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Wildstar The Dominions 4th Race "Teaser"

Yeah I was a troll from the beginning, when our racial was useless. Everyone else are just a bunch of flavor of the month whores.
Tauren druid and Orc death knight. I went for looks over racial. Still achieved #1 dps in the world on a 20man boss in LK. I was told to go troll and my dps would be better then I showed them my rankings link.
I love playing the races people despise. Some of my favorite times was at the start of vanilla WoW when I played a gnome rogue. Stunlock was OP and king and people hated gnomes and getting killed by them. I was also an engineer with a world enlarger so a super small gnome rogue you couldn't see would come up and stunlock you to death. People hated it and it was so much fun.

True. I had a Gnome or two during my time as well. My pvp server character was a Gnome mage, back when they put the pvp rankings in, with all the fun armor and weapons for ranking up. I got up to like the top 3 teirs, and got the badass (at the time) looking armor.. . therein lies one of my main problems with tiny races.... you usually can't see their armor nearly as well. :alien6: The Gnome /dances were pretty OP though.

As for the Dregg, I thought that someone figured out that it was an NPC race (forget how they came to that conclusion). In the teaser image thing (if it can be trusted as being indicative of the final race) seems to denote an undead race that's slightly less "beefy" than the Granok, and the Dregg look pretty huge in that concept art.. so.. I dunno.. *shrug*
I love playing the races people despise. Some of my favorite times was at the start of vanilla WoW when I played a gnome rogue. Stunlock was OP and king and people hated gnomes and getting killed by them. I was also an engineer with a world enlarger so a super small gnome rogue you couldn't see would come up and stunlock you to death. People hated it and it was so much fun.

I made one just to annoy people with..he had pink hair of course and his name was Twinkletoes.
I made one just to annoy people with..he had pink hair of course and his name was Twinkletoes.
Ah, half my fun in WoW came from pissing people off on my Rogue, I camped AV like a bitch just to wait for the casters to start eating/drinking behind the lines and gank them.

My all time favorite though was using my Shadow Priest to MC people and run them off cliffs - that never got old. (was a female dwarf that had Leia hair-buns)
My all time favorite though was using my Shadow Priest to MC people and run them off cliffs - that never got old. (was a female dwarf that had Leia hair-buns)
Ahh, I did that all the time. Got +hit on use trinkets specifically to cast Mind Control.
Anyone who min-maxed was a troll on horde side. The racial was op. By the time Litch King came around half my guild was trolls yuck.

LET ME JUST EXPLAIN THIS REAL FAST, TROLLS racial SUCKED when I picked it. I picked Troll for my Rogue because it was badass and tall and intimidating. For realz. I equate size to badassery back then. So I decided I wanted to do that to people.

So before you get all min maxy shmaxy understand the PRE whatever patch that I didn't play came out, I was the Ivory Raptor(thx to zakis for some help) Troll stun locking and corpse ba na na way dancing on your gnome corpse.
So before you get all min maxy shmaxy understand the PRE whatever patch that I didn't play came out, I was the Ivory Raptor(thx to zakis for some help) Troll stun locking and corpse ba na na way dancing on your gnome corpse.

I just like how trolls talk like Jamaicans, Horde Bobsled Team Mon!
We used to either sit in Ironforge and 1 and 2 hit ambush kill people in the AH who were still flagged or sit in Booty Bay and distract people into the water and kill them until a raid group worth of alliance would show up and try to hunt us down. Ah the old rogue days....
If the fourth race is an undead on the exile side, I'd be tempted to roll a female one for my main. I think the bunny things are awesome, but they are gonna be EVERYWHERE. Humans are boring, and the rock things are dumb,so...... yeah.
If the fourth race is an undead on the exile side, I'd be tempted to roll a female one for my main. I think the bunny things are awesome, but they are gonna be EVERYWHERE. Humans are boring, and the rock things are dumb,so...... yeah.

Don't care, making a bunny. :)
We used to either sit in Ironforge and 1 and 2 hit ambush kill people in the AH who were still flagged or sit in Booty Bay and distract people into the water and kill them until a raid group worth of alliance would show up and try to hunt us down. Ah the old rogue days....
I just remembered, I did have a troll rogue. I named him Zabrajinn twinked him at level 1 and ported him to the gnome starting area where there are trolls in the cave. I gave him the guild name <Rare Elite> then waited for newbies or idiots to attack me so they would get flagged. Then I would faceroll them. One time I had a level 3 gnome mage empty his mana bar 3 times by fireballing me then I ran up and critted him for a 1 shot. It was amazing I may still have video.
If the fourth race is an undead on the exile side, I'd be tempted to roll a female one for my main. I think the bunny things are awesome, but they are gonna be EVERYWHERE. Humans are boring, and the rock things are dumb,so...... yeah.

If something like that has enough merit to be part of the dominion I'd be afraid of it instead of laughing at it.
I mean come on in that picture the cassian looks insane, the draken looks like he'll eat your face off, and the mechari looks like he'd kill you for shits and giggles.
But the rat? Oh no.

Oh no.
Something is wrong here.
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