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Wildstar Wildstar is a WoW Clone?


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I clicked the video ready to get pissed off, but this guy raises an interesting point in defense of Wildstar. Worth a watch to see what they are doing similiarly and different to make sure they have a successful game.

I love Larzul, even when I don't agree with him I love the fact he's no fluff and speaks his mind.
Furthermore he actually doesn't flack games because he wants them to fail but because he actually wants them be good!
Also I am really in line with his train of thought, MMORPGs lately have been catering to players who aren't MMORPG players just to cash in, making MMORPGs nothing more than random single player games with enhanced multiplayer features. This causes them to stale out (just like single player games eventually do) and lose the characteristic which actually makes MMORPG great, TIME consuming and "game life expectancy". When I start an MMORPG I expect to play it for years! while lately these "new gen" MMOs reallly only last enough for the hype train to die down and then dissappear which is friggin shame!
God I hope Wildstar really puts on a show that will last me years, I am damn tired of changing game every couple of months cause the end game and story just drops dead as soon as the company cashed in on the hype.
I"ll watch this when I get home.

Knee-jerk reaction, sight unseen: copying lessons learned from the most successful and lucrative MMO in history? le gasp.
I just watched this video today before I even saw it was posted here. I liked it and I think he made some very good points. A lot of the points he made I hadn't even thought to see them from another perspective.
While I agree with his assessment that GW2 futzing with the "holy trinity" was one of the causes of the failure of that game, I firmly believe that gaming companies need to have the courage to push the envelope. While I haven't seen anything in Wildstar that they can truly call their own, they have taken some really interesting concepts and mechanics from many other games and either expanded upon them or put their own twist on it. I haven't seen anything that is too outlandish or that raises a red flag.

His website developer reference actually reinforces that. While some of the outlandish, crazy designs and UI elements may fail, it usually does open up new avenues for things that do work. As a result, new standards come in and when sites are redesigned, those elements come into play. This is what I believe Wildstar has managed to take advantage of and why I'm putting quite a few eggs into that basket.
While I agree with his assessment that GW2 futzing with the "holy trinity" was one of the causes of the failure of that game, I firmly believe that gaming companies need to have the courage to push the envelope. While I haven't seen anything in Wildstar that they can truly call their own, they have taken some really interesting concepts and mechanics from many other games and either expanded upon them or put their own twist on it. I haven't seen anything that is too outlandish or that raises a red flag.

I haven't seen the telegraph system in other games of the same genre. Smite has a telegraph system combined with a standard attack, but that's more of a MOBA.

I'm hoping we see good integration of all the elements- questing, housing, warplots, raiding, ect. Not just for story line, but I'm hoping that each one has meaningful impact on the others. I don't want a situation where you are forced to properly decorate your house in order to be successful in raids, but I'd love it to have a meaningful impact that is good enough to be desirable but small enough to be ignoreable.
I haven't seen the telegraph system in other games of the same genre. Smite has a telegraph system combined with a standard attack, but that's more of a MOBA.

I'm hoping we see good integration of all the elements- questing, housing, warplots, raiding, ect. Not just for story line, but I'm hoping that each one has meaningful impact on the others. I don't want a situation where you are forced to properly decorate your house in order to be successful in raids, but I'd love it to have a meaningful impact that is good enough to be desirable but small enough to be ignoreable.

That's why I didn't just limit it to just MMO's. I don't recall the exact statement, but I think they said in an interview a while back that they looked at a bunch of different games to come up with how some of their systems are implemented.

And yeah, I agree, it would be nice if all the systems tied together nicely instead of feeling like separate standalone systems. I don't think I've played a game yet where housing is greatly tied to the game and can affect your overall gaming experience. Since I dig housing, that's a whole lot of :justdontknow: as far as I'm concerned.
That's why I didn't just limit it to just MMO's. I don't recall the exact statement, but I think they said in an interview a while back that they looked at a bunch of different games to come up with how some of their systems are implemented.

And yeah, I agree, it would be nice if all the systems tied together nicely instead of feeling like separate standalone systems. I don't think I've played a game yet where housing is greatly tied to the game and can affect your overall gaming experience. Since I dig housing, that's a whole lot of :justdontknow: as far as I'm concerned.

What is that just after the "of" in your last sentence. I see it around a lot lately and on my computer, it just looks like a white dot.
it's a smiley bouncy pac-man ball person bouncing on top of a rainbow colored sheep who is also bouncing along.
What is that just after the "of" in your last sentence. I see it around a lot lately and on my computer, it just looks like a white dot.

It's a bouncing, rainbow-colored sheep with what appears to be a happy little pac-man riding on his back with his hands in the air.
If I never played WoW does that make the term "WoW clone" meaningless to me? Discuss.
How do you feel about copying from other games in general? Also, watching the video in the OP will give you some context.
I think taking what is good about a game and improving on it is fair game. I mean, I play League of Legends a lot and it is arguably a "DotA clone" this kind of thing doesn't bother me as long as I have fun playing the game I'm playing. A game, like a manga, is fun and interesting or its not. The ones that are not won't last.
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