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War feedback


Jesus Freak
Thought I'd post some thought's I've had about the war system. Love the concept.

I think rewarding the first one to post is a little arbitrary, especially since it's always the same time. Certain people are going to be able to log in at that time and score the points, others will be shut out. I think it would encourage participation if more points were awarded based on overall participation rather than the speed. For example, you recieve bonus points at the end of the week based on the number of dailies you did.

I like the team concept. I think it would be cool if 2-3 random teams were generated each week, rather than permanent teams we are stuck in. It would also help to avoid hard feelings if someone left a team or wanted to kick some one off a team. I would hope that no one would be that petty, but you never know. Moving people around would also help to make sure that one team doesn't end up with all the active members and just dominate to the point that the other team stops trying.

I'll add more if I think of anything.
Thought I'd post some thought's I've had about the war system. Love the concept.

I think rewarding the first one to post is a little arbitrary, especially since it's always the same time. Certain people are going to be able to log in at that time and score the points, others will be shut out. I think it would encourage participation if more points were awarded based on overall participation rather than the speed. For example, you recieve bonus points at the end of the week based on the number of dailies you did.

I like the team concept. I think it would be cool if 2-3 random teams were generated each week, rather than permanent teams we are stuck in. It would also help to avoid hard feelings if someone left a team or wanted to kick some one off a team. I would hope that no one would be that petty, but you never know. Moving people around would also help to make sure that one team doesn't end up with all the active members and just dominate to the point that the other team stops trying.

I'll add more if I think of anything.

OMG. First off I love you.

Second, I was just thinking about the +2 for the first answer today and thought it seemed off and was thinking of maybe having start times random. but that is lame. So we will nix that one.

As for random teams... I LIKE it but I dunno if I LOVE it. There is something to be said for actual teams and pride in ones team. So how do you instill pride in your team if you are random every time.... Especially since we want the teams to get achievements etc. I mean I suppose the achievements could be based on dates and one time things and received multiple times... but I think maybe you see the dilemma.

The teams we had on alttab.me was left and right brained. Problem was everyone thought they were right brained. And since it was a creative site, right brain made sense, left didn't. But some people were left. What WAS cool was a sense of I am left brained and PROUD OF IT! Ya know Yaktopus HOOOOOO!!!!! Anyway if we could figure out a way to instill that team camaraderie and not have the empty feeling of Red and Blue in random arenas in Guild Wars 2 that would be cool.

Disclaimer TEAMS are not on the forefront of our design right now, they are a feature that will come in time :) but please hash out the details with us!
Instead of mixing the teams every week, why not extend it out to every other month or quarterly? That would give time for "Whoo-hoo, my team!" but give hope that one team will not forever dominate.

Here's a crazy one: The top 2 winners each quarter (or whatever time frame) become the team leads and actually pick their members schoolyard style. I think it could work, but may be a programming nightmare (I know nothing about that stuff). That would allow for some cohesiveness, since some people would end up together every time, and also allow for some fun rivalries when friends ended up on opposite teams. However, it also could open up a can of "Why did/didn't you pick me/him/her?" drama llama. No pleasing everyone.

The left/right brain thing is cool. Another crazy idea: the team you are on is determined by some sort of a quiz or personality test. But there's a new test or quiz every so often. So it's Left vs Right brained. then cat people vs dog people. elvis fans vs beatles fans. possibilities are endless.
We actually had a quiz to determine alignment on the last site. It didn't work so well :) Easy to manipulate. http://www.alttab.me/register.php#pms

And a new quiz every time is a LOT of work. We want something that isn't in need of constant content but can be generated on it's own for that part of the battle. Already a lot that has to be manually made.
I hear ya, def want something thats fun for all, especially the staff running it.

I'm all tapped out of ideas for now, I'll keep mulling it over.
First of all, I'm really liking the war. Jumping on to check the new challenge is now a part of my morning routine, and checking to see how its been going is one of the first things I do when I get home from work.

As for the teams, here are some thoughts:

What if we did it like the olympics; by state/country? I'm not exactly sure what the exact demographics are, but I do know we are a pretty diverse site. The team's score can be percentage based to balance things out- total points scored by team / total points available to team. If you were feeling really creative you could even throw up a map of the world showing the rankings. In addition, you can have a leader board for individual players featuring total points earned/weeks won/etc. and maybe just a little flag next to their name representing their team. That way individual performance can be recognized, but you can also get some team pride out of the mix. If people have an issue with their team they can keep it to themselves and focus on their personal rankings.

How about boys vs girls? If the numbers aren't even (and lets face it, they're not) we can still weight it like above.

By race of your main character in GW2? You can switch teams if you want but it means you have to bring your new "main" to all guild events. *EDIT* Just remembered the war isn't associated with the guild, but some variation on this concept could work, most people on the site play GW2.

If anything else comes to mind I'll toss it up.
It was just someone who had some feedback on war, ^^

Hmm... speaking of, why are these challenges called "The War"?
When we have the competing sides, it'll be a bit more war-like. Right now the FFA-style isn't war-ish, but it's coming :)
AAh the German guy doesnt like war, that's new. Okay that's not nice, but I had to say it. Just had a 4 hour college about the Germans in World War 1 xD No offence Jia, I actually agree with the name thing. Maybe "The Brawl" ?
Would a less lurid name than "The War" be an option?

What would you suggest? Cause using The War and then having fun games and cute icons is fun haha.

the one lying down with his helmet falling off looks like he is falling into a pile of poop. especially since there is a dog one right below it.
While riddles are fun, I don't think the current format makes for a very good mission. The delay between an answer being given and being confirmed correct/new poster putting up a new riddle really drags out the thread and makes it a crapshoot whether you check the forum during the brief window you can respond (with one or two exceptions the response window has typically been less than half an hour). Also in this day of google I don't think you can actually stump anyone. A better format might have been to just have everyone post their favorite riddle.
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