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Wildstar If You Could Add Or Remove Something From Wildstar

Things I would add besides more cowbell: more cowbell, jetpacks, me jetpack rocket punching a chua into space.
Things I would remove: also general chat.
Tr1age, how would you feel about common items, like materials and low quality gear available on the AH, but high quality items, especially crafted ones, had to be sold through trade?
I would like them to add player collision and more weapon choices, though I'd prefer the latter in an expansion. I understand the PvP silhouettes but fucking come on, you're going to know that's a fucking warrior when he comes barreling at you regardless of whether or not he has an ax, sword or giant ass mace, ditto goes for the other classes. They are unique enough on their own to not require this limitation.

As far as removing, I hope they end up scrapping flying mounts.
If I could remove one thing from Wildstar, it would be the hype!
I've been burned too often, so I meet hype with skepticism. I'm eying you cautiously, W★!
Tr1age, how would you feel about common items, like materials and low quality gear available on the AH, but high quality items, especially crafted ones, had to be sold through trade?

The rarer it is and the more player driven, the better.
Tr1age, how would you feel about common items, like materials and low quality gear available on the AH, but high quality items, especially crafted ones, had to be sold through trade?

In Age of Wushu there was no auction house, you had to set up a stall to sell your items. I loved this approach, made the game feel more alive. Much better than looking at a auction house menu.
In Age of Wushu there was no auction house, you had to set up a stall to sell your items. I loved this approach, made the game feel more alive. Much better than looking at a auction house menu.

I've only been in one game that allowed this, and it was a madhouse. The streets were literally covered with shops to the point that they were all on top of each other. There were no real people there, either. Just a bunch of bots running the shops that spammed general, trade, whispers, everything. It was a truly horrible experience, the only peace was out in the fields with the monsters.

I'd love to see a game that does it right, though, by spacing the shops out and closing opportunities for bots to run them. A game where players can commit themselves fully to a trade skill or merchant class sounds great to me.
What if your paladim class was only for healing and you could wear a cloth dress for better healing, would you still play that class :p

-Ben still here-

Yes, I would still play that class. WoW had armor sets that really looked like cloth dresses but I still played them. Plus I'm a really good pally healer :p
Yes, I would still play that class. WoW had armor sets that really looked like cloth dresses but I still played them. Plus I'm a really good pally healer :p

What about a pink dildo for a healing mace?

I guess if enough want s Pally class you might get it.

-Ben, Do Mechari dream of electronic sheep?-
I do! In WoW they was so OP, I still have nightmares about them!

almost a decade down the line and they still are OP, only reason I still play that dumb ass game, because has turned into a bunch of running ass, scared little bitches. Why do I tell you that you ask? Well because I was in a BG today, and we are playing a AB like BG called Deepwind Gorge. The game counts down and the gates open, we run over to try and capture the Middle for a good advantage of the stupid Allies.(Guess that tells which side I have alwayz played) Now I play a healer in BG's ever since i first played a BG and got facerolled because of no heals. So I'm a Hpally, and we roll up on the flag, and as usually i hang back just a bit to try to avoid as much combat as possible, so I dont get attack and can be a really effect healer. Which I think in decent healer would do. As I am healing this guys like crazy, and keep them all up mind you with alittle help from an just OP geared Druid standing 5ft from. Just over healing his ass off. Now mind you I dont have the best gear already, because I've only been playing for about a week, which is to say I started last Friday. Where was I, O yes, so as I am healing my ass off, the dps just seem to be running off in other directions for different flags, one here and there. Mind you the Ally are just chasing them down like the little girls they are and killing them cause now they moved way outta my healing range. I realized that they all just gave up and chickened out(including the stupid druid) leaving me and this warlock( who is squishy as fuck and at my maximum range. So I quickly use a speed buff and get closer to him to hopeful share some of the damage so he can dps and not worry about dying so fast. WHAT THE FUCK, do you think he does? The fucking Ally alt little bitch leaves me there with three Allies and saves his own ass.

Now your really asking why the hell am I being told this story. Well its because it leads back to being the point. Which is that pallies after tons of expansions thru new races and class, are still OP. I took a bad beatening from those three and burned all my CD's staying live. The coolest part was 1. I didnt die, despite that fact they were silencing, stunning, CCing the shit out of me to try and kill me. 2. Just as the light was about to fade out and I knew for sure I was gonna die as I was pretty much out of mana and no CD's left. Like half the team showed back up to take the flag.Now thats a true Horde player. One who stands and fights against all the odds. I dearly miss that and it will never come back again and all I'm left with is memories of a once great game and what a time of my life I had. Just one MMO player to his hopefully new community.

