were good enough for me to call them good, which says something. Jumping back to Lost I have to say that was a very character driven show and if that's any indication, I would say he has that down pat.
Wait, they are making 6 more movies? That'd be a total of 12.

It's just like Disney to milk it for all it's worth though.

Last I heard, they planned to do 6 movies in 6 years. Ep VII first, then a spin-off/character one, Ep VIII, spin-off, etc.
If I haven't read any of the books, what series should I star with? Heir to the Empire, Dark Empire, or another?

P.S. The mystery man next to C3PO is Ian McDiarmid, aka Emperor Palpatine.
If I haven't read any of the books, what series should I star with? Heir to the Empire, Dark Empire, or another?

P.S. The mystery man next to C3PO is Ian McDiarmid, aka Emperor Palpatine.
Oh, I forgot to respond to this, definitely.... definitely start with the Heir to the Empire trilogy by Timothy Zhan. Amazing story that's far enough out so that its new and fresh, but close enough to ROTJ for you to grasp what's going on. Or, if you played the KOTOR games, the Darth Bane trilogy by Drew Karpyshyn is a good place to start because it fills you in on what happens to the Sith Order after Revan is gone and the Sith Order reverts back to the Rule of Two.
I started off with the republic commando books by Karen Travis but they left the story without finishing it because of disagreements with Lucas
I started off with the republic commando books by Karen Travis but they left the story without finishing it because of disagreements with Lucas

I didn't like those as much, personally. On an unrelated note, I noticed your avatar! K'oyaci!
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