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Wildstar Wildstar Paths!

Squee! Explorer it is then. Scientist looks nifty too, but that'll have to be an alt. Explorer all the way with my main. Jump Quests.
I'd be more excited about the "shortcuts" that explorers can make for their party in zones. That's a pretty neat perk.
I'd be more excited about the "shortcuts" that explorers can make for their party in zones. That's a pretty neat perk.

Oh definitely. Faster travel is always fun and useful. I hope there's plenty of travel related perks for explorers to use.
Because science is right.

I was thinking scientist at first, but now I am leaning more towards explorer first and settler second. Soldier and Scientist just don't grab me as much.

I do like that if you can party with other path-ists?, pathers?, you can get all their perks and they get xp from you using their perks.
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Explorer is too awesome, they're gonna have to step up their game on the other paths or it's gonna be mostly explorers running around. I love me some jumping puzzles, it'd be silly if only explorers have access to them (to open them). Scientist and secret room puzzles are sweet too, and a droid pet thingy? sign me up! Too hard to decide. >_<
My question is, will there be cross path stuff. The particular thing I am thinking about after reading some of the zone information, is for the Exploration and Scientists. There is a zone where they think an Eldan lab is hidden...so an explorer finds the path etc but the scientist finds a door or room inside that path with goodies?!
My question is, will there be cross path stuff. The particular thing I am thinking about after reading some of the zone information, is for the Exploration and Scientists. There is a zone where they think an Eldan lab is hidden...so an explorer finds the path etc but the scientist finds a door or room inside that path with goodies?!

I definitely hope so! That was my take on the cross-path stuff, and it would be awesome..

It could go like:
- First the explorer gets you there
- then the scientist opens a secret room
- then the settler builds a buff station to prepare for a fight
- finally the soldier triggers a holdout in the secret room for an epic fight

Would be cool. :alien3:
My question is, will there be cross path stuff. The particular thing I am thinking about after reading some of the zone information, is for the Exploration and Scientists. There is a zone where they think an Eldan lab is hidden...so an explorer finds the path etc but the scientist finds a door or room inside that path with goodies?!
Oooh, I dunno. That'd be kinda cool. Or a mob type only comes out during a soldier's holdout for the scientist. Or a holdout within an explorer's path... Or a special camp that the settlers can build within a path. I feel like there could be some fun stuff, but that'd be really hard to balance for "equality", y'know?
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