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The english language (or the lack thereof)

For me the use of the word irregardless is a God Damned Crime.

Without paying attention to the present situation; despite the prevailing circumstances.

putting an ir- at the front of a word makes the meaning the opposite. People still use both of the words to mean the same thing. I hate it.
Irregardless of what you say, I'm going to now use the word irregardless.
There's no doubt that having good grammar, spelling, and writing skills will open more opportunities than not having those skills. However, someone completely inept at it could still have a fulfilling life and career and achieve all the success they dream of. I think it's a good thing to strive for, as self-improvement goes, but it won't fix a douche bag.
Two more things that get on my nerves:
  • definatly
  • replacing the word "have" with "of" (for instance: "I could of done better.")
(Sorry, I just had to add this to the thread!)
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