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    XCOM 2 Soldier Customization

    So XCOM 2 is out and one of the fun additions to the game is the ability to customize your soldiers. Personally I wait til they make it to SGT before customizing just to be sure they'll live long enough to be worth it. Once I customize my soldiers it actually makes me more attached to each one...
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    MOBA Paragon

    INTRODUCING PARAGON Paragon is the MOBA from Epic Games that puts you in the fight with explosive action, direct third-person control, and deep strategic choice. Paragon is coming to PC and PlayStation 4, with paid Early Access in Spring 2016 and Open Beta in Summer 2016. HEROES UNTETHERED...
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    Star Citizen CitizenCon 2015

    CitizenCon 2015 So today was CitizenCon, a yearly event for all things Star Citizen held near one of their various studios. This year was in Manchester which is fitting due to most of the revealed content being related to Squadron 42, the single-player campaign attached to Star Citizen...
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    Star Citizen Star Citizen: What Makes It Different?

    I think this is a great video to get an idea of what makes Star Citizen unique. The following design document on mining also shows how they want to make all aspects of the game deep, engaging, skill based, and most importantly, fun. Star Citizen Careers: Mining Sic itur ad astra. by...
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    Bugs/Exploits you should be aware of

    So there was a couple times last night where Gareth and I were killed that just didn't make sense to me. At first I thought it was just lag but apparently you can instantly fire off your bow for an easy headshot.... If anyone knows of other gamebreaking exploits it would be great if you would...
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    H1Z1 is a zombie survival MMOFPS being developed by a 20 person team at Sony Online Entertainment. It is the next game to be made with SOE's Forgelight engine. The only sources of information so far has been through the H1Z1 reddit and a video interview with SOE president John Smedly. Below is...
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    Wildstar PCGamer's Wildstar sweepstakes (get free items)

    After three rounds of voting you'll get the item being voted on and a coconut monkey housing item. US voters get entered in for a chance at a new computer. Make sure to use the same email address associated with your Wildstar account. Round 1: Select the weapon 4/2 - 4/13 Round 2: Customize...
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    Remainz's Application

    Name Joe Age (must be 18+) 23 Where are you from? (timezone) A little east of Pittsburgh, PA. (EST) Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who? No. Character Name(s) For Battlefield 4 my OriginID is Remainz5. For MMOs and most other games I use Remainz. What games do you wish to...
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    I have followed the site for a little while now and I really like what I've seen. I want to get more involved with AltTabMe so I figured I would start with an introduction. My name's Joe, and I'm a 23 year old IST major finishing up my degree at Penn-State New Kensington. I commute from home...
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