Cheers mates.

P.S. Please forgive my abbreviations on some of the wording. It is a habbit.
almost a decade down the line and they still are OP, only reason I still play that dumb ass game, because has turned into a bunch of running ass, scared little bitches. Why do I tell you that you ask? Well because I was in a BG today, and we are playing a AB like BG called Deepwind Gorge. The game counts down and the gates open, we run over to try and capture the Middle for a good advantage of the stupid Allies.(Guess that tells which side I have alwayz played) Now I play a healer in BG's ever since i first played a BG and got facerolled because of no heals. So I'm a Hpally, and we roll up on the flag, and as usually i hang back just a bit to try to avoid as much combat as possible, so I dont get attack and can be a really effect healer. Which I think in decent healer would do. As I am healing this guys like crazy, and keep them all up mind you with alittle help from an just OP geared Druid standing 5ft from. Just over healing his ass off. Now mind you I dont have the best gear already, because I've only been playing for about a week, which is to say I started last Friday. Where was I, O yes, so as I am healing my ass off, the dps just seem to be running off in other directions for different flags, one here and there. Mind you the Ally are just chasing them down like the little girls they are and killing them cause now they moved way outta my healing range. I realized that they all just gave up and chickened out(including the stupid druid) leaving me and this warlock( who is squishy as fuck and at my maximum range. So I quickly use a speed buff and get closer to him to hopeful share some of the damage so he can dps and not worry about dying so fast. WHAT THE FUCK, do you think he does? The fucking Ally alt little bitch leaves me there with three Allies and saves his own ass.

Now your really asking why the hell am I being told this story. Well its because it leads back to being the point. Which is that pallies after tons of expansions thru new races and class, are still OP. I took a bad beatening from those three and burned all my CD's staying live. The coolest part was 1. I didnt die, despite that fact they were silencing, stunning, CCing the shit out of me to try and kill me. 2. Just as the light was about to fade out and I knew for sure I was gonna die as I was pretty much out of mana and no CD's left. Like half the team showed back up to take the flag.Now thats a true Horde player. One who stands and fights against all the odds. I dearly miss that and it will never come back again and all I'm left with is memories of a once great game and what a time of my life I had. Just one MMO player to his hopefully new community.

Cheers mates.

P.S. Please forgive my abbreviations on some of the wording. It is a habbit.

Oh I used to aim for the pally first always lol

There isn't really anything I would like to add to the game per say, however I would love to see more of the same kind of "we don't take ourselves seriously" type of humour that the game already has. LOTS more of it. For me, nothing takes the fun out of a game faster than really boring dialogue that makes me wear out my escape key.

Now for things that I would like taken or never implemented into the game.... would have to be rewarding mediocrity. :S This is a cheap trick on the part of the devs to make you feel like a snowflake. Now I'm talking about stuff like Pay to win cash shops, I'm all for cash shops that offer new skins/cosmetic or even quality of life items but when gear starts being offered I think that all bets are off.

But hey, maybe I'm too picky :D

Ginyu Out.
I would really like to see a good list of skills which means you can't have all the skills of your class but instead have to pick n choose. Too many games if you fight against your class, your both using the same skills and so your character never really feels personal but just a generic *insert class here*. This also connects with equips and stuff (having a large variety of options, to personalize your character).. I also have high hopes for the Warplots, if done well this well be an endgame event that will keep me playing for ages! And i've always got PvE, which looks sick!

As for getting rid of something, so far nothing has really stood out as a negative, or something I would remove. But if I was to go on other MMo ive played I would limit the ability to spam on the chat (as mentioned before) but not fully get rid of the world chat/general chat cause it has it's uses (specially for people who arnt used to being in a guild from get go, and instead have to meet people).
I would really like to see a good list of skills which means you can't have all the skills of your class but instead have to pick n choose.
They have said that each class will have about 40 skills to choose from with only 8 slots that you can use at any one time. Supposedly you can fully change your role by choosing different gear and skills. Not sure how they are gonna revamp the skill tree system if they even have one.
They have said that each class will have about 40 skills to choose from with only 8 slots that you can use at any one time. Supposedly you can fully change your role by choosing different gear and skills. Not sure how they are gonna revamp the skill tree system if they even have one.
*LOVVVE* This is aweseome! If that supposedly is right this mean I can have 1 char and switch him between PvE & PvP mmmmmm *gurggglee*
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