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Wildstar If You Could Add Or Remove Something From Wildstar

Like in TBC, you picked either the Aldor or Scryers and worked with them. You couldn't have all the things, you had to make a choice. I like that.
I was the first person on my server to have all the Jewelcrafting recipes because I repped all the way up Aldor then did all the rep grind up Scryer (it dropped aldor at the same time). I went to exalted with each and got the rewards for each. I was a bit crazy.
made a fortune though and had my Jewelcrafting guide stickied on the official profession forums though.
no cause there was nothing in it for me. I did get exalted with darnassus as a gnome so I could get my cat mount. And this was in vanilla before it was easy. I had to do all the quests and then runecloth turn ins in the thousands. Got halfway to my wintersaber mount too.
no cause there was nothing in it for me. I did get exalted with darnassus as a gnome so I could get my cat mount. And this was in vanilla before it was easy. I had to do all the quests and then runecloth turn ins in the thousands. Got halfway to my wintersaber mount too.

Nothing in it for-- WHAT ABOUT THE HAT?
I'd remove drop tables that make crafting less of a necessity for the economy. Yes I went back on topic lol
I would love some sort of sports Jet Ball, Bloodbowl, Huttball, Blitz Ball inspired BG where we have a ball of some sort and a goal. It fits so well in sci-fi theme I think and it's a blast in any of those that I mentioned.

I don't want LFG to teleport the group.

I do not want flying mounts.

I do want Settlers and outposts and those sort of things to end up being very relevant and promote tons of open world PvP when the zones are neutral past lvl 20 and up to 50. No points system, no objectives, or developer created world PvP. But community lead, bragging rights, we own your zone and now you gotta come take it back, building outposts and fortifications in your back yard hahahahahaha tea bagging your rowsdowers come and get it PvP. Let the community have the tools and see where it goes. May turn out to be really really badass.
I would love some sort of sports Jet Ball, Bloodbowl, Huttball, Blitz Ball inspired BG where we have a ball of some sort and a goal. It fits so well in sci-fi theme I think and it's a blast in any of those that I mentioned.

I don't want LFG to teleport the group.

I do not want flying mounts.

I do want Settlers and outposts and those sort of things to end up being very relevant and promote tons of open world PvP when the zones are neutral past lvl 20 and up to 50. No points system, no objectives, or developer created world PvP. But community lead, bragging rights, we own your zone and now you gotta come take it back, building outposts and fortifications in your back yard hahahahahaha tea bagging your rowsdowers come and get it PvP. Let the community have the tools and see where it goes. May turn out to be really really badass.

I would be interested in the "sports themed battleground" as long as it was NOTHING like huttball. Huttball was a goddamn awful mess.
I would be interested in the "sports themed battleground" as long as it was NOTHING like huttball. Huttball was a goddamn awful mess.

yeah but to be honest for every person such as yourself that hated it, there were probably 10 more that loved it and I know a lot of people Huttball was their single favorite part of the entire game. I agree some of the layout was annoying but with the air jets, acid pits, and all of the movement and knockback type abilities I thought it made for a lot of fun. More fun than frustration at least in my experience.
no cause there was nothing in it for me. I did get exalted with darnassus as a gnome so I could get my cat mount. And this was in vanilla before it was easy. I had to do all the quests and then runecloth turn ins in the thousands. Got halfway to my wintersaber mount too.

I'd like to see rep grinds for vanity rewards like this in WS. I'm not so much a fan of using rep as a sort of "gate" that slows progression down, like grinding up to revered or exalted status to get a key to unlock a dungeon or raid. I'm OK with long questline attunements that are relevant lore-wise, in fact, I'd love to see raid attunements in WS. I just don't want mindless grinding of rowsdower livers or other such nonsense to get in the way of progressive content. I'll collect 5,000 livers for that armored rowsdower mount, though!
I'd like to see rep grinds for vanity rewards like this in WS. I'm not so much a fan of using rep as a sort of "gate" that slows progression down, like grinding up to revered or exalted status to get a key to unlock a dungeon or raid. I'm OK with long questline attunements that are relevant lore-wise, in fact, I'd love to see raid attunements in WS. I just don't want mindless grinding of rowsdower livers or other such nonsense to get in the way of progressive content. I'll collect 5,000 livers for that armored rowsdower mount, though!

This is one thing that I always wanted, a good long questline in which you can get up to revered status for a faction. All the gear you can buy at this state. On exalted you get vanity items. So it´s your choice to grind rep or not.

Also I just want to state that the person who figured out dailies at Blizz probably has his own golden throne and 12 slaves.
I hate dailies with a blinding passion. I hope in WS there is some solution to grinding necessary rep that is more engaging than repeating the same boring quests over and over until you want to kill yourself. :p
I hate dailies with a blinding passion. I hope in WS there is some solution to grinding necessary rep that is more engaging than repeating the same boring quests over and over until you want to kill yourself. :p
Crake and I knew this guy from our old guild that would make his 13 year old daughter do all his dailies on his 5 characters as punishment instead of grounding her in a normal way.
Crake and I knew this guy from our old guild that would make his 13 year old daughter do all his dailies on his 5 characters as punishment instead of grounding her in a normal way.

This reminds me of the woman, who let her children fish for bufffood.
Crake and I knew this guy from our old guild that would make his 13 year old daughter do all his dailies on his 5 characters as punishment instead of grounding her in a normal way.

My daughter expressed interest in running around and gathering mine nodes for me the other day. I'd have to keep her in low level zones, she's not ready for fighting yet.
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