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Attention span on Destiny is starting to falter, pretty much when I expected it to. I'll probably only play for pvp unless someone specifically has something going on. I'll keep tabs of "events" (still excited for Iron Banner), but for the most part this is beginning to hit the shelf.
New patch is now live, moar engrams and engrams drop items of their quality and above, get gearzz!
I'll try to get some gear hopefully have 26 or so after I buy my rep gear... for the raid I mean
shoot, when does it reset? I just realized I did some of vog earlier this week, will that lock me out sunday?
Cool. I'll sed be raid ready by then. A few more marks and I will have all purple gear. Then I'll probably play some crucible to get some weapons. Dr nope is cool but I burn through so much ammo[DOUBLEPOST=1412542685,1412542387][/DOUBLEPOST]Nvm don't have to do crucible. Forgot there is a vanguard quartermaster. Sadly I have to reach rank 3. Got to do another 2000
May have to put me down as a "Maybe" for Fridays raid. RL stuff. Gonna try my best to be there.
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