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SPOILERS Game of Thrones Discussion Thread.


Since Game of Thrones is back and this season is going to be the best one yet I wanted to start a thread discussing it.

If you haven't seen the latest episode or read the books beware.

Everyone should try to use the spoiler tags on anything that hasn't happened on the show yet. If it has happened on the tv show you don't have to wrap your post in the tag.

I have read the books multiple times and I am super excited for this season. I can probably answer any questions that people have if they actually want the answers before the show puts them out there. Having said that I need to add the caveat that the show runners are keeping close to the books but changing things as needed to condense the story into a 10 episode season. For instance:
  • Season 1 follows book one closer than any adaptation I have ever seen, movie or tv.
  • Season 2 departs from book 2 almost as much as season 1 matched book 1. The reason for this is that book 2 introduces almost a whole new cast and all the cast from book 1 is all told in the background like "so and so was seen over in that town winning battles". Season 2 tells parts of the story from books 2 and 3 while introducing new characters and keeping up with old ones. All the parts with Robb Stark fighting in Season 2 was never fleshed out in the books.
  • Season 3 is said to take place
    in the first half of book 3 and parts of book 2.
    The show runners have said from the start that if they could get to the scenes in season 3 like they want they can die happy.

Please remember to place spoilers around anything that hasn't happened in the TV show yet since not everyone has read the books.
Here is a great intro to most of the new characters coming in Season 3. You have already seen some of them if you have seen episodes 1 and 2.

Spoiler heavy video when it comes to who is in this season.

Did they move Theon's chapters forward a book or two? The scene we saw in the last episode wasn't until book 4 or 5, if I remember correctly?

I think season one already had quite a few scenes that weren't from the books: For instance, scenes between Joffrey and Cersei, Cersei and Robert, Renly and Loras, Viserys and the (nameless?) prostitute in the tub - all of which never happened in the book, because none of these characters had their own chapters.
Ya they did do that from season 2 on. they had to flesh out the characters stories they already had instead of build up a whole new set of characters in season 2. All the stuff they did that wasn't in the books per se are still true to the story. They cut alot of the Theon story that leads up to the point we see him and yes his story picks back up in later books. They just brought that story in cause otherwise we would not see him for a season or 2.
Lovin it so far. I am deep into book 2 atm while watching Season 3. Lovin it so far as you can tell from my avatar. Some amazing artwork that I would attribute to a proper artist if I knew where I found it.
This season will have in it one of the biggest events in the whole series. Even bigger than Edward Stark being beheaded in season 1. If you don't want that spoiled DO NOT read book 3. Wait till the season is over which will be in about 8 weeks anyway.
This season will have in it one of the biggest events in the whole series. Even bigger than Edward Stark being beheaded in season 1. If you don't want that spoiled DO NOT read book 3. Wait till the season is over which will be in about 8 weeks anyway.

Will do thanks for the heads up!
I LOVED the books, but stopped arround the first quarter of.. whats his face.. A feast for crows... I just couldn't handle the gear change so well.
Just wanted to say AMAZING SERIES!!!

I read the books about a year before the show even started. Still waiting for Dances with Dragons to go paperback. (Has it yet)

OMG So far my favorite people to follow have been Bran and Arya, IMO they have the most interesting parts to play.... oooo so excited
I have not read anything yet but this is ONLY discussing the current episodes and not the books right?

BTW that SWORD FIGHT at the end of the last episode was some DAMN GOOD choreography BAD ASS!
I have not read anything yet but this is ONLY discussing the current episodes and not the books right?

BTW that SWORD FIGHT at the end of the last episode was some DAMN GOOD choreography BAD ASS!

Current and previous tv episodes. Also anything in the books that pertain to those episodes. Anything in the books that haven't happened in the tv show yet should be put behind spoiler tags.

All the sword fights and action is at that level through the whole series. Also lots of killings and boobs.
and boobs.

Y'all best not be contestin' that there's any house better than that founded by Davos Seaworth!
I mean, The Onion Knight survived the battle at King's Landing!
Ned Stark can't say the same.
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