What is your Name?
What is your Discord Name (name#1111) ?
Sudsy Sublime
What is your Age?
(as long as you are kind, handle yourself with maturity, you are welcome! Just know many of us are old farts.)
Where are you from? (location/timezone)
Minneapolis, MN (CDT)
Have you read the rules? Do you agree to them? And which rule resonates best with you?
Yes and Yes. The section on "Drama" is what stood out to me... "We are all adults and expect everyone to behave as such."
As someone who has played as many MMOs as I have, and been involved with more guilds/clans/companies than I could ever count, one thing that seemed to be a reoccurring problem was drama. I have seen entire guilds fall apart because the officers could not get along or were having power struggles. I have seen the same happen when members go at each other for some of the most absurd reasons (mostly based on ego vs ego confrontations). It seems that some people act differently when in an online game world than how they would ever act in "real life." The line "We are all adults and expect everyone to behave as such." is exactly the way it should be. Disagreements are sure to happen, but they can be handled maturely and appopriately. People should behave with the same character and self-discipline in a game world as they would face to face.
Do you understand(written above) you must be active in order to maintain your membership status to the community?
Yes. I am not a chatter-box but I do enjoy interaction and good discussions.
Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
How did you hear about the Crafting Worlds?
Ad on Reddit/NewWorldCompanies
Why do you want to be a part of Crafting Worlds? (this is probably the most important one)
I get the impression that Crafting Worlds is a mature and well-run organization where people can interact and enjoy each other, but also has rules and safeguards in place to make sure things stay where they need to be and everyone has an understanding of that.
What was your first/favorite creative outlet? (optional)
I was the first kid I knew who had a home "computer". I learned BASIC at 14 years old and began writing my own MUDs that friends would come over and play. I retrospect, I really should have stuck with the game development thing. Who knew it was going to be so big when that "internet" thingy happened.
What were your first gaming experiences? (Console, PC, pen & paper, board games etc.)
MUD's on telnet in the 1980's, then single-player RPG's in the 1990's, and finally MMORPGs in the 2000's
What games are you currently playing/looking to play with the Crafting Worlds community?
New World
What role do you find yourself falling into in games? (For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social, etc.)
I enjoy all aspects of an MMORPG. I enjoy PvP and intend to take part as much as possible, but I love PvE (be it dungeon running, questing, or exploration) as well as getting deep into crafting.
Were you ever a part of a community? What was your experience?
Yes, have been a member of many gaming communities. My experience has been mostly positive as I have met and gamed with many wonderful people.
What will you bring to the Crafting Worlds community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping? Cookies!?)
Long-time MMO veteran who can give insight and history to the genre in general. I love to be helpful and give advice and guidance wherever I feel I have something to offer (I avoid giving "advice" if I am not sure of what I am talking about). I would not call myself "chatty" but I do love a good discussion and friendly social banter.
Tell us about yourself or anything else you'd like to share. The more we know about your the better!
Been playing video games my entire life. My dad bought me "Pong" when I was a kid and I have been hooked ever since. First got into MMORPG's with Meridian 59 and then Ultima Online. I started Everquest in late 1999 and to this day it is my most memorable MMO experience due to the great people I got to know and the times we had. Played pretty much every MMORPG since then and had some good time, and also some disappointments when games with great potential failed. I love the shared gaming world of an MMO and I am looking forward to many years in New World.
What is your Discord Name (name#1111) ?
Sudsy Sublime
What is your Age?
(as long as you are kind, handle yourself with maturity, you are welcome! Just know many of us are old farts.)
Where are you from? (location/timezone)
Minneapolis, MN (CDT)
Have you read the rules? Do you agree to them? And which rule resonates best with you?
Yes and Yes. The section on "Drama" is what stood out to me... "We are all adults and expect everyone to behave as such."
As someone who has played as many MMOs as I have, and been involved with more guilds/clans/companies than I could ever count, one thing that seemed to be a reoccurring problem was drama. I have seen entire guilds fall apart because the officers could not get along or were having power struggles. I have seen the same happen when members go at each other for some of the most absurd reasons (mostly based on ego vs ego confrontations). It seems that some people act differently when in an online game world than how they would ever act in "real life." The line "We are all adults and expect everyone to behave as such." is exactly the way it should be. Disagreements are sure to happen, but they can be handled maturely and appopriately. People should behave with the same character and self-discipline in a game world as they would face to face.
Do you understand(written above) you must be active in order to maintain your membership status to the community?
Yes. I am not a chatter-box but I do enjoy interaction and good discussions.
Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
How did you hear about the Crafting Worlds?
Ad on Reddit/NewWorldCompanies
Why do you want to be a part of Crafting Worlds? (this is probably the most important one)
I get the impression that Crafting Worlds is a mature and well-run organization where people can interact and enjoy each other, but also has rules and safeguards in place to make sure things stay where they need to be and everyone has an understanding of that.
What was your first/favorite creative outlet? (optional)
I was the first kid I knew who had a home "computer". I learned BASIC at 14 years old and began writing my own MUDs that friends would come over and play. I retrospect, I really should have stuck with the game development thing. Who knew it was going to be so big when that "internet" thingy happened.
What were your first gaming experiences? (Console, PC, pen & paper, board games etc.)
MUD's on telnet in the 1980's, then single-player RPG's in the 1990's, and finally MMORPGs in the 2000's
What games are you currently playing/looking to play with the Crafting Worlds community?
New World
What role do you find yourself falling into in games? (For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social, etc.)
I enjoy all aspects of an MMORPG. I enjoy PvP and intend to take part as much as possible, but I love PvE (be it dungeon running, questing, or exploration) as well as getting deep into crafting.
Were you ever a part of a community? What was your experience?
Yes, have been a member of many gaming communities. My experience has been mostly positive as I have met and gamed with many wonderful people.
What will you bring to the Crafting Worlds community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping? Cookies!?)
Long-time MMO veteran who can give insight and history to the genre in general. I love to be helpful and give advice and guidance wherever I feel I have something to offer (I avoid giving "advice" if I am not sure of what I am talking about). I would not call myself "chatty" but I do love a good discussion and friendly social banter.
Tell us about yourself or anything else you'd like to share. The more we know about your the better!
Been playing video games my entire life. My dad bought me "Pong" when I was a kid and I have been hooked ever since. First got into MMORPG's with Meridian 59 and then Ultima Online. I started Everquest in late 1999 and to this day it is my most memorable MMO experience due to the great people I got to know and the times we had. Played pretty much every MMORPG since then and had some good time, and also some disappointments when games with great potential failed. I love the shared gaming world of an MMO and I am looking forward to many years in New World.