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Fit Nerds!

Geez Tristan double post much?!?!?!

Yeah that is super light for 6'2 - I am 5'8 and got down to 160ish now starting to add some calories in. You shouldn't have that hard of a problem eating enough, just look at the calorie dense foods that are healthy. I bet you could hit 2500-3000 calories not working out and not gain much if any weight.
Geez Tristan double post much?!?!?!

Yeah that is super light for 6'2 - I am 5'8 and got down to 160ish now starting to add some calories in. You shouldn't have that hard of a problem eating enough, just look at the calorie dense foods that are healthy. I bet you could hit 2500-3000 calories not working out and not gain much if any weight.

as of now i am at about 4000-4500 calories a day with working out and i can slowly get gains took a lot of work,research,and help trying to find my macros the right foods the right workout ect

Man I see this one guy at the gym has the 4L plastic jug of chocolate milk EVERYDAY.

That's over 3200 calories, mainly sugar but some juicy protein mixed in.
Haha yeah, I feel like milk + a tough lifting day = puke. He's a big guy, although you can tell he has a bit higher bf% but still a big muscular guy.
My story is before i got married i weighed 180 lbs, a year later i am at 202.5. I think i am spoiled a lil bit. I am 5'-8" so its all in the belly region. I joined a soccer league hoping to do some soccer and get back in shape. We had a pick up game yesterday and omg i thought i was gonna need to be brough to the hospital. Thats what 9-10 hours a day in a chair will do to you.
Good to see I have joined a community of people who like to stay fit while they nerd out :)
I have always been moderately into fitness but only recently have had the mentality of really watching what I eat. I am 5'10 and weighed 150 lbs pretty much forever. Then I went on a seafood diet (or rather 'see-food' - if you see food you eat it) and went up to 190 while working out daily. It wasn't all good weight but I had spent years trying to put on weight and finally put on a ton. I'm down to about 180 now and I'm trying to cut at least 6% BF in the next few months while maintaining my current weight.

Hopefully we can all inspire each other to stay on our plans while still gaming (frequency I expect will rise sharply with the release of WildStar). I have some before's and have made good progress but will post next month when I hope to be down at least 4% of the 6% BF I want to drop. I will also be posting some recipes as I tend to cook a lot of pre-prepared meals. I don't typically have a lot of times for meals at work (weird being in a restaurant) so I need something I can just heat up and eat. This also works extremely well when a new MMO launches and I want to pre-cook meals for 2-3 days so I don't have to waste time cooking when I could be levelling :D. I am currently going to a gym but mostly working out at home using the UFC FIT program. While being a UFC fanboy is the biggest reason for the purchase, I also believe in the writer/trainer Mike Dolce who is the master of eating healthy as well as dropping weight. If anyone is interested I have ripped the program so that I can put it on a USB stick and don't have to keep switching the DVDs
I discovered about a year ago that I'm at least sensitive to gluten (I'm going through with the proper celiac test in a couple of months, although I avoid gluten completely) and it's amazing what cutting gluten out of your diet will do for body weight. I put that down to a general reduction in carbs. As I was pretty much doing it anyway with this change, I'm now trying to move towards the Paleo style diet as much as possible. Combined with picking up working out and I feel a lot better these days. My cardio is still not what it should be, I find that's the toughest thing to work on..

As weird as it might sound, I've found a really useful app. There are many like it, but it's called "just six weeks" and focuses on increasing your ability to do body weight exercises (pushups, pullups, sit ups, etc.). I think it's the structure that seems to work for me, but I was surprised I'd actually find an exercise app useful or engaging.

Kelth, I'll have to check out the UFC Fit program (I'm sure I can find it). A couple of my friends are crazy UFC fans (I enjoy it, but I only catch one or two of the big events) and I can imagine anything associated would probably be a great work out.
it's amazing what cutting gluten out of your diet will do for body weight. I put that down to a general reduction in carbs.

This is a big part of it. The other part is cutting gluten cuts out most of the crap processed foods that are so easy to have: fast food, microwave dinners, etc. The same effect is found with paleo. cutting foods outside the paleo diet really cuts out all the crap that is easy to get fat on. I lost about 50 lbs in a year on paleo and am ramping up to get back on it.
uhm... how were you not in a hospital? [...]

Another ridiculously skinny person here. 6'3" and (was) 140lbs. Can confirm we function alright.

