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Wildstar Wildstar is a WoW Clone?

I think taking what is good about a game and improving on it is fair game. I mean, I play League of Legends a lot and it is arguably a "DotA clone" this kind of thing doesn't bother me as long as I have fun playing the game I'm playing. A game, like a manga, is fun and interesting or its not. The ones that are not won't last.

There's a difference between taking some one else's work and putting your name on it (Like putting a cutscene into your youtube video. That's for you, [user]Tr1age[/user].), and using something as a starting point to make the product better. The former is theft; the latter is smart.
I have been saying for a long time that Wildstar has copied what worked for WoW and some other games and innovated on top of those ideas. If its not broke don't fix it. Basic mechanics, art direction, trinity, raids, big pvp, even the elitist difficulty (from early wow).

Then they took the fundamental way the game plays and changed it from wow to another game style that people loved with the telegraph system. Then they did something completely out of left field, but when you hear it you are like, that's perfect why hasn't it been done before; That thing is paths. Play how you like to play, only get more of that. Others can play differently and get more of what they like. And you can combine the 2 or 4 or however many and get all the extras.
GW2 had an extra level of customization with how you created your backstory, but the effects weren't as long lasting or meaningful as paths seem to be.

All the complexity and interaction between the player elements (race, class, path, profession) and environment (open world, housing, warplots, raids) is very exciting, but is anyone else worried that it's too many moving parts? Is Carbine setting themselves up for a never ending bug squashing nightmare?
We shall see if its too much, but so far every game I have played have had too little. It always turns into just a grind of the same 3 quest types over and over. If they can do something to break that up I am all for it.
We shall see if its too much, but so far every game I have played have had too little. It always turns into just a grind of the same 3 quest types over and over. If they can do something to break that up I am all for it.
I'm with you on this. Did the earlier post mean you can take two professions? Cause I'd seriously love to do both explorer and scientist on whatever I decide my main will be.
I'm with you on this. Did the earlier post mean you can take two professions? Cause I'd seriously love to do both explorer and scientist on whatever I decide my main will be.
As far as I've seen so far, and what Carbine has told us, you can only have one path with every character. I also think that I works great that way and they plan on keeping it like this.
Explorer and Scientist are paths. No you can't take 2 paths on one character. In fact Gaffney said in his interview with Kaeyie Dream that you choose a path at creation and can't ever change it for that toon.

Each class can be one of 2 archetypes as in Dps or heals or hybrid, OR, dps or tank or hybrid. No info released yet on how easy it will be to switch your archetype in game as you play.

They have released next to nothing on tradeskill professions, so I couldn't say how many of those you can have.
I'm with you on this. Did the earlier post mean you can take two professions? Cause I'd seriously love to do both explorer and scientist on whatever I decide my main will be.
Profession is not the same as a path. Professions are the crafting; path is the play style. I expect at least 2 professions to be had at one time. Path choice is singular and irrevocable, at least for now.
  • Video game clone, a software game or game franchise heavily inspired by another

I think Wildstar is a wow clone but only in which it has taken some of the best features that made wow successful and added them into Wildstar.

Larzul really knows what he is talking about, I really enjoy watching/listening his thoughts and opinions, because he mostly knows whats actually a fact!
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