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What Class Do You Think You'll Be Playing At Launch?

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Future Man
I wanted to talk a bit about what we think the final two classes are, and what people were thinking about in terms of main class. So I made a poll, and thought I'd lay down some of my thoughts. Behold!​

Based on what we're seeing, I'm guessing that we'll get three options for the Tank and Healer roles. We have two Tank/DPS classes in the Stalker and Warrior, as well as two Healer/DPS classes in the Spellslinger and the Esper. If they go for true variety, we'll get a ranged Tank/DPS class, and a close-range Healer/DPS class.

And my reasoning is this: Carbine Studios have hammered into us that they want people to play the way they like. If they follow my model, there will be three different tanking classes - a melee bruiser, an evasion-tanker, and probably a ranged tanker. Maybe even a pet class! If you ever played SWTOR, they proved you can do ranged tanking quite well. Part of this is almost supported by several videos (some CG, some in-game cinematic - namely the Exile video) that you can have a 'big gun'. Ranged Tank/DPS anyone?

Then we have four current DPS options. Two melee ones - Stalker and Warrior, then two ranged ones - Spellslinger and Esper. This is a pretty strong mix, and with two more DPS roles to come, this should fulfill the needs of any dungeon or raid group in regards to DPS.

And finally, the Healers. We have two revealed so far, and both are magic-based. Will Carbine go three-for-three on 'Technology is for Tanking, Magic is for Healing'? I don't think so. But maybe I'm wrong!

So, I think we'll see at least one more tank, and one more healer. If a game like WoW is anything to go off, there are always more DPS classes than tanks or healers.

Lets break that down actually:

WoW Breakdown:
Tanks - Paladin, Warrior, Monk, Death Knight, Druid
DPS - Warlock, Mage, Rogue, Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight, Shaman, Druid, Hunter, Priest, Monk
Healers - Shaman, Druid, Priest, Paladin, Monk

So just over double the number of DPS classes to Healers and Tanks.

WildStar Breakdown:
Tanks - Warrior, Stalker
DPS - Warrior, Stalker, Spellslinger, Esper
Healers - Spellslinger, Esper

Going by the above logic, we'll get one more tank, one more healer, and thus two more DPS, putting the DPS roles at exactly double that of the Tanks and Healers.

Seems like a good mix to me!

But what do you guys think?
Pretty sure there is speculation that one of the new ones will be an engineer type with turrets.
Pretty sure there is speculation that one of the new ones will be an engineer type with turrets.

Yeah Fox that sounds like a reasonable theory. So far the rumor is some sort of engineer type class and a 'crook-wielding' class. Pretty vague but whatever. Here's to classes AND races at E3.
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I'd love an Engineer Tank/DPS class. That could be very awesome.

Carbine, if you're listening, make this a thing!
I'm really liking what they've shown of the Spellslinger class and I had planned to heal for this game. I mained a rogue for a long time in WoW and some of the newer Stalker videos are making me miss that gameplay style!
I mod edited the links to the NDA stuff out.

It has been mentioned before, but could have been missed that we are very against posting anything NDA here. especially about wildstar because they have come out publicly saying that fan sites that keep this policy will be more likely to be involved with their stuff. Sites that skirt the NDA will be locked out of things like beta and pres releases. With our podcast focusing on Wildstar right now we really want to keep on their good side and maybe get a guest appearance.
I am indecisive. It depends, I like the Warrior & Spellslinger currently and depends how the other 2 unannounced classes are for me to judge on those. Also Stalkers go invis...Haha fml.
I mod edited the links to the NDA stuff out.

It has been mentioned before, but could have been missed that we are very against posting anything NDA here. especially about wildstar because they have come out publicly saying that fan sites that keep this policy will be more likely to be involved with their stuff. Sites that skirt the NDA will be locked out of things like beta and pres releases. With our podcast focusing on Wildstar right now we really want to keep on their good side and maybe get a guest appearance.

Thanks T1G!
I mod edited the links to the NDA stuff out.

It has been mentioned before, but could have been missed that we are very against posting anything NDA here. especially about wildstar because they have come out publicly saying that fan sites that keep this policy will be more likely to be involved with their stuff. Sites that skirt the NDA will be locked out of things like beta and pres releases. With our podcast focusing on Wildstar right now we really want to keep on their good side and maybe get a guest appearance.

*lesson learned*
I didn't notice the NDA stuff until a bit after I posted, wasn't sure of those reddit links were still against the rules. Noted for future posting :p
I want to play a tank, but neither warrior nor stalker really appeal to me. So hopefully an unannounced class will have a tank option. I'd love to see a magic based one since the other two are more physical. The ranged tank idea is interesting. Do you have a link to a vid of that in another game? It sounds crazy, but might make more sense if I saw it.

I'd like a shaman-style tank. Maybe a tech type with turrets instead of totems. I was always bummed that shamans couldn't tank in WoW. Why can they equip shields??
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