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Wildstar The Dominions 4th Race "Teaser"

If something like that has enough merit to be part of the dominion I'd be afraid of it instead of laughing at it.
I mean come on in that picture the cassian looks insane, the draken looks like he'll eat your face off, and the mechari looks like he'd kill you for shits and giggles.
But the rat? Oh no.

Oh no.
Something is wrong here.

The Cassian actually looks more like the exile female in reality of that picture. Bad ass picture though.
Poor Ben. Can't get no love.[DOUBLEPOST=1369884911,1369884678][/DOUBLEPOST]
If something like that has enough merit to be part of the dominion I'd be afraid of it instead of laughing at it.
I mean come on in that picture the cassian looks insane, the draken looks like he'll eat your face off, and the mechari looks like he'd kill you for shits and giggles.
But the rat? Oh no.

Oh no.
Something is wrong here.
Looks like an oriental pirate rat there.
My all time favorite though was using my Shadow Priest to MC people and run them off cliffs - that never got old. (was a female dwarf that had Leia hair-buns)

I think that's why I wanted to be a Spellslinger. I heard in an interview that they may get a skill letting them trade places with a party member or mob. I was planning on sending so many people over cliffs. . . -brucebegone-
I think that's why I wanted to be a Spellslinger. I heard in an interview that they may get a skill letting them trade places with a party member or mob. I was planning on sending so many people over cliffs. . . -brucebegone-

I will allow the over use of bruce emoticons for now.
Look at the murderous intent in that little guy's eyes. He's plotting your death right now.

Edit: Here's a leaked screenshot of a Chua Stalker
Chua Engineer with the Settler path is my dream but the Alttabme guild is leaning toward the exile faction, so I'll probably just roll a Aurin esper or Medic.

Love the last two races though, both very cool and unique.
If the fourth race is an undead on the exile side, I'd be tempted to roll a female one for my main. I think the bunny things are awesome, but they are gonna be EVERYWHERE. Humans are boring, and the rock things are dumb,so...... yeah.

Dumb rock things?!?! Kelth SMASH!!!
Who said anything about me crying? I only spoke of smashing. Manly, brute strength, Granok style SMASHING!
I was intimidated by the manliness, so I tried to bluster and bluff. That didn't work, so I'm going to go hide now. Sir.
Do Granok cry little pebbles? That might be the best thing if they did. A river of Granok tears = nice new gravel driveway for the guild house.
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