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Eh, I've already fallen off of it. Started to get too grindy for too little rewarded PvE wise. PvP is still fun, but I need to be in the mood for a shooter. I'll still pick it up every now and again, but no not to raid.
Woo. I'm on the slow boat to Destiny. Looks like the slowest judging from the headcount in here...

I finally picked up my copy from a friend (he had been holding it for damn near 3 months). Anyone have any tips on the class variants before I get too invested in a character?

I was thinking to roll a Guardian for the extra utility in groups, though I wonder if it gets a significant damage reduction to balance it's survivability? I feel like I might pretty solid as long as I have decent weapons (liking the handcannon and shotgun so far). I'm also digging both hunters subclasses, though from what I've read they have the highest skillcap and are pretty squishy. I'll primarily PvE, but even in the FPS's I'm "good" at, I top out around 1:1 KDR. Does the hunter skillcap really apply in PvE where the AI is pretty scripted?
I wish I could get into this since it sounds fun, but I am awful at shooters...

Same, which is another reason why I'm tempted to try the tanky class. I've always been the only person I know of irl that plays MMOs, but a few long time friends have started playing Destiny. This would probably be the first title we've played together since the highschool days of crashing at someone's house and playing Tekken for hours.
Best thing i can say is watch some youtube videos on all classes.

The Hunter class was the OP class in multiplayer, i do not know if they tweeked this since i haven't played in months. But this class was always the one i hated because it had the special to jump between bodies and stab them for insta kill which renewed the special and could jump again..... so it was almost a never ending kill spree until he ran out of enemies to kill.

Warlock was the class i main because i always play a "magic" class in any game because it's cool and not something ordinary. They have two seperate paths you can follow. One is basically a support path with healz? and the other is straight badass dps and a mega bomb to the face.

Guardian i didn't get to much time to play so i can't really help you here. I believe the abilities are either a shield or a super foot drop. So you can go semi support for laying down the shield while under fire or jump super high and throw down some law on people.
I haven't really done much PvP, but I was always a lock for Hunter because that's how I'm gonna PvP anyway. I'd rather shoot once and make it count than empty the clip and hope it worked.[DOUBLEPOST=1421162341,1421162308][/DOUBLEPOST]Err, that's how I PVE. But it is how I PvP as well, so there's that.
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