I actually have to gain weight was very skinny at about 135 after about 6 months i got a good routine eating the right food getting my macros ect and got to about 155 trying to reach about 175-180
*highfives* I'm on the same boat as you. Same weight right now and goal too.
At any rate my secret to gaining weight has mostly been protein shakes and copious amounts of avocados
It's still a struggle not to lose the weight I've gained however. The mass amounts of cayenne pepper and green tea I intake probably don't help with my metabolism already in overdrive..
Oh boy. I saw this thread last week and avoided it, but this morning I read it all the way through. I could write a very large book about my weight and body image issues, but I will try not to. I will attempt a brief synopsis. I am lazy and an emotional eater. I've always been on the big side but that went from voluptuous and curvy to just plain fat. I married a man who was, at the time, 6'2' and 130lbs and who was fueled almost entirely on nicotine and Mt. Dew. The year after we got married I joined weight watchers and lost 80 pounds. Towards the very end of that journey I had to have my gall bladder removed and my body and digestive system freaked out. It is still freaking out and it has been 10 years. I've gained all the weight back with interest. Please note that I am NOT blaming the gall bladder, it is entirely a result of my laziness as well as sitting on my ass all day and eating nothing but horrible food for a decade. When we decided to stop working outside the house and start our business, we both became even more inactive. For John this was the first real inactive period in his life and combined with quitting smoking and hitting 30, his weight jumped up as well. So there we were, getting old and fat together.

Earlier this year we watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" which is about juice fasting primarily. For whatever reason, some things said there prompted us to make changes. We did juice fast for a few days to get started, but found out quickly that we need food to remain sane. What we've done is to cut out processed food and refined sugar almost entirely. High fructose corn syrup is the most offensive substance in the world to us now. We shop almost 100% in the produce and organic sections and make much better choices when we do eat fast food or at restaurants. We are not perfect by any means, and could do much more, but it has literally changed our lives. John dropped 40 pounds very quickly and is at a very healthy weight now. I've dropped about 35 so far but I have many more that I need to lose. All of this has been with nearly zero exercise, which I know has to be my next step. Things are exacerbated by the fact that I have substantial back and knee issues and I use that as a big excuse to remain inactive. Yes, I know how stupid that is. Both my back and knees will only feel better as I lose weight and get stronger.

Hmm..I said I was going to be brief, sorry.

Anyway, I'm very happy to have joined a community that is at least in part health conscious and not made up solely of teenagers with insane metabolisms who live on Funyuns and energy drinks. All of your posts have been informative and inspirational and eventually I will post some before and after shots myself.
Nice work, Fen, keep it up! I have struggled with weight issues pretty much since I left high school and stopped running 8-10 miles a day (track, CC). I have back issues as well (surgery in 2004), which left my back in a "never feeling quite right" state, so it's easy it's an easy excuse to wimp out on exercising. Now getting towards the tail end of my 30s, it seems even harder to keep weight off, it's really frustrating. I've always been a stocky guy, and realistically just getting to about 190 (I'm 5'10") would make me ecstatic. I got back on the "Lose It" website this year and lost about 15lbs, but I've put on about 9 of that back on again after hitting a super-stressful time at work, and losing the will to work out daily. I also started eating "easy" crappy meals again, which hurt.

I recently got a decent treadmill though, put my old iMac in front of it as a dedicated netflix machine while I walk/run, and have been ramping up my activity levels again. Now I just need to tweak my diet and make sure that I'm eating healthy foods and not as much processed crap. I actually cleaned out my freezer last night and threw away stuff that looked obviously unhealthy. Going to swing by the grocery today after work and buy all the healthy things. /allthethings
I started my Loseit program back around the same time Nahku did and I lost some weight relatively quick by staying within my caloric intake. But then I got laid off. And just like you Fen, I am an emotional eater.

Now I've been at my new job 2 months, and I'm starting to get back into my better dining habits (smaller portions, higher quality of foods, MOAR WATER) and I'm starting to notice a difference again. I've been contemplating getting back onto loseit and keeping track, but I'm being lazy. Luckily with it being summer, I do naturally sweat like I do in sweat lodges, so this is when I start to trim a little bit down. Just gotta stay hydrated a bit so I don't get sick like I used to many summers. Just can't have all the soda and beer like I used to, much more water and (occasionally), natural juices.
I started my Loseit program back around the same time Nahku did and I lost some weight relatively quick by staying within my caloric intake. But then I got laid off. And just like you Fen, I am an emotional eater.

Now I've been at my new job 2 months, and I'm starting to get back into my better dining habits (smaller portions, higher quality of foods, MOAR WATER) and I'm starting to notice a difference again. I've been contemplating getting back onto loseit and keeping track, but I'm being lazy. Luckily with it being summer, I do naturally sweat like I do in sweat lodges, so this is when I start to trim a little bit down. Just gotta stay hydrated a bit so I don't get sick like I used to many summers. Just can't have all the soda and beer like I used to, much more water and (occasionally), natural juices.

