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Wildstar Wildstar Server

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Okay, so my two cents on the matter. If we are going to change, DO IT NOW! Not wait til later when more and more people have been able to trickle in and start their characters and begin leveling. While we have already been able to start up the guild and have quite a few people in the mid teens and low twenties, it will be much harder (like Tristan said) to move at a later time if the problem persists. Nobody likes to have their time wasted and the longer we wait, the more people will get upset if we end up changing.

With that said, it seems that we are gambling on W* creating more room in the current servers, or other guilds/players moving away while we stay put. Who knows what will happen when the full launch comes, but the situation may remain the same or even get worse.
Okay, so my two cents on the matter. If we are going to change, DO IT NOW! Not wait til later when more and more people have been able to trickle in and start their characters and begin leveling. While we have already been able to start up the guild and have quite a few people in the mid teens and low twenties, it will be much harder (like Tristan said) to move at a later time if the problem persists. Nobody likes to have their time wasted and the longer we wait, the more people will get upset if we end up changing.

With that said, it seems that we are gambling on W* creating more room in the current servers, or other guilds/players moving away while we stay put. Who knows what will happen when the full launch comes, but the situation may remain the same or even get worse.

I agree so those who are playing attempting to play need to make a decision pronto.

My vote is to stay put because changing now may cause more heartache. I am ping to assume carbine isn't completely dumb and will be limiting joins on the server currently maxed out when the second launch rolls out.

So the new servers might get overwhelmed.

Gyoin and Zakis seem to be in the same boat so I believe that answer has been made already.
I also vote for staying. It´s not like it will be any better on other servers at "normal" launch.
Ok, I am going to make it clear so no one feels like their leveling will be naught. PERGO WILL BE OUR SERVER UNTIL IT DIES!
Ok, I am going to make it clear so no one feels like their leveling will be naught. PERGO WILL BE OUR SERVER UNTIL IT DIES!

Just reiterating this statement. Again, I apologize any issues that were out of any of our control. Changing servers won't solve those hours someone else lost due to queue issues. I lost time too. But we knew that would happen going in with only 3 pvp servers.
Just reiterating this statement. Again, I apologize any issues that were out of any of our control. Changing servers won't solve those hours someone else lost due to queue issues. I lost time too. But we knew that would happen going in with only 3 pvp servers.

No reason to apoligize, we know by now that this is how MMO launches go. Honestly that is the one big thing I would fault Carbine for. You said they went double gold before release? Yet they expected only needing 3 PvP servers?
No reason to apoligize, we know by now that this is how MMO launches go. Honestly that is the one big thing I would fault Carbine for. You said they went double gold before release? Yet they expected only needing 3 PvP servers?

Yeah that shit just pisses me off. They said 'all our internals and so on didn't prepare us'. What they should have done was run a poll. 'what type of server will you roll on?' They knew how many people had already purchased the game.

I think what makes it worse is they get so many things right. So its really disappointing when they get stuff so wrong.
Yeah that shit just pisses me off. They said 'all our internals and so on didn't prepare us'. What they should have done was run a poll. 'what type of server will you roll on?' They knew how many people had already purchased the game.

I think what makes it worse is they get so many things right. So its really disappointing when they get stuff so wrong.
They did do that. Then they had some assholes bot the votes.
They did do that. Then they had some assholes bot the votes.

Polls aside, with that many box sales they should have at least 4 PvP servers to start. They also should have changed the names from their open beta and released a server list earlier.

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Polls aside, with that many box sales they should have at least 4 PvP servers to start. They also should have changed the names from their open beta and released a server list earlier.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Well there are 6 PVP servers as of right now and the new one they just added is almost full, and with them knowing how many pre -orders they had it's a little hard not to be frustrated with them
I don't have a lot of experience, and even I expected it to be bad, but not as bad as it's been. These queue times are frustrating, but switching wouldn't guarantee a solution to that since it sounds like every server is really full. Also, wasn't Final Fantasy XIV having server problems as long as 2 weeks into its launch? I mean, I doubt WS will be as bad as that. Plus, things are pretty decent once you're in. We'll just have to give it time. Lots and lots of time.
If somebody wants to see how it could have went, just check out this thread about the Watch Dogs 90% loading bug.
We are currently at 157 pages of people complaining that it has not been fixed and error reports. The issue is there since 28th of Mai. And still not fixed. Also almost no official posts of any kind. This bug prevents you from playing the game completely. Oh and it´s on all systems.
Well theres nothing we can do now guys. I rolled a alt on a few different servers but my main alt is on Warbringer. My main main is on Pergo stuck at lvl 9 till the servers calm down which i see happening within the next week. Its headstart launch, it was bound to happen. Luckily i haven't been bugged or glitches as i have been in previous launch games. My 90000000000000 cents to throw into the pot.

Tl;Dr, Roll an alt on a different server until the servers calm down and get balanced out. Or wait 4 hours to get on Pergo.
I'm glad we are staying put. I would rather stay up and everybody know where our home is then to say we are switching and risk losing players because they don't' want to re level or they have other friends outside of Tab that aren't leaving the server. Stick it out and make it ours is the way I'm looking at it. I don't plan to leave anybody behind. If you see me on and would like a partner to just run around and help you kill shit I'm your guy. I'll drop whatever quest i'm working on or shit i'm farming to come try and make your game experience more enjoyable, because in the end that's the goal. Have fun with friends.
Ok, I am going to make it clear so no one feels like their leveling will be naught. PERGO WILL BE OUR SERVER UNTIL IT DIES!

I am going to close this thread now so no one gets confused and knows we are staying. Make a new one if you want to rant about the servers :)
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