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Destiny - Weekly Raid Group

Looking good. In busy this Sat like I mentioned but have fun! Do people usually use the ingame fireteam chat? Is the quality decent enough or is there a better alternative? I haven't really tried it.
Looking good. In busy this Sat like I mentioned but have fun! Do people usually use the ingame fireteam chat? Is the quality decent enough or is there a better alternative? I haven't really tried it.
Its all that I've used. Only downside is that it's open mic.
Sean and I have used it and it works just fine. I don't usually use it just in random groups, though.

Also, the patch today fucking finally introduced solo access to matchmaking for the weekly stuff, so you can still get your coins, marks and rep if you can't make any particular Saturday. I had to add KidOnDope420 as a friend to get mine done and buy my Ice Breaker last time it was up, I felt so dirty.
Wow matchmaking now? That's awesome. I'm still new to end game and haven't been able to really do these weekly thingies. That's awesome. I'll be around in the next few hours/tonight if anyone wants to play.
For sure dude. Seems like we have a glut of Hunters now, so I'll stick to Titan (probably Defender). Might be nice to get some exotics and shit.

I need to get some coin action, and finish the Crota's End quests.
Week 02/24 - 03/02


This week's nightfall is Cerberus Vae III (Valus Ta'aurc) with the following modifiers.

Don't bother with the beginning part, just run through them and don't worry, it's not a darkness zone, but the modifiers are active.

After that, stay far back and pick off what you can, use void to kill psions or they'll be a pain to kill, snipe the collosus far away so he doesn't fight back, take out the lieutenants however you can from a distance, then fall back and snipe the tank with black hammer/Ice Breaker so he doesn't shoot at you.

At the boss fight, just hide in the corner I hid in and pop out every now and then to shoot valus, every 25% health he loses he will move to he other side. On his last 25% of health, he roams the area a bit based on your position. Play it safe, don't stand too close to the enemies cause they can melee you through the objects, and remember juggler is on so remember to kill things with different weapons every now and pick up ammo when safe to do so. Be patient, be smart, be safe.

Good luck, Guardians!

Solo clear with commentary
Good morning! 1 more hour for us. I hope I didn't calculate your Timezone wrong. : x I think it's 07:00 for you right now?
Ah, crap, I'll adjust the schedule on page 2. Google is lying to me. :[

  1. 7:48 AM
    Sunday, March 1, 2015
    Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
We have 3 minutes. <3 PS4 and Destiny just patched. I'm in......... now!

09:00 AEST - Gather
09:15 AEST - Start
11:15 AEST - End
Dang Dej. Request sent~

We cleared 3 Crota missions today. Got the epic fusion rifle that can swap elements.
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