I need to off topic rant for one second. Although it is on topic, just the ranting art I suppose.

So, I hear a lot of "Emotional Eater" and the like. And somehow this is a justification that even Fen pointed out was a bad excuse. So here is my rant: I fight that "Emotional Eater" every single fucking day of my life with "Emotional Smoking". Yet because it isn't food and it has a warning unlike food which should come with "if, then, heartattack" labels, people constantly have to chime in and tell me not to fall off the wagon or go at me for smoking when I do fall off. Now so you can all "get it" a little, if I went at you every time I talked to you and saw you put food in your mouth, how much would that HELP the cause? It wouldn't.

So now you can all have a small sliver of perspective on what it is like to have been or to be a smoker. Then attach the feeling of self perception, weight loss, health, feeling like shit, but feeling better, dulling senses that may actually trigger anxiety, giving you the social interaction you sometimes steer away from, making you feel less straight edge when you don't drink or do drugs, etc etc etc etc etc...... then you can get it :)

OK rant over... I just saw an opportunity to give you guys the insight there.
I need to off topic rant for one second. Although it is on topic, just the ranting art I suppose.

So, I hear a lot of "Emotional Eater" and the like. And somehow this is a justification that even Fen pointed out was a bad excuse. So here is my rant: I fight that "Emotional Eater" every single fucking day of my life with "Emotional Smoking". Yet because it isn't food and it has a warning unlike food which should come with "if, then, heartattack" labels, people constantly have to chime in and tell me not to fall off the wagon or go at me for smoking when I do fall off. Now so you can all "get it" a little, if I went at you every time I talked to you and saw you put food in your mouth, how much would that HELP the cause? It wouldn't.

So now you can all have a small sliver of perspective on what it is like to have been or to be a smoker. Then attach the feeling of self perception, weight loss, health, feeling like shit, but feeling better, dulling senses that may actually trigger anxiety, giving you the social interaction you sometimes steer away from, making you feel less straight edge when you don't drink or do drugs, etc etc etc etc etc...... then you can get it :)

OK rant over... I just saw an opportunity to give you guys the insight there.
I've never really considered them different? It's the fall-back safety mechanism that we use to get back that feeling of "comfort" when we're not. Doesn't matter what it is. Some people it's smoking. Some, drinking. Some, eating. Some, working out. It's that feeling of control when something you can't control is going wrong in your life.
Watching my husband try to quit smoking again and again gave me a lot of insight as to how intense that addiction can be. The only distinction I've made in the past is that some days I wish I could quit eating and being around food entirely the way I quit smoking many years ago and of course that's not an option. I do feel as though I have broken free of my food addiction or overeating addiction or whatever the hell it was that made me eat until I was literally sick.

I got fat for a lot of reasons. Some mental, some physical. And when I say I'm an emotional eater, I never put that out there as an excuse or justification. It's just an explanation really. When something stressful or upsetting happens, it's my first instinct to shove something in my mouth <insert joke here>, much the way a smoker is with cigarettes. It's my security blanket, even though the very act of doing it makes me feel like shit physically and like a failure mentally.

Now that we simply do not have junk in the house, the worst thing I can do is binge on some sugar free whole wheat bread, cheese, fruit or something rather than a family size bag of chips or an entire box of snack cakes. And thank god for that because the thought of what I used to eat gags me.

I do get where you're coming from, Tristan. Sometimes if I'm in a really bad place with my self esteem and I'm eating in a restaurant somewhere, I wonder if people are looking at me judging me for eating what I'm eating or eating at all when I'm fat. The big difference is that never in my life has someone said something to my face. If they did I would totally lose my shit on them, but probably cry like a baby later in private.
I appreciate the honesty and please as I think you already know being an ex smoker that I wasn't directing that toward anyone specific. I've just been one of the few smokers here and see an Opportunity to give a way for those whoso give me shit an idea of what it feels like to be me an what kind of addiction it is.

Anyway carry on. Your story is quite interesting. And your awareness is also refreshing.
I hear ya, quitting smoking was by far one of the hardest things I've ever done. Tried unsuccessfully countless times. After quitting, I put on like 25+lbs. I probably looked healthier when I was a smoker, haha. The benefits of quitting are felt though, and I'm proud of myself.

I just checked my lil' quitIt app:


I hear ya, quitting smoking was by far one of the hardest things I've ever done. Tried unsuccessfully countless times. After quitting, I put on like 25+lbs. I probably looked healthier when I was a smoker, haha. The benefits of quitting are felt though, and I'm proud of myself.

I just checked my lil' quitIt app:



Ha I have that app.
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