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Wildstar The Dominions 4th Race "Teaser"


Staff member
Found in the latest trailer.​
Speculate away.​
Yeah, a lot of people have been speculating the Chua. That means the Dominions will have the little, gnome-punt styled race.
I guess to each their own, but I personally never understood the attraction to playing a gopher race. Been playing TERA to try to pass the time until Wildstar and there's gophers all over the place in that game. :p
I guess to each their own, but I personally never understood the attraction to playing a gopher race. Been playing TERA to try to pass the time until Wildstar and there's gophers all over the place in that game. :p

Space Gophers. xD

But yeah, I agree. Playing one would be kinda silly.. they seem to be really tiny compared to the other races..
I love playing the races people despise. Some of my favorite times was at the start of vanilla WoW when I played a gnome rogue. Stunlock was OP and king and people hated gnomes and getting killed by them. I was also an engineer with a world enlarger so a super small gnome rogue you couldn't see would come up and stunlock you to death. People hated it and it was so much fun.
I love playing the races people despise. Some of my favorite times was at the start of vanilla WoW when I played a gnome rogue. Stunlock was OP and king and people hated gnomes and getting killed by them. I was also an engineer with a world enlarger so a super small gnome rogue you couldn't see would come up and stunlock you to death. People hated it and it was so much fun.

Real rogues were all troll rogues...not silly gnomes or overpopulated undead.
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Anyone who min-maxed was a troll on horde side. The racial was op. By the time Litch King came around half my guild was trolls yuck.
Anyone who min-maxed was a troll on horde side. The racial was op. By the time Litch King came around half my guild was trolls yuck.

Yeah I was a troll from the beginning, when our racial was useless. Everyone else are just a bunch of flavor of the month whores.
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