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Wildstar What will be your class and role?


New member
Just wondering what class and role that everyone is looking forward to for Wildstar launch? Mine is DPS Warrior all assault baby. XD
Yeah. I was gung hoe about stalker but i always liked warrior as well... i sense some hidden OP in the kit, so im kinda thinking i may switch.
invite me my in game id Duppa[DOUBLEPOST=1398745082,1398744889][/DOUBLEPOST]lol forget alll that esper healers are needed though
Warrior is wicked sick <insert Unreal Tournament Annoucer Voice>.

I may very we'll be playing a healer this go around. But I still love tanking. ITS JUST SO HARD TO CHOOSE!
i am thinking Medic Heals or DPS, but i also am considering stalker tank or spellslinger as possibilities, or at least alts.
Definitely looking to DEEPS for a change, but I'm currently torn between Stalker, Engi, Warrior. Leaning toward Stalker atm, but I hate their endgame armor.

EDIT: Ok, now I'm leaning toward engi. This is subject to change at any time.
MEDICCCCC. I always thought I would be heals, but I've never had this much fun doing DPS before so I might like it more, we'll have to see.
Agreed Fox.

I will probably roll DPS Stalker... which means i need a new mouse. Two button mouse isn't going to cut it. trying to do lots of movements while hitting the 2-6 buttons is hard.
I have no clue what I will roll. I will probably get myself a engineer so that I can call it Vagineer. If I do, it will be DPS.
DPS Stalker

There can be only one!
Medic....all the specs. I'm that guy who will spend stupid amounts of time to gear out both specs so I can switch as needed and not gimp my group.
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